Chapter 65 - Surprise

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𝙵𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟸𝟼𝚝𝚑, 𝟷99𝟽 - 𝟹 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

It has been two weeks since our son Prince was born. I would be lying if I say that it hasn't been easy the first few days...
Jade had to wake up every three hours in the middle of the night, to breastfeed our son.
She is completely exhausted... and I can't do much to help her. After she breastfed Prince, I let her get back to sleep and cuddle with our child, until he falls back asleep.

Today is the day where I invited our families over to Neverland, to introduce Prince to them.
Janet can't come since she's busy with work... but the rest is going to be there. Even Jade's parents.
Little did she know that I had a surprise ready for her.

Once we all got ready, I heard the door bell ringing.

"They're here." I said to Jade,
"We'll be downstairs in a minute." she replied, as she kept breastfeeding our baby.
"Alright." I said and pecked her lips, before walking downstairs.

I greeted each one of them, and welcomed them into the dining room.

"Where is my grandson?" Jade's mother asked excitedly, making me giggle.
"They'll be downstairs in a minute." I replied,
"How is she doing?" my mother asked, with a sweet and genuine smile painted on her beautiful face.
"She's exhausted... but she is doing an amazing job." I replied honestly, smiling widely.
"You clearly look happy, kid!" Jade's father commented, patting on my shoulder.
"I am." I replied and felt how my cheeks started burning.
"Ah, there she is!" Jermaine exclaimed smiling widely.

We all turned around and looked at a smiling Jade walking inside, while holding our child in her arms. Everyone started getting emotional and crowding around her, to get a glimpse of the new family member.
I quickly walked to Jade's side, wrapping my arm around her waist.

"Family... please welcome, Prince Michael Jackson." I said wholeheartedly, my heart pounding as fast as ever.
"P-Prince? Oh, god... what a beautiful name for such a beautiful creature! C-can I hold him?" her mother asked with teary eyes,
"Of course, má." Jade replied, and carefully placed Prince into her arms.

The afternoon went smoothly, everyone got the chance to hold our son and cuddle with him, until it was time for another round of breastfeeding before putting him in his crib.

Since we were now all seated around the dining table, drinking some tea or coffee, I thought that it might be the perfect moment for my surprise.

I excused myself and quickly walked to the living room, to see if the maids have decorated everything the way I wanted it. And it was.
The fireplace was lighting the entire room, rose petals and bouquets everywhere... I smiled proudly and walked back to the dining room.

"Would you please follow me to the living room, everybody?" I asked loudly, getting everybody's attention. They all had a confused look on their face, but in the end, they got up and followed me. I grabbed Jade's hand and intertwined our fingers, while walking her to the living room.

Everyone gasped...
I smiled and walked Jade to the center of the room, while our families crowded around us. I cleared my throat nervously, while looking deep into her eyes.
I took a deep breath and went down on one knee, while holding her left hand into mine, and an open red velvet box in the other. She gasped and covered her mouth with her free palm...

"Jade, my love... I have been waiting for this moment since the very first day we met, believe it or not." I joked and everyone giggled,
"Yea we all know that!" Jermaine commented,
"I-... have never loved a person this much. I don't even know how it happened... the only thing I know is that I love you, I adore you, I respect you as my partner in crime and as the mother of our child. You are the missing piece of my heart... and I hope that you will do me the honour, to make it last for a life time. That's why I'm asking you today, here in front of our family... Jade Maria López, would you marry me?" I spoke out loud, with a shaky voice and foggy vision.

She fell onto her knees right in front of me, sobbing like there was no tomorrow.

"OF COURSE!" she choked, making me smile widely. I instantly cupped her face and pressed my lips onto her's, while everybody applauded for us.

When we stepped back, I took the ring out of the box and slid it on her ring finger. She gasped when she looked at it.

"I love you." I whispered, while studying her face with a proud smile on my face.
"I love you more!" she said and quickly wrapped her arms around my neck, embracing me in a tight and sweet hug.

I could hear her mother and Kenzie sobbing louder than her, making me giggle.

*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

Once everyone left, and Prince was still peacefully sleeping in his crib, me and Michael decided to take a relaxing bath together.

I couldn't stop starring at the beautiful and breathtaking ring on my left ring finger... all our dreams that we once had, were now becoming reality. And I couldn't believe it.

After all we've been through... look at us now!
God has gifted us with a beautiful son, and now we are even engaged!

"Are you happy?" he whispered lowly, as my back was still resting against his chest, both laying in the bathtub.
"You're even asking? Of course I am! That was definitely a surprise." I exclaimed making him giggle. I slightly turned my head to the side to meet his beautiful dark brown orbs. "I love you, Michael... I really do. I can't even put it into words. I'd be lost without you, and our son." I whispered, a big smile making its way on his lips.
"I love you more, Jade... you are my life. You, our son, and our future children." he replied,
"You were serious? When you said twelve children?!" I asked while lifting both my eyebrows in surprise. He now tilted his head back, the bathroom now filled with his beautiful laughter.
"Yes. Of course." he said once he calmed down,
"Mike, my love, you know that you're crazy right?" I joked, both of us now giggling.
"Yes, about you." he whispered in a deep tone, before he started kissing my shoulder, sending a rush of goosebumps over my entire body. "How about we start practicing for baby number two?" he whispered on my skin.
"Mhhh... practicing for what? We already know how to do it, and Prince is the living proof of it." I joked,
"And? We can make it better, can't we?" he whispered, while his hand started massaging my left boob, making me gasp.
"Oh, yes we can." I moaned and quickly turned around and straddled his lap.

His hands now traveled down to my butt cheeks, giving them a good squeeze and pulling me closer to him at the same time.
My fingers now buried in his soaking wet black curls, our lips locked and our tongues dancing like crazy.

I started rolling my hips back and forth, my highly aroused v-area now rubbing against his erected shaft.

"You're so beautiful..." he gasped, while his eyes traveled down to my full and perky breasts, which now look like two watermelons.
"Not as much as you, daddy!" I whispered in a seductive tone.

His muscles immediately tensed, and with a quick movement he slightly lifted me up, and when I sunk back down he filled me up deeply, making us both release a loud moan.

"Fuck, you're so tight already." he groaned, while kissing my neck.
"God, Michael... I will never get used to how big you are." I moaned, and started moving my hips in circular motion on top of him.
"But I make you feel good, don't I?" he whispered in a deep voice, "say it, Jade." he added and slapped my left butt cheek, making me moan loudly.

Shortly after, I started riding him like there was no tomorrow. My breasts jumping up and down right in front of his face, the water splashing everywhere while the pleasure started to consume us.

"OHH GODDD MICHAEL!!" I moaned loudly,
"Cum for me baby, cum for me." he whispered breathlessly, and started sucking on my nipple. My mind was now completely foggy and I started feeling dizzy. My legs started shaking uncontrollably and I felt my orgasm rising within me.
"M-MICHAEL... I-I'M C-.." I started, but didn't get to finish the sentence since the feeling of pure ecstasy started washing over me. My juices exploding all over him, while his erected shaft inside of me started twitching followed by a full load of his climax deep inside of me.

We were now both completely out of breath, consumed by our love making.

"Damn.. it gets better every time... I love you so much, Jade." he whispered breathlessly, while gently shoving my hair out of my face, making me grin.
"I love you too, Michael!" I whispered and pecked his lips.

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