Chapter 25 - Yokohama

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𝙾𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟺𝚝𝚑, 𝟷9𝟾𝟽 - 9:𝟹𝟶 𝙿.𝙼
*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

I was now singing the last song of this concert in Yokohama, and I can't wait to go back to the Hotel to freshen up and talk with Jade over the phone.

Once the Song 'Bad' was over, I blew kisses to the audience and shouted a "Thank you! Good night!" before running backstage to get changed.

When I changed back into my regular clothes, I got escorted outside where a car was waiting for me.
Soon, my securities started driving back to the Hotel.

As soon as I arrived, I got escorted to my Suite and I immediately walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower and putting some fresh clothes on.

After the shower was done, I looked over at the clock: 10:30 P.M. which means that it's 6:30 A.M. in Los Angeles right now.
Jade said she would wake up around this time so that we could talk over the phone, who knows if she's awake already?

I sat down on the bed and picked up the speaker, digiting Jade's number and waiting for her to pick up.
Right when I was about to hang up, I heard a faint voice on the other side of the machine.

"Hello?" she mumbled in a raspy voice, which sounded almost like a whisper.
"Baby? Were you still sleeping? Did I wake you up?" I asked,
"Mmh... no." she mumbled, clearly still half-asleep. I grinned.
"Yes you were... I'm sorry." I whispered softly,
"It's okay... are you at the Hotel already?" she whispered,
"Yea, I already took a shower and I'm laying in bed right now." I explained,
"Good. How was the show?" she asked before yawning, making me giggle by how cute she is.
"It was amazing. But it would've been better if you were here." I replied,
"I know, baby... I wish I could be there too, but I have to work... or my boss will literally slit my throat." she joked, making us both laugh.
"Yea, and we don't want that. I need you alive if I want to marry you someday." I said, biting my bottom lip, wondering how she's reacting to what I just said.
"W-what? What did you just say?" she stuttered, I felt my cheeks burning hot.
"What I just said. I want to marry you someday, Jade. And I want to build a family with you... having our own children. Can you imagine? Tons of daughters looking like you, and sons looking like me." I whispered softly, smiling like an idiot to myself.
"T-that would be a dream come true for me..." she whispered after a few seconds of deep silence,
"For me too. It doesn't have to be now, since it's too soon and I know that you're on the pill... but someday, maybe after my Tour..." I whispered, playing with the cord of the telephone speaker.
"Sounds like a good plan to me, Jackson. I can't wait for our future together." she replied, making my smile grow even wider.
"You know... I was thinking to buy a Ranch... I've visited it with Paul McCartney during the 'Say Say Say' Video..." I explained,
"A Ranch?" she asked surprised and released a giggle,
"Yea... it's in Los Olivos, it's about a two hour ride from Los Angeles. You should have seen it. It's so beautiful. It's an 2,700 acres big Ranch, and I am willing to make a place where me, children and even adults can return to their childhood and have fun..." I explained, picturing how it would look. I already had plans.
"This sounds amazing baby... you should do it." she replied, encouraging me.
"I will." I replied.

We ended up talking for hours and hours, she gave me company since I couldn't sleep like usual.
Around 2 A.M. my eyelids started feeling heavy...

"Baby you should go to sleep... I can tell by your voice that you're tired. We can talk later, after my meeting, okay?" she whispered softly,
"Alright... thank you for staying up with me so long... I love you, Jade." I whispered in a raspy voice,
"I love you too, Michael. Good night." she whispered and send me a kiss through the phone.

After saying our goodbyes we hung up, and I cuddled with the pillow, slowly drifting in a deep and peaceful slumber.
That night I dreamt of the Ranch... filled with children, playing and running around like there was no tomorrow. Going on rides by the amusement park zone. A Ranch called Neverland Ranch, since I feel like Peter Pan in my heart. Yes, that is going to be the name.
A house for me and Jade... and our soon to be little family.

*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅* - 𝟹 𝙿.𝙼.

Me and Kenzie are now finished with our meeting and decided to go grab a coffee before going back to my condo.
Blake escorted us to a Café nearby and grabbed two coffees to-go for us, before driving to my Condo.

"So he's really considering on buying that Ranch? And you said it's 2,700 acres big? Damn, how much is the value?" Kenzie asked while sipping on her coffee, both of us sitting in the backseats of the car.
"Yea... I don't know, but it really sounds like a good idea, and if that is his dream then I'm willing on supporting him throughout this." I replied, "he even talked about marrying me someday and build a family, having tons of children together." I added and giggled, feeling how my heart started pounding as fast as ever against my chest. Kenzie almost choked on her coffee and nearly burned herself. Then her head snapped towards me, our eyes locked.
"What?! He said that?" she asked surprised with wide eyes, making me laugh.
"Yea." I replied,
"And what did you say?" she asked excitedly, before we stepped out of the car and walked inside my condo.

"That it'd be a dream come true, which is the truth." I replied and walked towards the couch to sit down, and she did the same.
"So... you really want this? It sounds pretty serious." Kenzie asked in a serious tone, I smiled and nodded.
"Yes. I know, and I'm ready for it. I mean... I'm twenty-six now, almost twenty-seven. If not now then when?" I replied happily and sipped my coffee,
"Well, why aren't you pregnant yet then? You guys probably have animalistic and ferocious sex every night and I wonder how you're not pregnant yet when having Michael Jackson as your boyfriend. I was expecting his semen to moonwalk straight into your uterus." Kenzie said making my spill my coffee and laugh out loud, so hard that I was almost peeing myself.
"KENZ!" I scolded playfully, while she laughed her ass off as well.
"What? I'm being honest..." she replied,
"I'm on the pill, you dumbass!" I said once I've calmed down.
"Oh... and are you planning on stop taking the pill?" she asked,
"Well, yea, but not at the moment. He said someday after the Tour." I replied honestly.
"I'm very happy for you Jade... I haven't seen you that happy for a long long time, you're literally glowin'. You only deserve the best." she said after a while, smiling at me.
"Thank you, Kenz." I replied smiling back at her, before embracing her in a friendly hug.

We kept chatting and joking around, gossiping about other models, singers etc.
That was until I started missing Michael again...
I can't wait for him to come back soon.

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