Chapter 16 - Living in a dream

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𝙽𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟶𝚝𝚑, 𝟷9𝟾𝟼 - 𝟾 𝙰.𝙼.
*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

The clock standing on my bedside table is now showing that it's 8 in the morning.
Jade is still peacefully sleeping, her head resting on my chest, her arm wrapped around my torso, our legs intertwined.
I barely slept tonight... I spent most of the time looking at her. I can't believe that she is finally mine now...
After all that we've been through, all the up's and down's, all the tears we've shed, all the emotions we kept to ourselves... and now she is finally laying in my arms. She loves me.

I gently stroke her shoulder and her arm with my fingertips, smiling like an idiot.
The warm yellow sun was already shining through the windows, resting on her beautiful face, her honey-tainted skin now shining in a golden colour.

Slowly, her eyelids started flickering and she mumbled something, before slightly tightening her grip around my torso, and her eyes fluttered open.
After a few seconds she looked up to me with tired eyes, and flashed me a faint smile.

"Good morning..." she whispered in a raspy tone, making my heart flutter in my chest. I smiled back at her,
"Good morning, sleeping beauty." I whispered softly before placing a kiss on top of her head. She then stretched her body and rolled over onto her back, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes with her knuckles.
"How long have you been awake? What time is it?" she asked confused and disoriented,
"It's eight, and I've been awake almost the entire night." I replied, making her eyes grew wider when she looked at me, a giggle slipping out of my mouth at her reaction.
"You what? Why didn't you wake me up? I could've given you some company..." she whined, "why didn't you sleep?" she then added, sitting up and covering her naked body with the thin layer of the bedsheets.
"I was too amazed by your beauty... and I can't believe that you're here with me... that's why I couldn't sleep. If this is a dream, please don't wake me up, cause I've been dreaming of this since the first day I've met you." I replied honestly, the smile on my face not fading away. Her cheeks turned into a slight pinky shade, her lips grew wider into a sweet and shy smile. She then scooped closer and cupped my cheek with her tiny, soft hand... her face leaned closer and I automatically closed my eyes, as soon as her soft lips connected with mine in a sweet peck.

When I re-opened my eyes, I met her beautiful brown-orbs.

"This is not a dream... and I have just proven it to you. I am here with you Michael, and I still love you." she whispered softly, making me smile. I then gently grabbed her hips and rolled her back, so that I was now laying on top of her. I locked our lips in a sweet and gentle kiss, our lips moving in perfect sync, just like we were made for each other.
"And I still love you more, Jade." I whispered as soon as our lips parted. Her hands wrapped around my head, her fingers buried into my messy curly hair, my body placed in between her legs under the bedsheets. "So... you're my girl now, right?" I asked shyly, looking deep into her eyes. She then released a giggle.
"If you want me to, sure. That has been my wish since the first time our hands touched for that handshake at the Grammy's." she replied, making me giggle as well, my cheeks burning hot.
"Gee... how do you do that?" I then said, both still laughing.
"Do what?" she asked,
"Making me feel like this... I feel like a teenager all over again, falling in love for the first time." I replied, my hand now gently cupping her cheek, my thumb slowly stroking her soft skin.
"Well... I could ask you the same question, Jackson." she replied.

We were now both smiling, before our lips connected again.

"Shower? Together?" I whispered after making our for a few minutes,
"Yes." she replied, flashing me a beautiful smile, showing off her perfect teeth.

We then both stepped out of bed, and walked into the bathroom hand in hand. I quickly opened the water in the shower, and when I turned around she was already standing in front of the sink brushing her teeth.
My eyes automatically traveled down to her naked body... her perfect curves exposed right there in front of me. She's a divinity in motion. Simply perfect.
God really did a masterpiece with that woman.

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