Chapter 59 - Time to announce

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𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝟸𝟶𝚝𝚑, 𝟷99𝟼 - 𝟺 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

We ended up telling my family about the pregnancy, and they were overly excited from the good news. They washed us with lots of love, they were also really caring ... and well, they even got emotional.
Jade said she was gonna call her parents soon, or maybe even go visit them before the Tour starts, to give them the same News.

But today we are sitting in her boss's office, since we had to talk with her about the fact that Jade needs a break from her job and needs to come with me on Tour.

"So? You wanted to talk to me... what's wrong?" her boss said, while sitting behind her desk with crossed legs and intertwined hands resting on the desk. I grabbed Jade's hand and squeezed it gently.
"Mrs. Wilson... uhm... i-it's about... I need a break from work." Jade stuttered in a shaky voice, her boss then lifted both her eyebrows in a surprised look.
"Pardon? I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you right..." she mocked,
"Mrs. Wilson, excuse me for my intrusion.... but you did hear right, Jade needs a break from work. She needs to come with me on Tour, starting in September." I explained, she starred at me for a few seconds before she started laughing. It sounded more like a sarcastic laugh to me.
"And why is that, Mr. Jackson? Just because she's your girlfriend you think you can make her quit her job to come on Tour with you?" she said,
"No. She needs to come on Tour with me so that I can take care of her. She needs rest and I want to be by her side during the pregnancy, since she suffered from miscarriage last time. I believe you understand that, right?" I said and smirked, when I saw her jaw almost dropping onto the floor. Then her eyes traveled back to Jade who was sitting next to me, shaking her leg nervously.
"Mrs. López, is that true? You didn't tell me... I mean, I did notice that you gained some weight sometime last year but I didn't know that you were pregnant or had a miscarriage." her boss said,
"It didn't matter anymore... so..." Jade whispered. Mrs. Wilson released a heavy sigh before looking down at her hands, and then back at me.
"And for how long are you going to be on Tour, Mr. Jackson?" she asked,
"Until October of next year, m'am." I replied, and her eyes instantly grew wider.
"Isn't there any other way for Jade to stay here and at least do a shooting or interview every now and then?" she asked, and now it was my turn to laugh.
"Mrs. Wilson, I don't think you understand... it's the health of my child and my future wife that we're talking about here... she needs rest, the Doctor made it really clear. And after what we've been through last time I am definitely not going to leave her alone. She needs to come on Tour with me, whether you like it or not. I'm sorry." I said, causing a dead-silence in the room.
"Fine... but you're coming back after the Tour? To work?" she asked Jade, after a few minutes.
"I could consider that offer, yes." Jade replied.
"Alright. Take good care of yourself then... and I hope to see you soon again. You were one of the best models I've ever had in a lifetime, Mrs. López." her boss replied,
"Thank you, Mrs. Wilson. I will definitely reach out to you when it's the right time." Jade said.

After saying our goodbyes, we drove straight to the Stadium where I have rehearsal for the Tour.
It was now time to tell Frank... but that's not going to be that difficult . He's a really understanding guy and he adores Jade.

Once we arrived, I walked backstage to get ready for rehearsal, before looking after Frank while holding hands with Jade.

"Frank!" I called out when I saw him in the corridors,
"Mike! What's up?" he said while approaching us and giving me a quick hug, doing the same with Jade.
"We need to talk to you..." I said in a calm tone,
"This doesn't sound good." he sighed, "come here..." he added and walked us into a more private area. "What's going on?" he asked,
"Would it be okay if Jade joins us on Tour?" I asked all in one breath, without hesitating a little. I shouldn't even ask, he's my manager, not my boss. He looked at us for a while, blinking a couple of times.
"That wouldn't be a problem, no, but may I ask why?" he said,
"I'm pregnant." Jade said before I could reply, taking Frank completely off guard. A surprised look painted on his face...
"W-wh-... really? Well, congratulations! That's amazing news!!" he said and quickly embraced Jade in another hug, making her giggle.
"Of course you can join us, no need to ask!" he added once they stepped back. It was now my turn to get hugged, while his hand patted my shoulder.
"Thank you, Frank. I really appreciate it." I whispered, before stepping back.
"No need to thank me. Now go and do your rehearsal and make sure to drink and eat enough. Your woman needs you now more than ever... you can't afford to collapse like last time. You need a lot of patience with her now... especially in the first trimester, she's going to be moody all the time..." he joked, making us all laugh.
"Don't worry , I know how to handle her." I replied.

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