Chapter 47 - The Spirit of Christmas

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𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟻𝚝𝚑, 𝟷99𝟹 - 9 𝙰.𝙼.
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

Me and Liz decorated the entire House here at Neverland last night, we wanted to surprise Michael...
And right now he's still asleep, and we are about to go and wake him up.

We are both still in our pajama's, makeup-less and our hair a real mess. But we didn't really care.
Liz's husband is filming this entire morning, so that Michael is going to have a memory of this day on tape.

So we walked towards his bedroom, and we started teasing him.

"Michaeeel?" she yelled as we approached the closed doors of his bedroom, the she knocked a few times. "Michael?" she called out again.
"Come on, Mike. Wake up!" I yelled as well, knocking again.
"It's the spirit of Christmas!" Liz sing-songed in a funny voice, making me giggle. "We came to hauntt youuuuu." she sang again.

After a few seconds, we knocked and called his name out again.
Minutes went by, before he finally opened the door, revealing himself in his red pajama. Yet, he freezed right there in the spot, since Elizabeth took her dog with her to Neverland, and Michael is weirdly afraid of dogs.

"If you don't come out its going to bite you." I teased making us all giggle. He simply smiled shyly. Then he finally stepped outside and embraced Liz in a quick friendly hug, placing a kiss on her cheek and wishing her a Merry Christmas. Next on, he hugged me tightly and placed a kiss on my cheek as well.
"Merry Christmas, Jade." he whispered softly,
"Merry Christmas, Michael." I whispered back, before we stepped back and smiled at each other.

Finally we moved on, and walked him into the living room which looked like it came out straight from Santa's home, while he was holding his black fedora in his left hand. There were beautiful Christmas decorations everywhere , a gigantic Christmas Tree with tons of gifts resting underneath.

"Oh my god... it's incredible... I can't believe this!" he said, making me and Liz giggle.

He then stopped right in front of the tree, and started glancing at it, touching it carefully. The sparkle in his eyes says everything ...
I couldn't help but smile like an idiot.

While he went to glance at the rest of the Christmas decorations, me and Liz stopped in front of the fireplace where there were laying some presents for him...

"That's yours..." Liz said to him and pointed at the gifts.
"Santa came?" he joked,
"Santa from Bel-Air." I commented, making us all laugh. He looked so cute in that red pajama, his black curls all messy...

"Can I open it?" he asked shyly,
"Sure!!!" Liz replied excitedly.

After opening those presents, he thanked us and went to quickly change into regular clothes, and we did the same.
When he came back, he was wearing a pair of black slacks and a red blouse, of course his black fedora was placed on top of his head.

Once we were all changed and ready, we sat down on the floor around the Tree and started unpacking the rest of the presents.

He started unpacking one of my presents, which was an incredibly soft red cardigan, which he seems to love.

"Oooh, I love it!" he said smiling like a little kid,
"You like it?" I asked,
"Yes! Putting it on, right now." he replied excitedly and did as he said.

I was damn right... it looked beyond good on him.

The rest of the presents were... just to joke around.
We filled him with tons of super soakers, since we knew that he loved that kind of stuff.

For the first time in months, he looked genuinely happy again.
It brings tears of joy to my eyes, seeing him like this.
That was exactly what me and Liz wanted. And it worked.

Soon the entire house was filled with laughter and love.
This was definitely a memory that I'd want to keep in my heart forever...

*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

After I've opened all my presents, it was time to give Jade her present.

So I reached out to grab it, and handed it over to her with a wide smile plastered on my face.

"This one's for you..." I said shyly, looking at her. She pressed her lips in a straight line, trying to hold back a smile, while tilting her head to the side.
"You shouldn't have..." she whispered, looking deep into my eyes.
"Yes, I do. After all you've done for me, you deserve this and even more... so take it." I said. She sighed and grabbed it, starting to open up her present.

Under the paper, there was a box... and once she opened that, she gasped and her jaw literally dropped to the floor.

"Oh my goodness! How beautiful!" Liz commented with a sweet smile upon her lips, making me blush.
"You like it, Jade?" I asked, studying her face.

Her eyes were now filled with tears...

It was a golden necklace in a shape of two little hearts, and on top of that there are our names, with a little diamond.

"You're crazy... you're dead crazy! This is too much, I can't accept it." she whispered while a tear rolled down her cheek, making me giggle.
"Yes you can." I replied and stood up.

I grabbed the necklace and put it on her, locking it from behind. It was now resting elegantly on her collarbone.
When I turned over to face her, I smiled brightly.

"It looks good on you." I complimented. She smiled and gently touched it with her fingertip, before standing up and jumping on me, wrapping her arms around my neck.
"Thank you, Mike..." she whispered. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer.
"Now you will always have me close to your heart..." I whispered softly into her ear,
"I didn't need a necklace for that, because you already are in my heart, silly." she whispered back making us both laugh.

When we stepped back, I cupped her face and looked deep into her eyes. I wish I could kiss her right now...
Right when I was about to kiss her, Liz interrupted us saying to go and have breakfast.
I sighed and watched Jade run after Liz, excited to finally get some food to ease her hungry stomach.

I couldn't help but giggle and shake my head.

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