Chapter 40 - Just Friends

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𝙹𝚊𝚗𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 9𝚝𝚑, 𝟷99𝟹 - 𝚗𝚘𝚘𝚗
*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

I already took a shower and got dressed. Now I was walking in the foyer back and forth, waiting for Jade to arrive. She should be here any minute now.
God, I'm so nervous, I haven't seen her in three years...

Suddenly I heard the door bell ringing. I gasped and adjusted my black fedora, while Blanca went to open the door.

"Welcome back, Mrs. López." she gently greeted her,
"I'm not back, Blanca, I'm just here to visit.." Jade said while stepping inside, giggling.

That laugh... I missed it.

She then turned around, looking in front of her, where I was staying. That's when our eyes met for the very first time in three years.
My throat suddenly became really dry, my breath got stuck in my throat, and my heart stopped beating... those beautiful soft brown orbs... those beautiful full pink lips... that beautiful face.
My eyes traveled down her body, studying every curve like it was the first time...

I blinked multiple times and gulped, before approaching her.
Her breath just as heavy as mine.

"H-hi..." I whispered, she pressed her lips in a straight line, trying hard not to smile or to show any emotions. But her cheeks turning in a pinky shade, told me something else.
"Uhm, hi..." she whispered back, and looked down at her feet.

I immediately stepped closer and embraced her in a friendly hug, inhaling that cologne that I oh-so-missed.
Her soft hair caressing my face.
She hugged me back by wrapping her arms around my waist, my heart pounding so fast against her chest.

After a while we finally stepped back and smiled at each other.
She started looking around, while walking towards the dining room. I followed her slowly, studying every movement of her's, her walk, her face... everything.

"I see nothing has changed here, since I left..." she said and went to take a seat at the table. I sat down in front of her, so that I could admire her from a better perspective.
"No, nothing." I replied, confirming her theory. She nodded, as our eyes locked again.
"Y-you l-look... uhm..." she started but stopped to clear her throat, "you look good..." she added, almost whispering, making me smile and blush at the same time.
"Thank you. You look gorgeous like always." I replied. Now it was her turn to blush and smile.

Oh, how I missed to tease each other... I simply missed her.
And I believe we are going to have lots of fun when playing this little game of our's...

We started chatting about the Tour, my album, her job, and stuff like that, until launch was ready.

With the more time that went by, the more she has loosened up, and me too. We were both so tensed when she arrived, it was almost embarrassing.
But now... now it feels like two old friends that met for launch after many years.

After launch, we went for a walk around the Ranch, as we kept chatting and updating each other about the last three years.

At some point, we stopped walking.

"You know, I kind of discovered a sport that I like to practice now and then..." I said, flashing her a smirk. She lifted both her eyebrows, her eyes now widened.
"A sport? Now I'm curious. Shoot." she said and crossed her arms, I giggled and went to fill up a ballon with water, before tightening a knot.

I turned around to face her and showed her the water balloon resting in my hand. Her eyebrows slowly went down again, her smile faded away.

"Oh, no... no-no-no-no Michael, please!" she said as she started running away.

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