Chapter 56 - Finally

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𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟼𝚝𝚑, 𝟷99𝟻 - 𝟻 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

It has been four months since we lost our little daughter ...
Four months since I moved back in, in Neverland.

I used to have a psychologist to come over and check on me at the beginning, he even prescribed me some medicines that helped me throughout this entire time.
Now, thank God, I do not need those anymore. I'm not saying that I'm not in pain anymore, because I am. It's that kind of pain that will haunt you forever.
It's just that at some point you understand that life goes on...

Michael has been taking care of me for so many months, and like that wasn't enough he was also in a huge conflict with Lisa and her lawyer. I've noticed a change in him a while ago, he is not doing good, and I am seriously concerned about his health.
On top of that, he is also rehearsing for a performance of the One Night Only - HBO Special ... I told him not to do it, since he isn't fit.
But Michael being the stubborn man that he is, obviously won't listen to me.

Indeed I was alone at home tonight, since he's rehearsing for that Show.
I was in the kitchen helping the cook to prepare some dinner, when suddenly I heard my phone ringing.

I quickly picked up the speaker and brought it to my ear,

"You're talking to Jade Lòpez." I said,
"Jade? It's me, Frank." a male voice - which I haven't heard in forever - said.
"Frank? Hi. It's so good to hear you." I replied, he sighed. That's when I got the gut feeling that something was wrong. "Frank? What is going on?" I asked, worry taking control over me.
"It's Michael..." he whispered deeply, I gulped.
"What happened?" I asked in a shaky voice,
"We rushed him to the hospital... he collapsed during the rehearsal. The Doctors are still visiting him so we don't know exactly what he has yet." he explained in a calm tone, like he was trying to keep me calm too, but I was already hyperventilating.
"Which hospital?!" I asked while I quickly went to grab my coat, as soon as he told me the address I hung up and walked outside.

"Bill?! Get the car ready, quick! I need to go to the Hospital." I said nervously, and he immediately did as I said.

After a long ride, we finally arrived at the Hospital. A big crowd of fans, paparazzi and tabloids were waiting outside and screaming like crazy.
Bill of course protected me from the mass and escorted me inside.

I then asked informations about Michael and shortly after they told me where I could find him.
As I arrived, I noticed Janet and Lisa-Marie waiting in the corridors. Oh, so now she even has the nerves to show up, after all the mess that she has been causing?!
I scoffed and quickly approached her in a furious look.

"Listen you bitch, you're not wanted here, and I also think you've done enough, so why don't you turn those slutty heels you have on and leave?" I hissed, while she looked at me with a surprised look and released a sarcastic giggle.
"In case you forgot, I am still his wife and I have all the rights to show up. You on the other hand are just the bitch that he knocked up, and by chance fate played a bad trick on you since you've lost the baby from my husband." she said with a lot of sassiness, breaking my heart in a thousand pieces.
"You nasty piece of shit!" I said in a loud tone while I started rolling up my sleeves, getting ready to punch the hell outta her.

Unfortunately Michael's securities held me back, and Janet also ran towards me, trying to calm me down.

Shortly after, the Doctor came out of Michael's room and let Lisa go first.
I pushed Bill back so that I could free myself from his grip, before approaching the Doctor.

"Doc, can you please tell me what the problem with Mr. Jackson is?" I asked politely, trying to be as calm as possible even though I was still extremely pissed.
"May I ask who you are, m'am?" he asked me,
"I'm-.. his girlfriend. It's complicated." I sighed,
"Well, uhm... Mr. Jackson is suffering from gastro-enteritis as well as dehydration and electrolytes imbalance. We are already giving him the medication that he needs through IV, and he is responding good to it. We re going to keep him here for another couple of hours, and if he'll feel better he can go home. He needs a lot of rest, though." he explained.
"Thank you very much. May I see him?" I replied,
"As soon as Mrs. Jackson leaves the room, yes." he said.

I nodded and thanked him again, before he walked away.

*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

I was now laying in the Hospital examination room, medicine flowing through the IV in my veins, while Lisa-Marie came inside just to tell me that she gives up and will finally file the divorce papers.

After discussing a few things she turned the heels and left.

Shortly after, the door re-opened and Jade walked inside approaching the stretcher I was laying on.

"Oh god... I'm so sorry, Mike, how do you feel?" she asked concerned as she gently squeezed my hand and stroke my hair. I smiled widely while looking at her. She looks so cute when she's worried.
"I'm doing better now, don't worry baby." I reassured her in a sweet tone, she instantly released a sigh of relief before sitting down next to me, not letting go of my hand.
"What did that bitch want? I was that close to punch her in the face earlier..." she scoffed making me giggle, but I immediately stopped when I realised what she said.
"Wait what? You were about to punch her? Why-.. what happened?" I asked confused,
"It doesn't matter. What did she want?" she insisted,
"That she gives up and will finally file her divorce papers." I replied honestly, "Now I'm officially all yours..." I added and grinned.
"Oh, thank god!" she exclaimed making me giggle. I grabbed her hand and slightly pulled her closer to peck her lips.
"Would you like to be officially my girl, again, Jade?" I whispered softly, making her smile.
"Of course, Jackson." she whispered back, before cupping my face and locking our lips in a sweet and passionate kiss.

Right when we were starting to deepen the kiss, we heard knocking on the door accompanied by a fake cough.

"Oh, sorry you lovebirds, didn't mean to interrupt ya." Janet said. I immediately rolled my eyes while Jade seemed clearly amused.
"Come on in, Jan." Jade replied,
"I just wanted to see how my big brother was doing." Janet said as she walked closer, and looked at me.
"I'm good, don't worry." I replied and grabbed her hand, trying to reassure her.
"Yeah but you don't look good... you have to start and focus on your health more, Mike. You almost gave us a heart attack, are you aware of that?" she said firmly,
"I know, I'm sorry. I promise that I will from now on." I replied honestly,
"You better mean it." she scoffed, making me giggle, before she looked over at Jade. "Oh an by the way... what is this story of my brother having you knocked up while he is still married to Lisa? And you lost the baby?! When did that happen?!" she asked.

I immediately noticed how Jade started feeling uncomfortable, her eyes now glossy. I sighed.

"Jan... not now, please." I whispered, she looked back at me and nodded.
"I'm sorry..." she whispered looking back at Jade. She faked a smile and nodded.
"And by the way I'm no longer married to Lisa. We're divorcing." I announced,
"Oh? That's great news!!! Are you guys back together?" she said excitedly, making me and Jade giggle.
"Yes, we are." she replied as she stepped closer and grabbed my hand.

Janet wouldn't stop freaking out. She always knew and hoped for us to get together, since the very beginning... I guess some things never change.

Everything was slowly going back to its old place... it feels like my dream is coming true.

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