Chapter 8 - Yes

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𝚂𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟽𝚝𝚑, 𝟷9𝟾𝟺 - 𝟾 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

It has been a month now. One month, since I've last seen Michael.
One month, since we kissed...
We didn't talk for a few days, but when I called him a couple of days after that night, I explained that it's okay. We made a mistake, but everything is fine, and we are still good friends, nothing changed.

He told me how worried he was, afraid that he would lose me or our friendship over that stupid kiss.
Well - it wasn't a stupid kiss, at least not for me. That kiss... meant to much to me, and ever since my feelings are confused. So confused... but I promised to myself, that I won't fall for my friend... I won't do that to Paul. - besides, I am not in love with Michael. Right?!

Tonight, Paul decided to take me out for dinner, and he told me to wear a nice dress. I don't know for what occasion, but I guess I'll find out soon.

After I've taken a long cold shower, I started getting ready. I was wearing a dark-blue dress with thin straps, with a light slit on my left thigh.
I straightened my hair and did my makeup, before matching some jewellery and spray some of my favourite cologne.

Around 8:30 P.M. I was all ready, and I heard the door bell ringing.
I quickly grabbed my stuff and walked over to open the door. Paul was wearing a black and white suite, and he looked amazing!

"Are you ready?" he asked in a sweet tone, I smiled and nodded. I switched off the lights and locked the door, before walking outside with him.

We stepped inside the limo, and Blake immediately escorted us to the address that Paul gave him.
I figured that it's a fancy restaurant, of course he couldn't rent the entire place since he's not a celebrity, that means that people are also inside and they might recognise me. But I'll deal with it.

On our way to the entrance, Paparazzi's kept shooting photos of us and screaming tons of questions, which we fully ignored.
Once we were inside, people's heads turned in my direction. Thank God, Blake walked in with us, ready to protect me at all costs.
A waitress then walked closer to us, and escorted us to our table.

"May I ask what the occasion for such a fancy dinner is?" I asked playfully, looking at Paul sitting in front of me. He giggled nervously.
"I just wanted to have some nice dinner with my girlfriend, what's the matter with that?" he replied,
"Nothing... it's just... I don't know, different, from all the other dinners and dates that we've had." I said, now it was my turn to giggle.

Everything went smooth so far, we enjoyed our dinner, chatted and joked a lot.
Suddenly, the lights were dimmed down, and some soft music started playing in the background. A sudden spotlight was shining upon our table. Everyone around us turned to look at us and gasped.
In that very moment, I felt confused, until I turned to look back at Paul but I noticed that he wasn't sitting in his chair anymore... he was bending on one knee next to me, with a velvet box in his hands.

My eyes grew wide, my lips slightly parted... and I was almost choking on my own breath.

"P-Paul... what are you doing?" I whispered so that only he could hear me, he smiled brightly.
"Jade... baby... you were right, tonight is different than all the other dates we've been. It's different because I wanted to make it special. From the first moment I layed my eyes on you, from the first time we went on a date... I knew that my heart belonged to you. You complete me, you made a better man out of me, and not because of your status of because of your fame or whatever... but because I love you, and I realised that I want to fall asleep every night with you in my arms. Every morning when I wake up, it's your face I wanna see. That's why I'm asking you tonight, here in front of everybody... would you marry me?" he said in a shaky voice, tears starting to form in his eyes.

I placed my hand over my heart, still in shock. He took me so off guard, I really didn't expect any of this.

*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*
𝟷𝟷 𝙿.𝙼.

Me and my brother's are now sitting on the couch in front of the television, eating popcorn, and goofing around after another exhausting Show here in Denver.

Suddenly, the News Channel came up interrupting the film we were watching. Some of my brothers scoffed, but Jackie immediately shushed them.

"Hey, listen to this!" Jackie said and pointed to the television.

"Breaking News: the well known model Jade López was spotted earlier tonight in a fancy Restaurant, on a date with her boyfriend. The guests in the Restaurant as well as some of those who work in there, testified that Paul - López's boyfriend - made up a romantic date and proposed to the Supermodel. The Paparazzi's even took a photo, take a look at this!" the Reporter said, before showing off a photo of Jade in a beautiful-breathtaking night-blue dress, sitting in a chair at their table, Paul on one knee holding a velvet box in his hand.

I gulped.

"The Paparazzi's said, that once the couple stepped out of the Restaurant, Jade López showed them her engagement ring and she seemed to be happy and excited!" the Reporter said again, before showing a video that confirmed what she just said.

I scoffed and got up, walking outside in the corridors slamming the door shut behind me.

Why do I keep falling in love with the wrong woman? Why me?
I hoped that she would feel the same way that I do, especially after sharing that kiss... but clearly, I was wrong.

Soon I heard someone approaching me from behind, and touching my shoulder.

"Mike... you okay?" a soft voice said, it was Marlon. I couldn't take it anymore, I turned around and fell into his embrace, tears streaming uncontrollably down my cheeks.

That night, I spent the most horrible nights of my life. I couldn't sleep, at all, I stayed awake all night thinking about how happy Jade looked in that video that was shown in the News.
She's happy... and that's all that matters.

She didn't even bother to call me and share the News with me... she's probably busy with her fiancé . And that's okay.

Marlon stayed with me for tonight, even though it wasn't really helpful. Nothing and no one can replace her... or the feelings I've developed for her.

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