Chapter 52 - Hormones

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𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝟷𝟹𝚝𝚑, 𝟷99𝟻 - 𝟷𝟶 𝙰.𝙼.
*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

Last week Jade told me that she's pregnant with my child. Our child.
I made sure to stay with her as much as possible, trying not to look suspicious to Lisa-Marie. I told her that I had to stay with Randy since he has been going through a hard time... which is a lie of course.

And today we have an appointment with the gynaecologist and we are going to see our baby for the very first time.

She still had serious nausea and she always throws up during the night and in the early mornings, she also says that she feels extremely exhausted, her breasts are sore and she was also incredibly moody.
But I didn't mind... because I know that her body was going through a change because of the pregnancy hormones.

That's why I appreciate women so much, especially her... I love her dearly. I think I never loved anyone as much as I love Jade.
And now she's carrying my child... which is such a beautiful thing.

"Are you nervous?" she asked suddenly, while we were still sitting in the car. I looked over to her and smiled widely.
"No, not at all. Are you?" I asked, she smiled slightly and shook her head.
"No, until I have you here with me I'm good." she replied. I leaned in to peck her lips and gently squeezed her hand.

Shortly after we arrived at the medical office. Bill quickly escorted us inside.
A nurse was friendly enough to walk us in the examination room, where we had to wait for the Doctor to arrive.

About a few minutes later, an elder man with grey hair and glasses came in and greeted us friendly.
Jade then started answering his questions, while he documented everything.

"Alright, Mrs. López. Please undress your lower body and lay down on that stretcher over there, so that I can take a look at your baby via ultrasound." he said. And that's what she did.

Once she was ready, she layed down and placed her legs in those stirrups, her legs wide open exposing her complete nudity.
I stayed next to her and held her hand really tight.

The Doctor then approached us and sat down on a footstool, with latex gloves on. He then put some of that ultrasound gel on a stick, before sliding it inside of her.
An image starting to show up on the monitor. After searching for a while, he finally pointed at a spot.

 After searching for a while, he finally pointed at a spot

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"There... that's your baby. I would say that you're about seven weeks and two days pregnant. The due date would be... January 29th, 1996." he said, my eyes already filled up with tears and such a big smile plastered on my face that even my cheeks were hurting.
"T-that's our baby, Doc? That little thing?" I whispered in a shaky voice, he giggled.
"Yes, Mr. Jackson. Your baby is now about the size of a grape." he explained, I looked over at Jade and she was biting her bottom lip so hard trying to hold back the sobs, while tears were streaming uncontrollably down her cheeks. "And now... this is the heartbeat. It's going to be really fast, but don't worry it's totally normal for a baby at seven weeks." he said, and shortly after the entire room was filled with a loud and fast heartbeat.

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