Chapter 60 - Boy Or Girl?

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𝚂𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟶𝚝𝚑, 𝟷99𝟼 - 9 𝙰.𝙼.
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

Tonight Michael is attending his second Show of the HIStory Tour here in Budapest, Hungary.
Today also marks 18 weeks of my pregnancy, which is a record since the last one lasted only fourteen weeks. The baby is doing fine and so am I.
I am still taking my vitamins daily, and the freshly graduated Doctor that came with us said that I should keep taking them during the entire pregnancy and also afterwards if I plan on breastfeeding.

For a matter of facts, today I am getting an ultrasound to see if we're expecting a boy or a girl.
Michael has been excited for days about this.
So we went to a hospital here in Budapest with our Doctor, and once we found an empty examination room I layed down on the stretcher, Michael standing next to me and squeezing my hand excitedly.

"Alright... the gel might be a little cold, so don't be scared. I am going to put some on your lower belly..." he explained, I nodded and gave him the sign to start. I wasn't really showing, I mean... yea a little, but it looked more as if I am bloated. Maybe it's still too early?
Once the young Doctor squeezed some gel onto my lower belly, I gasped a little because of its cold feeling, but it started feeling better shortly after.

He then sat down next to the stretcher and grabbed the ultrasound device, placing in on my belly and moving it around a little. An image popped up on the monitor, showing our beautiful baby... gosh, it grows so fast.
It was just a tiny bean not long ago...

"Everything looks perfectly fine to me. The baby looks healthy, the placenta also looks good... your baby is now about the size of a bell pepper." the young Doctor explained, making me and Michael smile widely.
"And... what about... the gender?" Michael asked, making the Doctor laugh.
"You wanna know?" he asked looking at Michael first then at me. We both nodded. He looked back at the monitor, focusing on the genitalia to find out the gender. Suddenly he smiled and pointed at a spot on the monitor. "Right there... can you see it?" he asked us, I furrowed my brows and slightly squeezed my eyes trying to see what he sees.
"No." me and Michael replied in sync,
"That's the penis... it's a boy!" the Doctor said looking at us with a wide smile, "congratulations!" he added. Then I felt something in my lower belly, and noticed that the baby kicked in the monitor.
"Oh god! He just kicked!" I exclaimed excitedly,
"You felt that?" Michael asked surprised, I nodded while looking at him with a big smile.
"It was more like a flutter, but I felt that." I replied.

I bit my lower lip as hard as I could, trying hard not to cry, but my hormones of course won again. Michael on the other side was extremely excited...

"Now let's hear the heartbeat..." the Doctor said and typed something on the keyboard. Soon the entire room was filled with a strong and powerful, fast heartbeat, making me cry even more. "Sounds perfect. Just the way it should be." he added, and quickly printed a photo for us, before removing the device and handing me a towel to clean my lower stomach.
"So everything is fine? The baby and the placenta? Everything?" I asked nervously as I started cleaning up my lower belly,
"Yes. I am going to send all the details to Dr. Kim just to be sure, but it looked perfectly fine to me. Make sure to take your vitamins daily, and if you should have any doubts, or suspicions, or fear or symptoms, don't hesitate to tell me." he replied gently, making me smile.
"Alright... thank you. So we're done?" I replied,
"Yes, we're done. I am going to stay here and contact Dr. Kim and I'll come back to you later." he said.

Me and Michael nodded before grabbing the printed ultrasound photo and walk back outside to the car.

Me and Michael nodded before grabbing the printed ultrasound photo and walk back outside to the car

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