Chapter 14 - BAD

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𝙽𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟷9𝚝𝚑, 𝟷9𝟾𝟼
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

I arrived this morning in New York City, since Michael called me two days ago asking me to join him on set for his short film 'Bad'.
He told me that he's staying at the Hemsley Palace Hotel so I decided to book a suit there as well.

My security Blake is now escorting me to the set where Michael is shooting his video, and in a matter of minutes we arrived.
God, have I mentioned how freaking good he looks now with longer hair? His black ebony curls now more defined. I feel weak in my knees whenever I look at him.
I haven't confessed my feelings yet, nor has he, I just think that we need the perfect timing to do so.

As soon as the vehicle stopped, I exited the car and walked on set.
Michael spotted me and a wide smile found its way on his face, while he ran towards me, wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up, spinning us around.

"Hi to you too, Jackson." I joked, making us both giggle. He then put me down and locked his doe-eyes onto mine.
"Sorry, I'm just so happy to see you. Did you have a good flight? Did you book your Hotel Suit?" he asked excitedly,
"Yes, everything went good and the Suit is already booked, yes. How are things going here on Set? Did I miss anything?" I replied,
"We just filmed the first part, but now comes the best part... come and see yourself." he said smiling brightly, showing off his pearly-white teeth. He then grabbed my hand and pulled me with him on set.

We were in a subway of Brooklyn, and I was overly excited and curious to see what the 'best part' is.

I stayed further away while he got ready to shoot the next scene.

In this next scene, Michael was hiding behind a pillar, just like the rest of his 'friends', he then pulled his hoodie up over his head and started walking towards an elder man. His friends peeked through the pillar to look what Michael was doing... apparently, he had to show his friends 'who's bad' ...
As soon as Michael approached this elder man, he said:

"Give me a quarter." in a serious tone, a cold look on his face. The elder man looked scared, and couldn't even speak the same language. It was spanish.
"No tengo chavo." the man replied, then Michael's friend approached the man from behind and before they could hurt him, Michael prevented the whole chaos and pulled the man away,
"Move it! Run! Move! Run! Go!" Michael shouted and let the man escape, facing his 'friends' with a serious and furious look. He is too good to be bad.

"What are you doin'? Huh?" one of his friends, the one with a coffee-tainted skin who was wearing a cap backwards. Michael looked at him with a disgusted look on his face... "you ain't down with us no more. You ain't down. You ain't bad." that guy added, "you ain't bad!" he repeated in a louder tone, pushing Michael by his shoulders. That's when Michael snapped, pushing that guy's hand away and yelled:
"You ain't bad! You ain't nothin' !" the guy then looked at Michael with a surprise look, and I had to bite hard on my bottom lip trying not to laugh.
"You ain't nothing!" Michael yelled again.

The scene was over now, and Michael had to change to another outfit to be able to get right to the next scene.

He got quickly escorted to change his outfit, and adjust his hair, and once he came back... damn. I promise to God, I had a little bit of saliva on the corner of my mouth. I was DROOLING. That outfit looks so good on him!

The camera started rolling again and some dancers started jumping into the camera from right and left, and Michael jumped down right in between them, facing his 'friends'. More dancers walked out, since some of them were also hiding behind some pillars.
Michael was looking at his 'friends' with a cold and serious look... now he looked bad!

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