Chapter 6 - Triple Date

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𝙰𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚕 𝟽𝚝, 𝟷9𝟾𝟺 - 𝟽 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

I just finished getting ready, Paul was ready too, and we were now walking outside headed to the limo waiting for us.
Blake, my security, drove over to Kenzie's Condo, and we picked her up before headed over to the Restaurant: 71Above

Once we arrived, I noticed Michael, Brooke and Randy waiting for us inside. Tons of paparazzi's crowded outside, around the building.
I held Paul's arm, while we stepped out of the Limo. I waved at some of the camera's, before the three of us walked inside and greeted the rest.

Michael has rented the entire Restaurant for us for tonight, and the inside was so beautiful .
After a few minutes of greeting and chatting, a waitress walked us to a table, where we got comfortably seated.
Once we ordered our food, we started chatting together.

Kenzie chatted with Randy, Michael chatted with Paul and I chatted with Brooke.

"So, how are things going between you and Michael?" I asked curiously, to hear her side of the story. She blushed and smiled brightly.
"Really good, he's such a sweetheart, really..." she replied with red-burning cheeks, making me giggle.
"I'm very happy for the two of you. I really am. Make sure that you two take good care of each other, okay?" I said, she nodded.
"Of course. And how are things going between you and Paul? You two look so cute together!" she said, placing a hand over her heart, making me giggle.
"Aw, thank you. We're doing amazing. I'm very happy." I replied honestly.

After some chatting, our food finally arrived, and in between we all couldn't stop joking around and enjoying every moment and instant of the night.

Once our dishes were empty, we ordered dessert and started teasing each other. The entire Restaurant was soon filled with laughter and joy.

9 𝙿.𝙼

When the date was finally over, we said our goodbyes and each one of us parted their ways.
Kenzie ended up going to her condo to continue her date with Randy, while Michael and Brooke went to Hayvenhurst, and me and Paul went back to my place.

Back at my condo, Paul wouldn't stop cuddling with me and filling my face with kisses.

"I really like your new friend, Michael." he whispered in the crook of my neck, making me smile widely.
"Really?" I asked,
"Mhmm." he hummed,
"I'm glad to hear that. It really means a lot to me." I whispered and turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck. He smiled at me and pecked my lips.
"You know what means a lot to me ?" he whispered softly,
"What?" I whispered back, looking deep into his blue eyes.
"You." he said, making me giggle, before locking our lips in a sweet kiss.

That night, we made love to each other, crawled by each other's embrace the entire night.

𝙰𝚞𝚐𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝟺𝚝𝚑, 𝟷9𝟾𝟺 - 𝟽:𝟹𝟶 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

Today, I am going to attend Michael and his brother's Show in NYC. I arrived here yesterday.
Mine and Michael's friendship became stronger in time, every two days we would talk over the phone for hours and hours, telling each other how our days has been, or simply joking around and teasing each other.

Besides me, many other celebrities are going to attend their show tonight, including Brooke. I really can't wait.

My security just stopped the car in front of the doors from backstage, and quickly escorted me inside where I jumped onto all the other celebrities. Everyone started hugging and greeting me.
While the other's walked outside to take their seats, I decided to knock on Michael's dressing room to greet him.
I haven't seen him since July 1st, and even though we talked over the phone I must say that I missed him dearly.
After a few seconds, the door swung open and his jaw almost dropped to the floor, making me giggle.

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