Chapter 53 - WDW

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𝙹𝚞𝚕𝚢 𝟹𝟷𝚜𝚝, 𝟷99𝟻 - 𝟸 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

"I knew you were fucking her! You are a piece of shit, a fucking cheater!!!!" Lisa shouted at me. We were now in the midsts of a fight, yes I told her that I still love Jade and that I have been with her this entire time. I haven't mentioned the pregnancy though...
"Would please calm down?!" I replied in an irritated tone, trying hard not to raise my voice at her.
"Calm down?! Are you really telling me to calm down?! You cheated on me with that fucking slut and now you want me to calm down?! What the hell is wrong with you?!" she yelled again, pointing her finger at me. I clenched my jaw and grabbed her wrist, squeezing it a little.
"Don't... call her that... ever again!!!" I said firmly, looking deep into her eyes. She scoffed.
"Or what? Hm? What are you going to do then?" she challenged me with furious eyes.
"She's the mother of my child and you have no right to call her that. Understood?!" I replied,
"Pardon?!?! Mother of your child? So you even knocked her up now?! OH FOR GOD'S SAKE. I'M SO DONE WITH YOU!" she yelled again, I squeezed her wrist harder and pulled her closer,
"Don't call the Lord's name in vain!!! You're playing with fire, Lisa. I'm telling you. I'm going to leave for a couple of days so that you can digest this entire situation, and when I come back we better find a solution." I said and quickly left, to upstairs and prepare the bags.

In this very moment the only thing I want to do is simply to disappear. And I'm going to take Jade with me, since she is now 14 weeks pregnant, and I definitely won't leave her alone knowing that Lisa could do something to hurt her.

Once my bags were packed, I walked outside and asked Bill to get the car ready and drive me to Jade's Condo.

On my way to her, I called her...

"Hello?" she said in a raspy voice as soon as she picked up,
"Hey baby..." I sighed, "were you asleep?" I asked,
"Mhh yea I was taking a nap. What about you? What's wrong? You sound kinda pissed..." she whispered. Hearing her soft and soothing voice immediately calmed me down.
"I'll tell you soon, I'm coming over to pick you up right now. Pack your bags, we're leaving for a trip." I replied in a calm tone,
"A trip? Where?" she asked clearly confused,
"You'll see." I replied and smiled slightly.
"Okay... see you soon then." she said and hung up.

When I arrived, her bags were packed and she was all ready, even though she didn't look really good.
She looked pale and exhausted, she even walked slowly...

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned, while I walked her towards the car.
"Yea, I just have some cramps... it's nothing really." she tried to reassure me with a faint smile,
"Cramps? Are you sure that it's normal? Maybe we should go see the Doctor before we leave." I said stopping her and studying her face.
"Michael... I'm good. Really. Now let's go." she said and pecked my lips, before stepping inside the car.

I decided to respect her decision, even though I was still concerned for her and our daughter's health. I won't bear if something happens to them.

At some point, we finally arrived at the airport and got escorted to my private Jet while a crowd of chanting fans were crowded around the building.
I waved at them before we stepped inside and took a seat, securing ourselves with the security belts.

"I thought we were going on a trip?" she asked in a playful tone, I looked at her and grinned.
"We are." I confirmed honestly. He raised one of her eyebrows,
"A trip by plane? Where the hell are you taking me, Jackson?" she joked, making me giggle.
"Just close your eyes and relax." I replied and placed my hand on her thigh, stroking and squeezing it gently.
"Yea... but if you keep touching me I won't be able to relax, y'know?" she teased, making me laugh even louder.
"Don't you know, that that's another way to relax?" I whispered and winked at her. She blushed so hard that she had to look outside the window.
"They might hear or see us..." she whispered under her breath,
"Nah, they won't." I whispered in a deep tone and started kissing her neck.

Soon the doors closed, everyone got seated in the front, and the plane started moving.
We were all alone in the back, and the front was covered by a tent. No one could see us.

As soon as we were flying high in the sky, I removed my seatbelt and leaned over to do the same with her.

"Wait-.. you were being serious?" she asked surprised, I smirked in response.
"Of course. Come here." I whispered and helped her get up from her seat, making her sit on my lap, her legs on both sides of my hip. Thank god she was wearing a dress...

I placed my hand on her hips while she cupped my face. We looked in each other's eyes for a while, until we locked our lips in a sweet but passionate kiss. Our tongues flipping around each other, making me go harder underneath her.
She started rolling her hips back and forth against my bulge... I could feel the wetness dripping from her panties right on my member, which was still covered from the black slacks that I was wearing.

I squeezed her hips and rolled my pelvis against her v-area, making us both moan silently.

*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

After teasing and kissing each other for a while, he pulled down the upper part of my dress exposing my naked and full breasts, starting to tease my now erected nipples with his tongue.

I tilted my head back, while gently squeezing his hair, releasing another moan.

"Michael... please...." I begged breathlessly, he went up to kiss my neck, while his hand traveled underneath my dress and pulled my panties to the side, starting to rub my dripping pearl in circular motion.
"Like this, baby?" he whispered in a deep tone in my ear. I bit my lower lip as hard as I could trying hard not to be loud.
"God... YES." I started as a whisper but ended up moaning loudly.

He started speeding up the rhythm, until I finally reached my peek and let all my juices explode around his finger.

"Gee... Jade... you're so sexy when you cum." he whispered, before tasting me on his fingers.

I looked at him breathlessly and bit my lower lip in a sensual way, before unzipping his pants and pulling them down, revealing his naked and fully erected member. Pre-cum was already leaking on the tip, a sign that he was just as ready.
I straddled his lap again, while he held my hip with one hand, and his member in the other.
He started teasing my entrance with the tip, before slowly bending me down, filling me up.

We both released a loud moan. Right before he started rolling his hips, he cupped my face and locked our lips in a deep kiss.
Then he started rolling his hips and pounding inside of me, slowly at first, until he sped up the rhythm stroking my inner walls like a God.

I chocked my moans inside his mouth, while squeezing his hair.
The wetness from my v-area splashing around his member filled the jet, the air becoming thicker and thicker.
I arched my back as he started hitting my g-spot. That's when I lost it, and removed my lips from his, moaning his name out loud.

"Fuckkkkkk! Yes!!!" I moaned, as I tilted my head back, riding him like there was no tomorrow while he kept pounding in and out of me.
"Oh god, Jade!" he moaned, before grabbing my breast and sucking my nipple so hard, that my legs started trembling uncontrollably.
"M-MICHAEL..." I moaned, before I reached my peek for a second time. A feeling of pleasure and pure ecstasy washing over me as I literally squirted all over him.

It only took him a few more thrusts until he jerked and released a full load of warm liquid deep inside me.

We were now both completely sweaty and out of breath, our bodies still shaking from the amazing sexual intercourse we just had.

He cupped my face and looked deep into my eyes, flashing me a sweet smile.

"I love you, Jade López!" he whispered, making me blush and smile widely.
"I love you too, Michael Joseph Jackson." I replied before pecking his lips.

After a four hours flight we arrived in Florida.
I couldn't quite understand what we were doing here... but I guess I'll find out soon.

His securities escorted us to the car waiting for us, and started driving to an unknown destination for me.

After what felt like forever, I noticed a big banner saying 'Walt Disney World' and my eyes instantly grew wider.

"Disney World?!?!" I gasped excitedly, while Michael laughed his ass off at my reaction. "You brought me to Disney World? Oh god!" I added and started freaking out and placing tons of kissed all over Michael's face.
"I guess you liked your surprise?" he teased and chuckled,
"Like? I LOVE IT!" I replied and pecked his lips. "Thank you baby." I whispered with a wide smile plastered on my face.

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