Chapter 21 - TWYMMF

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𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 9𝚝𝚑, 𝟷9𝟾𝟽 - 𝟾 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

Tonight Michael is shooting his short film for his song 'The Way You Make Me Feel' and like usual, he wanted me to join him on Set. He knows how much I love it to see him shoot short films, so of course he had to ask me to join him.

Even though I had a pretty busy day at work today, because of a new shooting, but I don't really care... I would never miss this!

Oh and he looks so good in his outfit too... dear jesus, my boyfriend is sexy as hell.
He has wearing some dark washed out jeans, a white shirt and a blue button down - first buttons opened revealing his shirt - as well as a white cotton belt tied around his waist.
His perfect ebony curls styled in a low bun, while a few curls softly fell in front of his face.

His sister La Toya also joined us, since she's going to appear in this short film.

This short film is basically about a group of men trying to pick up women, but failing. At some point, Michael spots a woman - played by model and dancer Tatiana Thumbtzen - and he starts chasing her by singing and dancing, but she ignores him. (thank god)

I was now standing right next to Michael as he was getting his makeup fixed by his make-up stylist Karen Faye.
Once he was all ready he pecked my lips with a smile plastered on his face, and ran towards the camera man and the director who was giving him and the rest instructions.

I stayed a little further away, chewing on the inside of my cheek, my arms crossed and watching carefully at what they were doing.
Soon, the camera started recording, and... action!

"Women, you don't have that kinda knowledge. You understand? Look at that, look... woooo... now that is foxy." one of the men said, while Tatiana started walking down the street.
"You can do other girls, but you couldn't do nothing." another man commented, while Michael walked out of a street appearing right in front of Tatiana who was just walking by.
"Look at- what is he doing? I thought I told him to go home! What is he doing?" a man said as they spotted Michael. Tatiana walked right past Michael.
"Look at - she going pass him up. Back up..." a man said and started laughing his ass off, "look at you..." he added.

The look on Michael's face looked kinda pissed, and suddenly he started screaming: "Heeyy!" making Tatiana stop and turn around to look at him, the men stopped laughing.
Michael's face still pissed as he slowly turned around, and looked right at her, slightly gesturing something with his hand... he sighed and looked down at his feet, before slowly approaching her, snapping with his fingers while walking.

He then walked around her and stopped right behind, while she turned around to look at him, her arms crossed. He did a little dancing before singing: "You knocked me off of my feet now baby... HOOO!" after that, the music started playing and he started dancing.

She started walking away, and the group of men gestured Michael to chase her. And that's what he did, while he kept singing and dancing, making her stand still on a spot again.
As he approached her, she walked away again with an annoyed look.
Yet another group of men appeared right in front of her, Michael still standing behind her where she left him. She again walked away from them, and Michael slowly started chasing her again while singing and cutting her off, now standing right in front of her: "hey pretty baby with the high heels on... you give me fever like I've never ever known..."

She walked past him and started walking away, as he continued to chase her. That's how it'll go for the entire time.

"I'll pick you up in my car and we'll paint the town. Just kiss me baby and tell me twice..." he sang while drawing the silhouette of a woman in front of him and started rolling his hips.

Damn... he knows very well what he's doing... and he's all mine!!!

The short film went smoothly, of course they had to re-take some parts, but in the end it was simply perfect.
The only thing that truly bothered me, was the final scene: the kiss.
I know they didn't really kiss, that's what I hope at least, but her being so near to him... I don't know, I didn't like it. There's just something about Tatiana that I don't really like, and usually I'm never wrong when I have feelings like that.

Anyway, it was now 10 P.M. and I was about to fall asleep. Thank god the shooting was over, and me and Michael were now being escorted to the car.
During the entire ride back to Hayvenhurst we didn't talk. My head rested on top of his shoulder, and without even noticing I fell asleep.

*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

When Bill announced that we arrived at Hayvenhurst, I carefully bended over to look at Jade and she was peacefully asleep... her head resting on my shoulder. I smiled like an idiot.

She had a busy day at work today, and despite it all she still joined me on set for my short film. God, how I love her.

Not wanting to wake her up, I carefully wrapped my arm around her waist and the other under her legs, slowly picking her up as I stepped out of the car.
I then made my way inside and walked upstairs to my room, gently placing her on the soft mattress of my bed.
Once I've done that, I carefully took her clothes off and tucked her under the bedsheets. Poor baby, she's so exhausted that she didn't even wake up while I put her to bed.

I smiled widely while admiring her sleeping beauty... I gently stroke her cheek before placing a soft kiss onto her forehead.

After that, I walked into the bathroom to take a long and cold shower. I put fresh underwear and pajama on and joined Jade in bed, tucking myself under the bedsheets as well, cuddling with her in spoon position.
She mumbled something and scooped closer, still asleep... at least that's what I thought.

"Baby? Are you still asleep?" I whispered softly,
"Mh-mh..." she mumbled, making me giggle.
"Sorry... I didn't mean to wake you up..." I whispered again, she then turned around to face me, our legs now crossed with each other, her arm wrapped over my torso. "How did you like the short film?" I asked excitedly, longing to know her opinion.
"I loved it... but I hated it." she whispered while gently resting her head onto my shoulder,
"What? Why?" I asked kinda upset, nothing, she didn't reply. "Baby?" I asked and looked down at her.
"I just don't like her." she said, my eyebrows now furrowed in confusion. I gently lifted her head up and cupped her cheek, looking deep into her eyes.
"Who? Tatiana?" I asked,
"Who else?" she scoffed. I pressed my lips together in a thin line, trying not to laugh.
"Is someone jealous?" I teased, making her eyes roll back before cuddling onto my chest again. I bit my bottom lip, still trying not to laugh, while caressing her back with my hand.
"I'm not." she finally replied,
"Yes you are." I teased,
"No." she replied,
"Yes." I commented, making her scoff again.
"Good night, Jackson." she said.

I sighed and lifted her up, cupping her face one more.

"Listen, baby... there's no need to be jealous, okay? I love you not her. You're the only woman I want in my life, the one I see a future with, the one I see as mother of my children... our children." I whispered softly,
"Really? You see all that in me?" she whispered, finally flashing me a smile, her eyes glossy as she was probably about to tear up. I finally released a giggle and nodded.
"Of course. Stop worrying okay? I love you." I cooed and pecked her lips.

I could feel how her tensed muscles started to relax, and that simple peck soon turned into something more.
Our lips moved in perfect rhythm for a while, until she finally cuddled onto my chest again, drifting back to her beauty sleep.

After stroking her hair for a while, my eyelids closed as well, feeling safe there with her in my arms.

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