Chapter 51 - Amazing News

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𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝟻𝚝𝚑, 𝟷99𝟻 - 𝟹 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

Today I was supposed to go to a meeting and afterwards to a photoshoot, but since I fell sick I had to call my boss and told her that I couldn't come. Of course she freaked out, like she always uses to do...

I didn't go to see a doctor because I don't think it's necessary since it's probably nothing serious. I just want to get some rest and sleep it off. That was the idea, until Kenzie called and said she'll be coming over with my grandson this afternoon.

I was now laying on my couch, a blanket thrown of my legs and a cup of tea standing next to me on the coffee table. Suddenly, I heard the door bell ringing.
Quickly I got up, and slowly walked towards the door, unlocking and opening it, only to see a smiling Kenzie holding the most beautiful baby in her arms. I flashed them a faint smile and embraced her in a friendly hug, before grabbing little Jordan and cuddling him to my chest.

As soon as we stepped inside, we walked towards the couch and took a seat.

"God, you look awful ... what happened to you?" Kenzie joked,
"Probably the flu, you know how it is." I replied, shrugging my shoulders. I placed Jordan to sit on my legs, while slightly bouncing him up and down, stroking his cheek.
"Be careful he just ate his food." she said and giggled,
"Don't worry I'll be-..." I started, but it was too late since Jordan already puked.
"Told ya." she said and quickly grabbed a napkin to clean up her son.

Seeing him puke made my nausea grow even more within me, to the point where I had to give her Jordan back and run to the bathroom. I bent over the toilet and started throwing up like there was no tomorrow...
I held myself against the wall, feeling extremely weak and exhausted.

"Oh my god, Jade! You okay?" Kenzie asked as soon as she approached me. I quickly cleaned up my mouth before flushing the toilet.
"Yea... I'm good." I whispered and walked over to the sink to brush my teeth.
"Have you seen a doctor already?" she asked, concern clearly audible in her voice.
"No need... I'm good, really, don't worry." I replied with the toothbrush in my mouth.

Once I was done we walked back to the living room and sat back down to the couch.

"Did you... did you gain weight?!" she asked after studying me for a while,
"Pardon?" I asked and released a faint giggle,
"You gained weight.." she said, "and your boobs... damn!" she added making me laugh.
"Please don't make me laugh or I'll have to throw up again!" I replied, covering my mouth with the palm of my hand.
"Jade?" she said after a while,
"Hm?" I mumbled and looked over to her,
"You're not pregnant, are you?" she whispered seriously, I gulped.
"No. Of course not." I replied.

All of a sudden, my thoughts went to the night me and Michael had sex in the Studio... I had my period two weeks before... which means that I was ovulating on that night.
And indeed... my period is late!!!

"Oh, fuck!" I snapped, my eyes growing wider.
"I knew it! Who's the daddy?!" Kenzie said excitedly, I looked over to her with a dead-serious look.
"M-Michael...." I whispered. Her smile slowly fading away.
"WHAT?!" she said in a loud tone after starring at me for a few seconds, that's when Jordan started crying. "Sorry, baby, sorry sorry sorry... momma didn't mean to scare you." she cooed him softly, before looking back at me. "You had unprotected sex with Michael? When the hell did that happen?!" she asked,
"About three weeks ago..." I whispered, her eyes grew wide again. She opened the mouth as if she was going to say something, but closed it right after.
"We need to buy you a test." she said.

I sighed and got up, walking over to the big windows with my palm on my forehead. This is fucked up...

"Kenz... this is seriously fucked up. He's a married man, for fuck's sake's!" I said completely frustrated.
"Oh and you're realising that now?" she joked, I turned around and eyed her. "Listen... we don't know yet, that's why I said that you need a pregnancy test. Look after Jordan, I'll jump to the store real quick and buy you a few. Okay?" she said and walked towards me, handing me my godson.
"Okay..." I whispered and grabbed him, lulling him softly.
"I'll be right back. Don't stress yourself." she said, and quickly grabbed her purse before running out of my condo.

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