Chapter 61 - Singapore

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𝙾𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟼𝚝𝚑, 𝟷99𝟼 - 𝟸 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

Michael had a concert last night here in Singapore, and we have to leave tonight for Kuala Lumpur, since his next Show is going to be there tomorrow night.

He was supposed to rest today, but since I need to attend an interview he decided to come with me and not leave me alone.
Especially now that I am 26 - almost twenty seven - weeks pregnant. For a matter of facts, my feet are so swollen they don't even fit the way they should in my high heels.

So we arrived at the Studio and got greeted by a sea of chanting fans, as well as paparazzi's shouting tons of questions about us or my pregnancy.
Bill and the rest of the security immediately escorted us inside, where we got gently welcomed by the staff.

Once I was all ready, I waited until they called me out.
I was wearing an all black dress and black high heels.
Shortly after, my name got called and Michael gave me a quick peck on the lips before letting me go.

I walked out into the studio and smiled and waved at the audience and cameras, before shaking hands with the woman who was going to interview me

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I walked out into the studio and smiled and waved at the audience and cameras, before shaking hands with the woman who was going to interview me.
We sat down in front of each other, and I tried to get as comfortable as possible. My back pain was excruciating...

"Thank you for coming tonight, Mrs. López." she said in her sweet accent, making me smile.
"Oh, thank you for inviting me." I replied, and she gave me a slight nod.
"I see your belly has grown already. May I ask how long you are with your pregnancy?" she asked and pointed at the belly. I instantly stroke it.
"Yes, the baby grows really fast. I'll be twenty seven weeks in two days." I replied,
"Oh, that's amazing. Do you know the gender already?" she asked curiously,
"Yea, it's a boy." I announced, and the entire audience went crazy, making me giggle.
"How is the father reacting to this pregnancy? He's pretty busy with his Tour right now, no?" she asked,
"That's true, but that's the main reason why we decided that I'll go on Tour with him, so that we won't stay apart for so long during the pregnancy. And he's taking it really good, actually. He's very caring, very loving... he's always there when I need him , it doesn't matter if day or night.. even when he's performing he worries about me." I replied honestly and felt my cheeks blushing a little,
"Ohhh that's so sweet... I heard that he's here in the studio with you, today?" she asked, and the audience went crazy again.
"Yes, he is. But he's really tired so he couldn't join me in this interview..." I said. She nodded.
"And tell us, Mrs. López, how has the Tour been affecting your pregnancy? Isn't that too stressful for the baby?" she asked,
"Uhm, no, not really. I mean it is a little bit stressful for me, to jump in the plane and travel from here to there every two or three days... but the pregnancy is doing amazing, and I'm enjoying both things right now." I said honestly,
"We're glad to hear that. I have one more question here, this one's not from me but from someone in the audience who decided to stay anonymous..." she started, I furrowed my brows and nodded gently, waiting impatiently for the question, "uhm... it says: aren't you afraid to have this baby, knowing the allegations that Michael Jackson has been accused of in the past?" she asked, and my smile immediately faded away. Anger started boiling within me... I released a sarcastic giggle and shook my head, before looking at the audience.
"Whoever asked this probably didn't have the nerve to reveal its identity and ask me straight in my face.. but it's okay, I have no problems with hypocrites. So, to answer your disgusting question: no, I'm not afraid at all, because I know Michael, I know his heart and I know that the allegations are false! He would never hurt a child and surely not his own!" I hissed with a fake smile to the audience.

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