Chapter 41 - Oprah

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𝙵𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟷𝟶𝚝𝚑, 𝟷99𝟹 - 𝟼 𝙿.𝙼.
*𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

Things between me and Michael were doing pretty good... I mean, it's still a little embarrassing between the two of us, especially after that... 'incident'... in his pool.
But since we decided to try and be just friends, we would meet as often as we could, or just simply talk over the phone if the other had a busy day.
And for now... it's working.

For tonight, he has asked me to join him on his interview with Oprah Winfrey. It's an interview that it's going to be held at the Neverland Ranch... and he wants me to be there, as his friend.

That's why I was now sitting in the car with my security, and I almost arrived.

When the car stopped, Michael ran outside to help me step out of the car, before embracing me in a sweet hug.

"Thank you, for coming tonight." he whispered, before stepping back and smiling at me.
"You're welcome." I replied and smiled back.

Gosh.. he looks so good tonight. His hair was different, looks like he blow-dried them since they are no longer curly but wavy. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a red button down.

"Your hair looks different." I said giggling, while stroking his hair. He blushed, really really hard.
"Yes... you like it?" he asked shyly,
"Yea, I do. But I like them curls better." I replied and winked at him. "So when is Oprah going to be here?" I asked before releasing a sigh, following him inside the house.
"She should be here any minute now." he replied,
"Are you nervous?" I teased and looked at him with a playful grin,
"A little..." he replied and giggled.
"Aw, no need to. You're going to do just fine." I said and patted on his back.

Like predicted, Oprah arrived shortly after. After we three had a chat together, it was time make the camera roll.
She went back outside, to introduce tonight's interview.

"Good evening. I'm Oprah Winfrey. Bringing you a world exclusive interview with the most elusive superstar, in the history of music...Michael Jackson! I'm here in front of his California homes, it's a Ranch on the outskirts of Santa Barbara, where just inside is the man who has broken every possible music record... denied interviews and defy definition for years. For nearly a quarter of a century has been an innovator of music, of dance, of videos and even of fashion. And nothing he does is anything short of spectacular. Tonight, Michael Jackson will continue to surprise us with a rare personal Tour of his astounding home, which includes a private movie theatre and full-scale of amusement parks. You're also going to see a special performance by him and the world premiere of his latest music video. Tonight... his silence... is broken." she said while facing the camera.

We then walked back inside the house going inside the living room. There are two chairs placed in front of each other for the two of them.
She was now standing behind the brown leather chair, as the camera started rolling again.

"Michael Jackson's home is.. nothing like anyone would expect. I thought there were going to be a few llamas roaming around the living room, and maybe some.. chimps jumping around... don't get me wrong, I was um-.. dead wrong. There are plenty of mind-boggling areas on this 2700 acre Ranch, which you'll see during the next 90 minutes, but where Michael Jackson eats and where he sleeps, and where he lives... is quite simply a beautiful home. There is a library here filled with leather bound classics, and artwork on the walls, not at all what we thought we'd find... before we meet the man who does live here, it's important to know where he came from, for his history is nothing short but incredible." she said.

Good God, does this woman always talk so much?
Oh and, what about those stupid comments about llamas and chimps? I swear she was starting to get on my nerves already.

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