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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐬
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"HEY COCA-COLA." Isla greeted as she walked into the DX. Sodapop glared at the mention of the nickname that Isla had given to him a long time ago. "Margot you better get your friend." He threatened.

Margot just snickered at the two and headed towards the candy aisle. She grabbed some sour candy worms and went back to the register, "What are you two doing here anyway?" Soda asked them.

"Just came to visit." Isla shrugged. Soda glanced at his sister, "I just came for the candy." She ripped the packaging open with her teeth and Soda narrowed his eyes at her.

"You paying for that?"

Margot let out a fake laugh, "Yeah, right, look who you're talking to." Soda rolled his eyes, "If you keep stealing I'm going to get fired."

"Sounds like a you problem."

Isla snorted and Soda glared at the both of them, "You guys are children." He commented. "We're the same age dumbass." Isla flicked his head.

"Yeah, dumbass." Margot shoved his shoulder and he reached out to smack her arm but he missed. Both girls ran out of the gas station giggling as Soda shouted profanities at them.

"When did you guys get here?" Steve asked, he was by the gas pumps, putting gas into a car. "Oh, hey Stevie!" Margot waved at him from afar.

She could see Steve's face turn red at the nickname, he glanced at the customer and back at the girls. He gave them the finger and they just laughed in response.

They ran off giggling once again.

They walked to Margot's house and she was glad to see that no one was home. "Oh thank god, we get the house all to ourselves." Margot tossed her backpack aside and flopped onto the couch.

"For once we'll get some peace and quiet." Isla plopped down next to her. The door flew open and Two-Bit came in hollering.

"Spoke too soon." Margot grumbled.

"Hey ladies!"

"Go home Two-Bit!" Margot shouted. "Wow, you are so rude, Pony your sister is so rude, you need to teach her some manners." Two-Bit said as Ponyboy walked in, Johnny and Dallas behind him.

"You need to go home." Margot snapped back.

"Someone's in a mood."

"Can you all go somewhere? We finally had the house to ourselves." Isla said. "Too bad, we ain't going anywhere." Pony sat down on the other couch. "Make us some chocolate cake." Two-Bit demanded.

"Make it yourself, weren't y'all going to the Nightly Double?" Margot asked. "Yeah but Dal over here changed his mind." Pony gestured to Dallas who sat on the couch messing with the TV.

Margot didn't even look at him, instead she stood up and grabbed her backpack, "Whatever, let's go Isla." She walked up the stairs, Isla behind her.

They walked into her room and Margot tossed her backpack to the side again, "I swear to god if they don't leave soon I'm going smoke them out." She groaned.

Isla snickered, "That's actually not a bad idea."

"So, what are we going to do now that our silence has been interrupted?" Margot asked Isla. "I don't know, we could always leave, go to the park, go eat something I don't know." Isla suggested.

"Let's go to the park, maybe we can scare some kids." Margot walked out of the room. "You're evil." Isla snickered and followed her out.

"You came back! So does that mean you're making us chocolate cake?" Two-Bit said with puppy dog eyes. "No, we're going out." Margot said.

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now