Twenty one

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

"MARGOT!" ISLA WAVED her hand in Margot's face, snapping her out of her daydream. "What?" Margot turned her attention to the girl. "Are you even listening to me?" Isla asked.

Margot grimaced, "Sorry."

They were in math class and Margot had been daydreaming the whole time.

"What's going on with you? You've been distracted lately." Isla said. "I haven't-" Isla gave her a look and Margot sighed. "I'm fine, seriously." She reassured.

"Are you sure? Is this because you got grounded?" Isla questioned. "No, it's not that, it's nothing." Margot shook her head.

"It doesn't seem like nothing."

Margot glanced at her and sighed in defeat, "Okay, fine, you know how I went to Bucks and got drunk?" She asked and Isla nodded. "Yeah, and Dallas took care of you."

"Yeah, that's sort of been the problem."

"What has?" Isla asked, now confused.


"What'd he do now?"

"Nothing, at least nothing bad." Margot said and Isla's eyebrows knitted even further together, "Okay, you lost me."

Margot sighed, "Ever since that night...god this is so hard to say, ever since that night I haven't been able to get Dallas out of my mind." Margot explained slowly.

Isla let out a loud gasp and Margot quickly shushed her as their classmates around them gave them dirty looks.

"Oh my god, this is amazing!" Isla whisper-shouted, "Amazing?" Margot practically shouted. She quickly shut herself up so they wouldn't get in trouble.

"Yes amazing! You like Dallas!" Isla grinned like this was the best news she'd ever gotten. "What? No I don't!"

"Yes you do! You just told me that you can't stop thinking about him." Isla said. "That doesn't mean I like him! A-at least I don't think I do, I'm supposed to hate him, it's always been that way, I hate him and he hates me." Margot said.

Isla scoffed at that, "Oh, honey, Dallas doesn't hate you." She said. Margot's eyebrows furrowed, "What are you talking about?" She asked.

"Dallas doesn't hate you." Isla repeated.

"Yes he does, I-I mean why else would he always tease me, call me names, and always start arguments with me?" Margot said. "I don't know, Dallas is a...complicated guy, but I don't think he hates you, I don't think he ever has." Isla said.

Margot looked away from her friend and thought about her words, "What does that mean?"

"I have no idea, your relationship with Dallas is complicated, I think this is for you to figure out." Isla shrugged. Margot sighed at that, she didn't want to figure it out. She just wanted someone to tell her all the answers to her questions.

Number one being why the hell she was feeling this way about the one guy she hated. She didn't like him, she didn't want to like him, she just needed to remind herself on why she hated him, that would help.


After school Margot and Isla hung out at Margot's house, they were just on the couch watching tv. The front door swung open and Ponyboy walked, Johnny and Dallas behind him.

Margot's face dropped when her eyes landed on Dallas and she quickly looked away. Isla watched the girls reaction and she smirked.

"Hey." Ponyboy greeted and sat down next to Isla, Johnny sat on the arm of the couch. Margot tensed up when Dallas sat down next to her.

"Hey, Johnny, you hungry?" Isla asked him.

"Not really-"

"Great let's make you a sandwich!" She shot up from the couch and grabbed his hand, she turned to Pony and grabbed his hand too, "You too." She dragged them both into the kitchen.

Margot shook her head, knowing what her best friend was trying to pull. "What's up with your friend?" Dallas asked her.

"Nothing, w-why would something be up with her?" She asked nervously. "Because she's acting weirder than usual." Dallas shrugged.

"Nope, just Isla being Isla."

Dallas narrowed his eyes at her, "Okay..."

The door opened again and Margot let out a sigh of relief when she heard Soda's voice, she immediately stood up, "Oh thank god you're-" she backed up when she saw a random girl standing in front of her instead of her brother.

"Who the hell are you?"

Before the girl could say anything Soda spoke up for her, "Margs, this is Sandy, my girlfriend." Soda answered her question.

Margot cocked a brow, "Girlfriend? Since when do you have a girlfriend?" She questioned. "Since now." Soda said.

Margot turned to the girl and gave her a smile, "Hi, I'm Margot, Soda's twin sister." She shook her hand. "It's so nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you." Sandy smiled, she looked sweet, and she was really beautiful.

"All great things I hope." Margot laughed. "Not really." Soda commented and Margot glared at him. "Hey Sandy, I have a few pictures of Soda that I think you'll love!" Margot grinned mischievously.

"Don't you dare!" Soda pointed a finger at her.

Margot smirked, "Hey Pony, come meet Soda's girlfriend while I get the photo album!" She shouted. Pony peeked his head out from the kitchen, "Oh, hi." He walked into the room and gave Sandy an awkward wave.

Margot took this as her chance to sneak into the kitchen and beat the crap out of Isla for leaving her alone with Dallas like that. "What the hell is wrong with you? Now why would you do that?" Margot whisper-shouted at Isla who stood at the stove making a grilled cheese.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Isla said innocently. "What'd she do?" Johnny asked from the table. Margot's eyes widened, she hadn't even noticed he was there. She really needed to put a bell on that boy.

"Oh, hey Johnny, why don't you go meet Soda's girlfriend, she's real pretty." Margot gave him a sweet smile. Johnny shrugged and walked off into the living room.

Once Johnny was gone Margot smacked Isla's arm, "Ow! There's no need for violence, it wasn't even a big deal." Isla complained. "No, but it was awkward!" Margot whispered.

"Only because you made it awkward like you always do." Isla said. Margot didn't respond to that because even she knew that was true.

"Whatever, if I couldn't stand being in a room with him before, it's even worse now." Margot leaned against the counter and crossed her arms. "Why? Because you like him?" Isla wiggled her eyebrows in a teasing manner.

Margot glared at her, "No, okay? I don't like him, it's just a small infatuation, I'll get over it soon and move on." She shrugged.

"Infatuation? So basically you have a crush on him."

"No, it's not a crush, Lucas was a crush, Dallas is just a...I don't know what he is but he's definitely not a crush." Margot confirmed.

"Okay, whatever you say."

Happy new year everyone! This is my last post before the new year😪 I can't believe how far we've come, from my Sodapop book to this one it's been a real journey. And thank you to everyone who has stuck with me and supported me throughout both books it means so much to me that you all love my books and I love reading all ur comments! I hope you all have a good new year and remember to eat those grapes!! See you next year😉

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