Fifty three

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
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"WILL YOU STOP chewing your nails, it's annoying." Dallas complained. "Oh I'm sorry, I guess sitting here next to you is making me anxious." Margot said sarcastically and Dallas rolled his eyes.

"We're not even halfway there and you're already complaining, why don't we both just not talk the rest of the way." Margot suggested.

"That's fine with me."

They both went silent and Margot turned up the radio to fill the silence. Dallas glanced at her and smirked, changing the station.

"Hey, I was listening to that!" Margot protested.

"No talking remember?"

Margot gave him a scowl and placed her elbow on the side of the car. "Who's car even is this?" She asked.

"It's bucks, so you better not fuck it up."

"Me? You're the one who's crashed like five cars." Margot said. "Eh who cares they were Tim's." He shrugged.

"Buck even know that you took his car?"

"Yeah he knows."

Margot glanced at him and back at her lap, "How was jail." She asked. She squeezed her eyes shut in embarrassment, why the hell would she ask that?

"What do you think? It was horrible."

"Not like you didn't deserve it." She murmured but he heard her. "Oh that's a real nice thought, thanks." He said loudly.

"What? You want me to feel bad for you? Because I don't." Margot said. "I don't need you to feel bad for me, alright? I don't need anybody worrying about me." Dallas stated.

"And that is why you're alone." Margot shouted.

Dallas glared over at her and Margot rolled her eyes, "Eyes on the road asshole."

"Oh and by the way, Tony was the one who beat up Johnny all those months ago, but he's at military school now so you can't do anything about it, just thought you should know." Margot added, she knew it would get him angry, especially the part about him not being able to do anything about it.

Dallas pressed on the breaks and Margot lunged forward almost hitting her head on the dashboard. "What are you crazy?!" She shouted at him.

"Tony was the asshole who hurt Johnny?"

"Yes, he was, and you almost gave me a concussion you dick!" Margot shouted. "Yeah well you deserve it!" He mocked her and Margot glared at him.

"How long have you known?"

"Since before you went to jail, before you even ended things." Margot said. "And you never once decided to tell me? Now who's the liar?" Dallas shouted.

"I didn't lie I just withheld the truth!" Margot defended. "Well if that's the case then so did I!" Dallas said.

They both sat there glaring at each other for what seemed like forever. "I can't believe you never told me." Dallas grumbled as he finally looked away from her and began driving again.

"I never told you because I wanted to make him pay myself, because if I would've told you guys then you all would've pushed us girls aside and just rumble it out and not let us have any fun." Margot explained.

"And how'd that turn out for you? Huh? It almost got you killed." Dallas said, his jaw clenching at the memory of her sitting on the couch, all bloodied and cut up.

"Oh please, it was just a few cuts I was fine." Margot shrugged it off and Dallas hit the breaks again. "Will you stop doing that?!" Margot shouted.

Thank god there was no one on else on the road.

"Just a few cuts? That was not just a few cuts! If you hadn't gotten away then he could've killed you or you would've bled out! Oh but no, it was just a few cuts." Dallas said.

"It's not like you care! You're the one who cut things off the day after, so obviously you never cared about what happened to me, if I remember correctly you're the one who said that you never cared and that you "really hate me" and you were just using me, your words, not mine." Margot crossed her arms.

"You wanna know the real truth? I lied, I never meant any of those things, I just wanted to push you away because I'm not good for you. I almost got you killed because I couldn't keep my hands to myself and I couldn't help you. Tony went after you because of me and I couldn't handle the idea of anything happening to you so I pushed you away to keep you safe from me, and that's the truth." Dallas poured his heart out.

Margot just sat there, dumbstruck. She thought it would make her happy hearing those words come out of his mouth but instead it only made her angrier.

"You are such an asshole!" She shouted out of nowhere. "Oh so now I'm an asshole for telling the truth? You're the one who wanted me to stop lying!" Dallas shouted.

"Yeah well your truth is bullshit! You pushed me away to keep me safe? Oh please! That is such a man thing to do. Tony didn't go after me because of you, he wanted revenge on me for ruining his college career, which to be honest was so not my fault, he was just that stupid that he couldn't get into college without football,"

"But that's not the point! I don't need your protection, I told you multiple times that I didn't want you to protect me and the first thing you do is push me away to "protect me" like you claim, but I'm not mad about the fact that you did push me away, it's the way you did it. You said all those horrible things and made me feel like I was nothing. Like I wasn't worth anything, after everything we did together, after all the things you said to me, you just threw it all away over nothing." Margot rambled.

It felt so good to get all of that off her chest. For months she had been wanting to give him a piece of her mind, to yell at him for breaking her heart.

Dallas sat there, staring at her, processing her words. He knew that he had hurt her but he didn't know how bad.

"Margs..." He didn't know what to say, he couldn't find the right words. Margot looked away from him and crossed her arms, "Can you drive, please?" She pointed at the road.

When he didn't say anything she looked at him, he just kept staring at her. "Dallas!" She snapped him out of it.

He cleared his throat, "Right." He began driving again. The rest of the ride was silent, neither one of them said a word.

How do we feel about Margot's lil confession🤨

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