Thirty two

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

SCHOOL WAS OFFICIALLY out for winter break and Margot couldn't be happier. She had slept in for the first time in forever and it made her feel so refreshed to finally have her eight hours of sleep.

She practically skipped downstairs and into the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal. Pony walked in a few minutes later looking like a mess, "Good morning." Margot grinned.

"What's so good about it?"

Margot cocked a brow, "What's got you all grumpy?" She asked him. "Sorry, I got into an argument with Darry last night and didn't fall asleep till like three a.m." Pony explained.

"What'd you two fight about?"

"School, brother stuff, to be honest I don't even know, it was stupid." Pony shrugged it off. "Hm, I have noticed that he's been picking on you more, he really likes to argue with us doesn't he?" Margot said and Pony nodded.

He made himself a coffee to wake himself up and Margot finished her cereal and made him some eggs. "Is Johnny stopping by? Now that we're all on break I want to make sure he's getting fed." Margot said. "I'm not sure, I can go find him at the lot though after I'm ready." Pony said and Margot nodded.

Margot went up to her room to get ready for the day and when she went back downstairs Pony was gone so she assumed he had left to go find Johnny. She switched on the tv and plopped down on the couch, it felt nice to watch tv and not be interrupted by loud, obnoxious boys.

A few minutes went by and she heard footsteps coming up the porch, she didn't think anything of it thinking it was just Johnny and Pony. It was until the door swung open that she saw that it was Dallas. Her eyes met his and she couldn't help the smile that spread out across her face.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him, "Getting food." He answered and Margot cocked a brow. "Don't you have your own food?"

"Not if I don't steal it."

Margot shook her head, "This is why you're banned in all the grocery stores in town." She said and Dallas scoffed. "Like they could ever keep me out." He sat down next to her and Margot turned her head to him, their noses practically touching.

"There's no one home." She said, not taking her eyes off his lips. The second those words left her mouth his lips crashed onto hers. She grabbed his face and he tugged on her waist and pulled her onto him so she was straddling his lap. The kiss was getting more and more heated as time went by, it was until Margot felt his hand sliding up her shirt that she pulled away.

"Stop, wait." She breathed out.


"What are we doing? Anyone could walk in at any second and we'll get caught." Margot said. "That's what makes it all the more fun." Dallas smirked and he grabbed her waist and placed kisses on her neck. Margot smiled, "If you give me a hickey I swear to god." She said and she felt him smirk against her neck.

"Don't encourage me Curtis."

Margot pulled his face away from her neck and she connected their lips again. She tugged at his hair and Dallas let out a grunt, "You keep doing that and I won't be able to control myself Doll." He muttered. Margot smiled against his lips and only tugged harder at his hair.

Dallas let out a frustrated grunt, he couldn't take it anymore. He flipped her over on the couch so that he was now on top of her, he kissed down her neck and Margot let out a small whimper which only encouraged him.

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