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"STUPID DALLAS AND his stupid smirk and his stupid face, ruined my night." Margot grumbled as she kicked a few rocks as they walked. "Oh come on now, the nights not over yet, we can still have some fun of our own." Isla shoved the girl lightly with her elbow.

"It is for me, I'm tired, walk me home?" Margot asked and Isla nodded. Ever since she got attacked Margot wasn't allowed to walk alone anymore. Isla would walk her everywhere and the boys would pick her up from work so she wouldn't have to walk.

Isla walked Margot home and bid her goodbye. "Home so soon? I expected you out by at least midnight." Darry said from his chair.

"Yeah I got tired, I'm going to bed, goodnight." Margot yawned.

"Night Margs."

"Wait, Soda here yet?" Margot stopped at the foot of the stairs. "No, still out with Steve and their girls, they should be back soon though." Darry said and Margot nodded.

She walked upstairs and got ready for bed. The second her head hit the pillow she was out like a light. She was woken up a few hours later by some shouting going on downstairs. She got out of bed and started cursing to herself, "What the hell?" She grumbled and rushed down the stairs.

"What is going on down here I'm trying to sleep!" Margot stormed into the dining room where the boys were fighting. "I said I didn't mean to!" Pony shouted at Darry and walked out of the bathroom.

"Mean to what? What did you do?" Margot questioned, she was so confused.

"I didn't mean to, I forgot, it's all I ever hear from you!" Darry shouted back.

"Come on Darry-"

"Shut up! I'm Sick and tired of you sticking up for him, you hear me!" Darry shouted at Soda.

"Don't you yell at him!"

And with that Darry shoved Pony to the ground. Margot let out a gasp as Pony hit the floor. "Pony- Ponyboy I didn't mean to!" Darry called out as Pony scrambled off the floor and out the door.

"Pony!" Margot shouted as she chased after him. Darry grabbed her arm and stopped her from going any further, "Don't." He said and Margot yanked her arm away and shoved him back.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Huh? He's a kid!" Margot shouted angrily. She couldn't believe him. Out of all things she never expected Darry to hit him.

"I-I know." Darry looked down at the ground, ashamed. "No, you clearly don't! You don't ever lay a hand on him, do you hear me?! Ever!" Margot shoved Darry one more time before running up the stairs and slamming her door shut.

Darry glanced at Soda who shook his head in disappointment and went upstairs to comfort Margot.

Darry sat on the couch and held his head in his hands and sighed.

There was a knock on Margot's door, "Go away!" She shouted. "It's Soda." Soda said and Margot frowned, "Come in."

Soda walked inside and shut the door behind him. "Hey, you okay?" He sat next to her. "No, are you?" She asked.


Margot sighed and placed her head on Soda's shoulder. "I know it's been tough since mom and dad died and that Darry has had to quit his own life to take care of us but...sometimes he's just so suffocating, you know? I mean he can yell at me all he wants but once he starts taking it out on Pony it's a problem, I never expected him to hit him, though. He's just a kid, he doesn't know any better." Margot said.

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now