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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

MARGOT WALKED INTO Bucks and straight to the bar to have a drink. Her and Darry had gotten into another fight and she needed to get out of that house and cool off.

"One beer, please." Margot flashed a smile at the bartender. "Aren't you a little young?" He cocked a brow at her. "You a bartender or my dad?"

The bartender shrugged and slid her a beer, "Thanks." She smacked a dollar bill onto the bar and walked off. She wasn't one to drink, before her parents she never drank, but ever since they died she had been turning to liquor more to drown out the pain.

It worked, temporarily.

She wandered around Bucks and just drank from her beer. The only goal she had for the night was to get drunk, sure Darry would kill her if she showed up like that to the house, but she didn't care.

He was the reason she was even there in the first place, so really he should blame himself. She kept going back to the bar for more beer, she lost count of how many beers she had after the third one.

She stumbled up the stairs and she kept tripping on each one, she was definitely going to be bruised up in the morning.

She opened the first door she saw, all she saw was someone laying on a bed, there was only a little lamp on in the room so she couldn't exactly see who she was looking at.

"Oh, this isn't the bathroom." She giggled, she was about to shut the door when she finally realized who the person was.

"Oh, it's you." She pointed.

"Curtis? What the hell are you doing here?" Dallas asked, he didn't get up though, he continued smoking his cigarette.

"Getting drunk what are you doing?" Margot leaned against the door frame and placed a hand on her hip. "Minding my business."

"Okay, I know when I'm not wanted, I'll just leave you to your darkness, or whatever." Margot was about to close the door when Dallas stopped her.

"Wait, where do you think you're going?" He stood in front of her now, holding the door open so she wouldn't close it.

"Well I was going to the bathroom, but I don't even know why I was going there I don't even have to use it." Margot giggled. "I'm getting more beer." She turned to walk away but Dallas grabbed her wrist, "No way, I'm taking you home." He pulled her back into the room.

"No, get off me, I can't go home." She pulled on his wrist but he wouldn't budge. "Darry will kill you if he sees you like this." Dallas said.

"Why do you care? You get off on me getting in trouble anyway."

"Why do you think I'm taking you home?"

He let go of her and slammed the door shut, "Fine, I'll just stay here then, Buck's got tons of rooms anyway." Margot crossed her arms. "And get molested? Not a chance." Dallas went to grab his jacket.

"Then I'll just stay here then." Margot flopped onto his bed and laid down. Dallas stared down at her, "You're not sleeping in here."

"Either I sleep in here or get molested, your choice."

There was a knock on the door and Dallas let out a frustrated sigh, "What?" He opened the door to reveal a girl. "Hey, you ready?" She held her heels in her hands.

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to do a rain check." He went to close the door but she slammed her hand onto the door to stop him, "What? You're the one who told me to come."

"And I changed my mind, bye." He slammed the door shut. The girl let out a scoff, "Unbelievable." She mumbled to herself and walked away.

Dallas turned back around ready to drag Margot out of bed but she was already dead asleep. "Are you kidding me?" He threw his hands in the air.

He let out a sigh and he put the blanket over her and made himself comfortable on the floor.

The next morning Margot woke up startled, she looked around the room and she quickly sat up. She grabbed her head in pain and let out a groan, she looked around the room and her eyes widened.

This was definitely not her room.

She turned to put her feet on the floor but instead she put her feet on something else.


Margot let out a gasp and raised her feet back onto the bed and looked down, "Dallas! What the hell are you doing?" She shouted.

"I was sleeping until you stepped on me." He rubbed his hand down his face. "Well sorry, why are you on the floor?" She asked him. "Because someone stole my bed from me last night." Dallas said.

Margot winced, "Oh god, how bad was I? Actually, don't tell me, I'd rather not know." Margot ran her hand through her hair. "I'm surprised you didn't kick me out." She said.

"I tried taking you home, but you wouldn't leave and then you fell asleep on my bed." Dallas explained as he sat up. "And you slept on the floor?" She asked.

"Yep, I didn't feel like getting kicked while I slept." Dallas stood up and walked to the broken down wood he called a closet. "I don't kick in my sleep." Margot defended.

"No but you drool."

"I don't-" Margot glanced down at her shirt to see that it was soaked, "Whatever." She grumbled.

His back was turned to her and that's when she noticed that he was shirtless. Her eyes trailed his toned arms, down his muscular back and down to his-

"Like what you see?"

Margot snapped out of it, "W-what? No, gross." She scoffed. Dallas' lips curled into a smirk and he tossed her a black shirt, "What's this?" She asked.

"Put it on, your shirts all wet from your drool." He slipped his own shirt on. Margot pouted and grabbed the shirt, "Fine, but get out, I don't want you peaking." She stood up from the bed.

"You wish I was peaking." Dallas scoffed, Margot smacked his arm as he made his way out of the room. She changed into his shirt and once she was done she smacked the door to let him know he could come in.

He sauntered in and grabbed his jacket, "Ready to go?" He slipped it on. Margot cocked a brow, "Go where?" She asked. "To your house, you're not staying here." Dallas said.

"I know that, you're walking me home?"

"Yeah, but if you don't want me to then." Dallas began taking his coat off again. "No, wait, yes, you can walk me home." Margot stopped him.

"Okay then." He put his hand on the knob and he froze when Margot spoke.

"Hey Dally?"

He turned around slightly and looked at her, "Thank you, for taking care of me last night." She fidgeted with the hem of his shirt.

He wanted to say it was no problem, or tease her for thanking him, he wanted to comment on the fact that she called him by his nickname and not his full name for once, he wanted to tell her how good she looked in his shirt, but he didn't. Instead, he cleared his throat, and said:

"We should go." And left the room.

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now