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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
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"I THINK THAT looks good there, don't you think?" Dallas took a step back from the wall, his hands on his hips, and examined his handy work. Margot stopped and stood beside him, she squinted her eyes and tilted her head.

She looked at Dallas and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I love you, babe, but that looks horrible." Margot said and Dallas' face dropped.

"What do you mean? I think it looks great." Dallas said and Margot cocked a brow and looked back at the painting. "Well first off it's not centered, and second off...it's a picture of a farmer, riding a sheep." Margot said.

Dallas looked at her, "Exactly, it's perfect."

Margot sighed, "Remind me to never let you decorate, take it down, please." She shook her head as she walked off to the kitchen. Dallas pouted, "Fine, you're no fun."

After four years of constantly working their asses off, they were finally able to buy a house. They were currently in the process of moving in and it was going...slowly.

After Margot graduated from high school she went on to community college. She didn't want to go anywhere far away, Tulsa was her home, her family and friends were here, she didn't want to leave them. So Margot went to school and worked lots of hours and also graduated from community college.

Dallas was hesitant in getting a job, kept saying that he didn't need one and all that crap. But Margot was able to set him straight and make him get a job, Darry had helped him find one in construction.

"Is it down?" Margot shouted from the kitchen. "Yeah it's down." Dallas grumbled as he tossed the painting onto the kitchen table. "Hey, get that thing off my table, now either put it in the trash or the basement where no one can see it." Margot scolded.

"It's not that ugly." Dallas defended and Margot looked at him, "Yes, it is." She said and Dallas sighed in defeat, "Fine, to the basement it goes." He grumbled and walked downstairs.

Margot smiled to herself, even after all these years of dating they never stopped arguing.

"Hello anyone home? We bring gifts!" Isla's voice rang throughout the house.

"In the kitchen!" Margot shouted.

"Hey, where do you want this plant?" Isla asked as Soda walked in behind her holding a big heavy looking plant.

Margot's eyebrows raised in surprise, "That's a big plant." She commented. "Tell me about it, now hurry up this thing is heavy." Soda grunted. Margot chuckled, "Just put it beside the couch, I'll make Dallas move it later." Margot said and Soda rushed to put it down.

"Where is Dallas?" Isla asked as she put her purse on the table, "In the basement, he bought this ugly painting from the thrift store and tried hanging it up in the middle of the living room, I told him it either goes in the basement or the garbage." Margot explained and Isla chuckled.

"Soda tried doing the same thing when we first got our house, he wanted to buy all these ugly things to decorate our house with and I told him I'd kick him out if he ever showed up with an ugly decoration." Isla said.

Margot snickered and Soda popped back into the kitchen, "I heard my name." He kissed his sisters head and went to stand by Isla.

"I was telling her about all those ugly decorations you wanted to buy." Isla said as she wrapped an arm around his waist and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"They weren't ugly, you just have bad taste." Soda retorted and Isla scoffed, "Oh, I'm the one with bad taste?" She laughed.

"Yeah, you are."

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now