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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

TWO DAYS HAD passed since the party and in those two days Margot had been paranoid. And it was all Dallas' fault. He said that she owed him but he never said what, she assumed he was just playing with her but with Dallas she could never tell.

She was just waiting for the moment that he snitched on her and all hell would break loose.

She walked downstairs and she found Pony, Johnny, and Dallas sprawled around the living room. "Look who came out of her cave." Dallas commented.

She flipped him off and walked into the kitchen. She grabbed a coke and walked back into the living room. She sat next to Johnny and her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the TV, "What the hell are you guys watching?"

"No clue."

"I'm bored, let's go do something illegal." Dallas said, he sat on the floor drinking a beer. "Sure, sneak into the nightly double?" Pony suggested.

"Sounds good to me."

"Me too." Johnny pitched in.

"You wanna come Margs?" Pony asked Margot. Before Margot could respond Dallas spoke up, "No, she doesn't."

Margot cocked a brow at him, "Says who?"

"Says me."

"You little-"

"You know what, maybe you should stay, because if you two are gonna be fighting the whole night we might as well stay here." Pony said.

"No, I'm going, I'm not letting this dickhead speak for me." Margot stood up and glared at Dallas and he glared right back.

"Watch it doll, you still owe me." Dallas smirked and Margot's jaw clenched at his words. "Owe you for what?" Pony asked.

"Nothing, let's go." Margot grumbled and she walked out the door. The boys followed after her and they walked towards the nightly double.

It was already dark out by the time they got there. Dallas held the broken fence up as the other three crouched under. He then crouched under and dusted himself off.

He pulled out a cigarette and put it between his lips, before he could light it, the cigarette was snatched from his mouth.

"Thanks." Margot put the cigarette between her own lips and lit it up with her own lighter. Dallas glared at the girl, "Get your own cigarettes Curtis, do you know how much trouble I go through to steal these?"

Margot scoffed, "Please, even I know that stealing is easy for you, you'll just steal more anyway."

Dallas just rolled his eyes at her.

They walked towards the concession stands so they could get snacks before the movie.

Lucas was walking out with his friends when he spotted Margot, "Margot?" He called out her name. Margot turned her head in his direction and her smile dropped and she backed up when she saw him, "Lucas! H-hi!" She stuttered and quickly took the cigarette out of her mouth.

" watching the movie?" Lucas asked her, Margot just nodded. She saw him glance at the boys behind her, "Oh, right, um, Lucas this is my brother Ponyboy, my friend Johnny, and...him." She pointed at each of them.

Lucas' gaze paused on Dallas who looked the soc up and down, Margot didn't miss the look on his face when his gaze landed on Dallas, he almost looked frightened.

He pulled his eyes away from the boy and nodded at them in hello, "Hey."

The boys nodded back, except for Dallas of course who just smirked at him clearly trying to scare him. Lucas tilted his head gesturing for Margot to step to the side with him.

She slightly nodded and turned to the boys, "Hey, you guys go get the snacks I'll catch up with you in a second." She said.

"The hell you will, I'm not leaving you alone with a soc." Pony whisper-shouted. "Oh come on, I'll be fine, I can take care of myself, now go." Margot shooed him off.

"Yeah she'll be fine, if she wants to be a slut then let her." Dallas said and dragged Pony off. Margot was taken back by his harsh words and to be honest, they stung a little. But she didn't show it, last thing she needed was to care about what Dallas Winston thought of her.

She just scoffed and walked towards Lucas.

"Hey." She smiled up at him. "Hey, so you're friends with Dallas Winston, huh?" He asked.

"Not really, he's just friends with my brothers, I don't like him." Margot shrugged. Lucas nodded, "Your brother seems nice, how many brothers do you have?" Lucas asked.

"Three in total, there's my older brother, twin brother, and younger brother, Pony's the youngest." Margot answered.

"You're a twin?!"

"Yeah, his names Sodapop."

"Wow, you just got even more interesting." Lucas smiled and Margot blushed at his words. He stared down at her smiling, Margot's eyebrows furrowed. "What?" She laughed nervously.

Did she have something on her face?

"Nothing, you're just really pretty." Lucas shrugged.

Margot's cheek got even redder and she grinned like a fool, "Thanks."

"It's a shame we're here with our friends, I'd invite you to hang with us know." Lucas said and Margot nodded, "Yeah, I understand."

"How about we go out by ourselves, does tomorrow at seven work for you?" Lucas asked her. Margot was taken back by his question, she couldn't believe he was actually asking her out.

"T-tomorrow? Yeah it's perfect."

"Okay great, I'll pick you up-"

"No! No, um, I'll just meet you." Margot cut him off. "Are you sure? I have a car it's really no problem." Lucas offered.

"Yeah, yeah I'm sure, I can meet you at the park and we can go from there." Margot said. "Okay, sure." Lucas nodded.

"Okay, I should get going, I'll see you tomorrow then." Margot began backing up. "Yeah, definitely, see you tomorrow Margot." Lucas said.

Margot gave him one last smile before she turned around and walked away. She walked to where the boys stood in line waiting to get snacks. She was smiling from ear to ear.

Pony noticed her and his eyebrows furrowed, "What are you smiling about?" He asked her. Margot shook her head.

"Nothing, nothing at all."

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now