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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

"HOLY SHIT, I can't believe I just did that." Margot walked down the dark street and she was silently panicking. "Have you never snuck out before?" Isla asked from beside her.

Unlike Margot who was panicking, Isla was perfectly calm, like she had done this a hundred times before. Which she had.



"Because unlike you I don't have a death wish."

Isla rolled her eyes, "Whatever, as long as you're back home before anyone notices you're gone you'll be fine." She reassured her.

"I better or I'm blaming you."

"Go ahead, it's not like Darry can ground me." Isla shrugged. "Yeah lucky." Margot grumbled. They got to the party and they both stared at the giant house in awe, it was huge.

It wasn't their first time at a soc party but they never got used to seeing such a big house. They walked into the house and their lungs were immediately filled with smoke.

"God it's like a crack house in here!" Margot shouted over the blaring music. "Let's go find your man!" Isla shouted back. Margot grabbed her wrist before she could walk off, "Wait, can't I get a drink first? I'd rather be drunk than sober for when he rejects me, maybe that way I won't remember the humiliation." Margot mumbled the last part.

"Fine, but one drink, if you get too drunk then Darry will actually kill me and you." Isla said. They pushed their way to the kitchen and grabbed some drinks. There were a lot of socs around, the girls didn't really know any of them but they recognized them.

They noticed some greasers lurking around, greasers loved crashing soc parties and causing trouble. "I hate soc parties, they never have any good beer." Isla grumbled as she stared at all the selection of beers they had.

"Yeah because it's expensive, expensive beer is never good." Margot said and Isla nodded in agreement. "But it does get you drunk." Margot chugged a whole cup.

"Relax, don't want to pass out before you get to talk to the love of your life." Isla teased and Margot rolled her eyes. "Yeah right."

"I'll be right back, I have to go to the bathroom, don't get lost!" Isla shouted and walked off. Margot just nodded and grabbed another beer. She decided to walk around and explore the house.

Somehow she ended up upstairs and what seemed to be the master bedroom. She knew it was because it was huge. She walked around the room eyeing all the shiny things, she may or may not have stuffed some jewelry into her bra.

She walked out of the room and she held a Diamond necklace in her hand and she looked at it in awe. "Margot?"

Margot's eyes widened and she hid the necklace behind her back, "Lucas! Hey! W-what are you doing here?" She fake smiled.

"It's a party." Lucas said. Margot grimaced at her stupidness, "Right, yeah, of course it is." She laughed nervously.

"What were you doing in there?" He asked her, "Oh, uh, nothing just checking out the bedrooms, only six more to go." Margot lied.

"Why don't we check them out together?" He asked, Margot looked at him in shock. First because she couldn't believe that he was actually talking to her, second because he didn't seem to be flirting with her.

He was smiling at her and he sounded so innocent asking her that. Which asking someone to check out a bedroom together is definitely not innocent. But she knew it was, because it was Lucas.

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now