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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐬
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THE SUN SHINED through the sheer curtains and onto the sleeping brunette. The girl stirred awake and let out a groan. She knew buying white curtains was a bad idea.

"Margot wake up you're gonna be late!" Darry shouted from the stairs. Margot sighed and sat up, "Coming!" She shouted back. It was seven in the morning and she had to get ready for school.

School didn't start till eight but Darry always made them get up an hour early because they took "forever" to get ready. Which they did, but that didn't mean she wanted to get up early.

She slowly got out of bed and got ready, she wore light washed jeans and one of Ponyboy's hoodies. It was late September which meant fall was here, there was a slight chill in the air and Margot thought it was the perfect weather for a hoodie.

Even if Pony was her kid brother, his clothes still fit more loosely on her since he was at least a foot taller than her. She put on her black high-top converse and hopped down the stairs.

"Morning boys." She greeted as she sauntered into the kitchen. "Morning Margs." Pony said, although it was mumbled by the eggs in his mouth. She smacked the back of his head, "Manners."

He glanced at her, sending her a glare.

She patted Darry on the back who stood at the stove cooking bacon. "Morning kiddo, eggs are on the plate, bacons almost done." He said and Margot nodded.

"Where's Soda?"

"Still in the bathroom."

"Of course he is." Margot walked to the bathroom and knocked on it, "What did you fall in the toilet or something? Get your ass out here I need to use it!" She shouted.

"Hold your horses!" Soda shouted back. The door swung open and Soda stood at the sink, combing his greased hair back. Margot smirked and ran her fingers over his hair and messed it up.

He swatted her hand away, "What did I say about touching my hair?!" He shouted. "I wouldn't know I wasn't listening." Margot laughed.

"Get out of the bathroom before I shave it off in your sleep." She threatened. Soda grumbled a few cuss words and left the bathroom. Margot grinned in satisfaction and slammed the door shut.

She brushed her teeth, combed her hair, used the bathroom, and walked out. She felt a pair of arms wrap around her neck and she instantly tensed up, "Hey kiddo!" Two-Bit shouted.

She felt his knuckles digging into her scalp, going back and forth. She smacked his arms to try and get him off, "Let go!" She shouted.

Two-Bit just laughed at her protests.

"Lay off Two!" Darry shouted from the kitchen. Two-Bit rolled his eyes and let her go, Margot turned around and shoved him.

"Asshole! I just brushed my hair." She grumbled. Two-But just smirked. "Suits you right for touching mine." Soda said and Margot glared at him.

"Come eat breakfast before it gets cold!" Darry shouted. They all listened and made their way into the kitchen and sat down and ate.

Margot watched them eat with a disgusted look on her face, they ate like dogs. Darry was her older brother, he was only twenty. Pony was younger than her he was fourteen.

Soda and her were twins, they were both sixteen. They were twins but they didn't look that similar like twins would. Sure they had similar features but they were completely different personality wise.

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