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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

"YOU KISSED DALLAS?!" Isla shouted. Margot shushed her, "Shut up! I don't want your brothers finding out and telling my brothers!" Margot whisper-shouted.

"Sorry, but oh my god! Finally! How was it? Is he a good kisser?" Isla questioned. "He is, it was amazing." Margot gushed. "About time he grew some balls and made a move, so are you two like, dating now?" Isla asked.

"I'm not sure, we still need to talk about that, but I'm not looking to just hook up with him, I want a relationship, a real one." Margot said. Isla nodded, "That's understandable, just don't get pregnant."

Margot grabbed a pillow and threw it at her, "Don't be gross." Isla let out a laugh, "I'm just saying, it could happen."

"Not to me, I don't even want kids."

"Really? Why not?"

"Because they're annoying, and loud, and gross, and they're not cheap." Margot listed off.

"That's valid." Isla shrugged.

The next day at work Margot and Isla were running around the restaurant trying to get to every table. They had a full house and only three waitresses and two cooks, so it was safe to say that they were extremely behind.

Margot ran behind the counter to get some more drinks for a table and if she hadn't already had a bad enough day one of the drinks spilled on her.

"Shit!" She shouted and quickly grabbed a rag and wiped her skirt and apron off. Isla rushed over to her, "What happened?"

"Stupid drink fell all over me, son of a bitch!" Margot cussed. "It's okay, go get cleaned up in the bathroom and I'll take these drinks." Isla said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, now go! We need all the help we can get right now!" Isla shouted as Margot walked to the bathroom.

Margot dried herself off and she leaned against the sink, her head hanging low. She let out a frustrated sigh and looked at herself in the mirror, she fixed her ponytail and took a deep breath.

Time to get back out there.

"Order up!"

"Thanks Marco!" Margot shouted as she grabbed the tray of hot food and ran it to a table. She went back to the bar and set the tray down, she wiped the sweat off her forehead and let out a sigh.

She felt hands wrap around her waist and she rolled her eyes, "Harold, how many times do I have to tell you to keep your-" Margot turned around and her eyes widened when she was met face to face with Dallas.


"Hey doll, who's Harold?"

"Um- w-what are you doing here?" She asked him, fixing her hair and flattening her dirty apron. She felt embarrassed that he had to see her like that, all sweaty and disheveled.

"What? I can't just come in for a drink?" Dallas smirked, "Not when it's busy as hell." Margot grumbled.

Dallas' eyes scanned the restaurant, "Yeah I can see you're busy." He said.

"You think?"

Dallas looked at her, "So, who's Harold and why is he laying hands on you?" He tilted his head.

"Just a customer, not a big deal, now if you don't mind I have customers to tend to." Margot turned to walk away from him but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to him.

"Come to Bucks later, I want to see you." He whispered. Margot gulped and nodded, "Okay, I'll stop by after my shift, now go before you get me in trouble." She shoved him off.

Dallas smirked, "See you tonight, doll."

Margot let a smile form on her face once he was gone and she finished her shift with that smile never leaving her face. Margot excitedly walked to Bucks and she went inside and past all the drunks and up to Dallas' room.

Margot took a deep breath and knocked on the door, she heard shuffling behind the door and then the door opened. Without a word, Dallas grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside, slamming his door shut.

Margot wasn't able to get a word in before Dallas had his lips on hers. She dropped her purse to the floor and she cupped his face and kissed him back. They stumbled back and Margot felt her back hit his nightstand, she let out a small gasp at the contact and Dallas pushed everything he had on the nightstand off and he lifted her onto the nightstand so she was now sitting on it.

Margot wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him even closer to her if that was even possible. Dallas' hands moved to her waist and the touch made Margot shiver. Dallas smirked against her lips, knowing the affect he had on her. He slid his hand under her shirt and the touch of his bare hand on her bare skin made her feel like she was on fire.

She wanted more.

But she couldn't, not now, not when she wasn't ready. She pulled his hand out of her shirt and she broke the kiss, "Not yet, I'm not ready." She said, out of breath from all the kissing.

Dallas nodded, "Okay." And he placed his lips on hers again. They made out for a few more minutes before there was a knock on the door, interrupting them.

Dallas let out a groan and he rested his forehead on her shoulder, "Son of a bitch." He cursed. "Who is it?" He shouted, whipping his head to the door.

"Buck! Someone's looking for you!" Buck shouted. Dallas pulled away from Margot and ran a hand through his now messy hair, "I'll be right back." He grumbled and he left the room.

Margot slid off the nightstand and looked at herself in the mirror, her lips were red and swollen, her hair was a mess, and she was out of breath. But all she could think about was, "damn he's a good kisser".

When Dallas got back he found Margot laying on his bed, playing with her switch. "Whatcha doin?" He shut the door.

"Nothing." Margot answered. Dallas crawled onto the bed and hovered over her, his arms stretched out beside her head.

Margot put the switch down and her eyes flickered to his lips. She grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him on top of her, smashing their lips together. Margot used all her force to roll him over so she was now on top of him.

She pulled away and she smiled down at him, "Your Christopher's back." She pointed out. Dallas glanced down at the chain and back at her, "Yeah, I broke up with Sylvia...again." He said.

"Good, don't want you two-timing me." She pecked his lips and got off him, smoothing out her skirt. "If we're going to be dating-"

"Woah, dating? Who said we were dating?" Dallas questioned, sitting up on the bed. Margot stood in front of him now, her eyebrows furrowed. "What? You think this is just a casual thing? I'm not one of your girls you get to just mess around with and dump, I'm not that type of girl and you know that." She pointed a finger at him.

"I'm looking for something serious, and if you're not, then oh well, I can get any guy I want, I don't need you. So if you thought this was just going to be some hookup, then I'm sorry to break it to you, but it wasn't. This has been fun, and if you ever change your mind and decide to stop being such an asshole, you know where I live." Margot collected her stuff and slammed his door shut before he could get a word in.

Margot stood outside the door and let out a sigh. She was proud of herself, for setting boundaries and not underestimating herself. She wasn't wrong, she could get any guy if she wanted, but she wanted Dallas.

But not if he wasn't going to be all in. She wouldn't be with a guy who was never fully there, who wouldn't love her fully. She wanted to be loved, wanted, and if Dallas wasn't going to do that then she didn't need him. No matter how much it hurt, she didn't need him.

Or so she thought.

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now