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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

DALLAS WALKED MARGOT home and the whole walk there they were silent. Margot walked a few feet in front of him and he walked behind her. They walked up the porch and Margot stopped in front of the door.

"What are you doing?" Dallas asked her. Margot turned around, "You know what, I heard about this diner that's open 24/7 maybe we could-"

"Oh would you get inside?" Dallas opened the door and shoved her inside. Darry, who was sitting in his chair reading a book, stood up when they walked in.

Margot was looking over her shoulder, glaring at Dallas for pushing her. Once she turned to look at Darry her eyes widened and she took a step back.

"Margot." Darry sighed in relief. He glanced behind her and his eyebrows furrowed, "And Dallas?"

"I brought her back, you're welcome." Dallas said. Darry cocked a brow and looked down at Margot, "Care to explain?"

"Not really."

Dallas rolled his eyes and spoke up, "She was walking by Shepards alley." He said. Margot looked at him in disbelief, "Snitch!" Dallas only smirked in response.

"You what? What the hell were you thinking?!" Darry shouted. "I wasn't!" Margot shouted back.

"Obviously." Dallas scoffed from behind her. She turned and gave him an annoyed look, "Will you shut up? Don't you got someone to go beat up?" She waved him off.

"Oh yeah, you're right, maybe I'll go find that boyfriend of yours and beat him up." Dallas shot back.



Dallas walked out of the house before Margot could properly yell at him. Margot let out a sigh, "Yeah, I know, I'm grounded, I know the drill." Margot walked towards the stairs.

"Good, and you better go to bed!"

"Whatever!" She slammed her door shut. Margot went to bed annoyed and frustrated and woke up feeling the same way. It was finally the weekend so at least she didn't have to wake up hearing Darry's booming voice throughout the house.

Instead she heard Two-Bit's stupid hollering. She tried stuffing her head under her pillow hoping it would tune it out but it did nothing. She let out a groan and flung her blanket off her body and stormed out of bed and down the stairs, her pillow still in hand.

"Will you shut up! Some people are trying to sleep here!" She shouted at Two-Bit. Two-Bit stopped whatever the hell he was doing and let out a laugh as he looked at her, "Wow, what did a tornado fly through your room?" He cackled.

Margot smacked his arm with the pillow, "Maybe if you weren't down here screaming like a hooligan I wouldn't look like this!" She shouted.

"I'll scream all I want."

Margot glared at him and swung her pillow at his face, "Don't you have your own house? Go bother your own family!"

"Are you kidding? If I even bothered to wake up my ma she'd kill me dead." Two-Bit scoffed. Margot rolled her eyes, "Whatever, looks I won't be sleeping in, thanks to someone!" She glared at Two-Bit and threw her pillow at him which he caught with ease.

"You're welcome!"

"What's for breakfast?" Margot asked Darry who sat at the kitchen table drinking his coffee and reading the daily newspaper. "Nothing." He answered, taking a sip of his coffee.

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now