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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

MARGOT SHOT AWAKE as she heard screaming coming from downstairs. She swung her door open and basically flew down the stairs. She looked around the dark living room and saw nothing, she heard sobbing coming from Soda and Ponyboy's room.

She opened the door, "What's going? I heard screaming." She said. She saw Soda holding a crying Ponyboy in his arms, comforting him. Margot's eyes instantly softened and she sat down on the bed, she grabbed Pony from Soda's arms and she let him sob into her shoulder.

"Shhh it's okay." She whispered as she ran her hand through his thick dark hair.

"Another nightmare?" She asked Soda and he nodded. Margot sighed, Pony had been having nightmares since their parents died and he didn't have them as often anymore but he did still have them every once in a while.

Darry walked into the room, his hair was all over the place and he was rubbing his eyes. "Again?" He asked. The twins nodded at the same time and Darry sighed, "You want some warm milk Pony? It could help you sleep." Darry suggested.

Pony pulled away from Margot and wiped his tears away, "I'm fine, sorry for waking y'all." He sniffled. "It's okay Pone, we get it." Margot reassured him.

"Why don't you sleep with me tonight? I could use the company." Margot offered him. "Sure, why not." Pony nodded and stood up. Margot stood up after him, "Night boys." She whispered as she followed Pony up the stairs.

They both fell asleep right away and when Margot woke up she felt a sharp pain in her side. She turned to see that it was Pony's foot. She pushed his leg back on his side and he stirred awake, "Wha- what happened?" He asked.

"You had your big foot up my rib, this is the last time I let you sleep with me, now I'm gonna have a bruise because of you." Margot grumbled as she sat up.

"Not my fault you have a small bed."

Margot stood up and smacked his face with a pillow, "Get out so I can change, we have school in an hour." She said.

Pony glared at her, "Fine."

Pony left the room and Margot got dressed. She wore black jeans with a white sweater and she wore her converse again, they were the only pair of shoes she owned.

Once she landed on the last step she was lifted off the floor and into the air. She let out a yelp and smacked the persons arms, whoever had lifted her put her down and she almost fell on her face.

She turned around and glared at the culprit who was Steve, "What the fuck Steve." She smacked his shoulder. "You just make it so easy." He laughed.

"You suck, you all suck." She pointed at the boys who were sitting on the couches. "What did we do?" Ponyboy asked.

"You did something."

"Morning Darry." She greeted as she walked into the kitchen. "Morning, you eating breakfast?" He asked her. "Nah, not hungry, I'll eat at school, thanks though." She said.

She grabbed a glass of water and walked back into the living room, her eyes darkened when her eyes landed on Dallas, leaning against the wall next to the door smoking a cigarette.

"Put that out." Margot demanded, she knew how much Darry hated when someone smoked in the house.

"Why don't you make me." Dallas smirked.

Margot glared at him, "Put it out or go outside, you know Darry doesn't let you smoke in here."

"Darry doesn't tell me what to do, and neither do you, sweetheart." The nickname made Margot's blood boil. She hated that nickname, she hated him.

"You little-"

"Dallas go outside before I throw you out." Darry appeared beside her. Margot's lips curled into a smug smirk and Dallas rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, I'm outta here." And he left.

Isla walked in as he left and she cocked a brow, "What's with grumpy?"

"Oh you know, just being his usual asshole self, you ready to go?" Margot said as she grabbed her backpack from the floor. "Yep, let's go." They both walked out the door and waved the boys goodbye.

"Wait! Why do you guys always leave me?" Pony chased after them. "Because you're too slow." Margot responded.

"Yeah he moves like a snail." Steve popped out of nowhere. "Where did you come from?" Isla asked asked.

"You actually coming to school?" Margot asked him, "Yeah, my dad said one more absence and I'm grounded, so now I'm here walking with you dorks." Steve said. Isla shoved him to the side, "We're not dorks, you're just stupid." She mocked him.

"I am not stupid!"

"You're a little stupid." Margot added. "This is why I don't go to school." Steve grumbled. "We're just kidding Stevie, no need to get your panties in a twist." Margot snickered.

He just glared at her.

They got to school and went their own separate ways. Margot leaned against the wall of lockers while Isla stuffed her backpack into her own locker. "He's so cute." Margot gushed, Isla turned her head to see who she was looking at.

And of course it was Lucas.

Isla rolled her eyes, "You seriously need to learn to talk to him, because you just standing here staring at him is creepy."

Margot frowned, "I wish I could talk to him, but I can't."

"And why not?" Isla slammed her locker shut. "Because he's a soc, I'm a greaser, it would never work." Margot said. "You don't know that, and you never will if you don't talk to him." Isla said.

Margot sighed and pushed herself off the wall and they began walking to class, "Why should I even bother? It's not like it's ever gonna happen." Margot shrugged.

"Look, there's a party tonight at Linda's house and Lucas will most likely be there, we can crash and you can find Lucas and talk to him." Isla suggested. "Crash a soc party? Are you trying to get us killed?"

"Yep, just trying to speed up the process."

Margot rolled her eyes, "It's a good idea but Darry will never let me go." She said. "Which is why you won't tell him, just say you're going to bed early and sneak out, easy peasy." Isla shrugged.

"Yeah for you, if he catches me I'm dead."

"Then don't get caught."

I don't have a posting schedule for this story yet I'm just posting randomly for now:)

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now