Fourty seven

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

SODA KNOCKED ON Margot's door and walked in. She laid in bed her back to him, she didn't even bother to look over her shoulder. "Hey, I brought you breakfast." He walked over to the bed.

He set the tray of food down on the bed and he looked at her, "Margs." He grabbed her shoulder and she shrugged it off. "I'm not hungry." She mumbled.

"You've been in bed all week, you're going to have to get up at some point." Soda said. Margot didn't say anything and Soda sighed, he set the tray on her dresser, "Food is here if you want it." He stood at the door and gave her one last sympathetic look before he closed the door behind him.

He walked downstairs and Darry stood in the living room waiting for him to come down, "Did she take it?" Darry asked, hopeful.

Soda shook his head and Darry sighed, "She hasn't been eating, she's going to starve up there." Darry said. "She needs time, she got attacked, she's probably scared." Pony said from the couch.

Soda knew that wasn't the real reason, Margot didn't care about the attack. He had a suspicion that her current depression had something to do with a certain greaser.

Dallas Winston.

He didn't want to ask her about it and then upset her. Dallas hadn't come over all week, he wondered what happened.

"She can't miss any more days of school, either she gets out of bed or I drag her out of it." Darry stomped up the stairs. He swung Margot's door open, "Get up and get ready, you're going to school." He tugged on her blanket and Margot tugged back.

"I don't want to!"

"Too bad! You've had the whole week off now get up!" He managed to pull the blanket off her and Margot let out a groan and sat up. Her hair was a mess, her eye bags were more prominent, and she looked thinner from not eating well.

"School or the doctor, you choose."

"Why the doctor?"

"Because you look like a zombie, eat your breakfast and get ready, you're going to school whether you like it or not." Darry said as he stomped back out of the room.

Margot groaned and slammed her fists onto the bed, the last thing she wanted to do was leave her room but she wouldn't put it past Darry to actually drag her out of her room by the ear so she got up, ate her breakfast, and got ready.

She was late for class but it wasn't like she cared. Isla had been bringing her homework to her everyday after school and covered her shifts at work. After she left Bucks that night she went straight to Isla's and cried into her best friends arms.

"Margot? What are you- hey what's wrong?" Isla pulled the crying girl into the house. "You were right, I was so stupid." Margot cried.

"What are you talking about?"

"He broke things off."

Isla frowned and pulled Margot into a tight hug, "I'm so sorry." She mumbled into her hair. Margot cried, "I really need my best friend right now." She held onto Isla tightly.

"And I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere." Isla reassured her, rubbing her back soothingly.

Isla's brothers and her dad had also comforted Margot after hearing her breakdown from the top of the stairs. Isla's dad had made her some hot chocolate, Tyler had put on her favorite movie, and the youngest, Connor, made her a little funny drawing to cheer her up.

And that is why Margot loved Isla's family so much. They were so caring and always knew the right things to say.

"Hey, y-you're here?" Isla's eyebrows furrowed as Margot took her seat next to her in class. "Yeah, Darry made me come." Margot slammed her books onto the table.

"You doing okay?" Isla asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Margot lied. She wasn't fine, she would never be fine, not as long as Dallas Winston still existed.

The whole school day dragged on, all Margot wanted to do was go home and crawl back into her bed and under her covers.

After school Isla walked Margot back home. "Hey, I didn't see Tony at all, what happened to him?" Margot asked. "Oh, you didn't hear? He got sent to military school, apparently he was acting out and his dad made him go, he left a few days ago." Isla explained.

"Military school? Wow." Margot had a sneaky suspicion that a certain greaser had something do with that. Both girls walked into the house to surprisingly find Darry inside, Margot hadn't even noticed his car parked up front.

"Darry? What are you doing home so early?" Margot asked. He was on the phone, he looked upset. She could tell because he had that line on his forehead that was specifically reserved for her.

"What's going on?" She asked and Darry held up a finger telling her to be quiet. Margot looked at Isla who shrugged and went to the kitchen and came back with a coke.

"You need to go grocery shopping." Isla whispered. With her in bed all week the boys hadn't even bothered to go out themselves and grocery shop.

Margot rolled her eyes, "I swear those boys can't do anything without me." She whispered back. Isla snickered and took a sip of her coke. "Well you're the woman of the house, they depend on you."

"And I depend on them to keep their heads on and use their brains and they can't even do that." Margot whispered. Darry slammed the phone into the wall which made Margot jump and hope that he didn't hear her.

"What was that about?" Isla asked as she took another sip of the coke. Darry looked at them and sighed, "Dally's in jail."

Isla choked on her coke and Margot's eyes widened. "Why? What did he do now?" Isla questioned. "What didn't he do? He stole, got drunk, started a bar fight, and a lot more I'd rather not say, they hauled his ass in and I don't have enough to post bail." Darry ran a hand down his face in frustration.

"Then don't, let him sit in there and think about what he did, it's not like he wasn't asking for it." Margot said, she walked over to the couch and plopped down.

Darry stood in front of her, "He's our friend."

"He's your friend."

Darry narrowed his eyes at her, "I don't know what happened between you two and to be honest, I'd rather not know for my sanity, but he's apart of this family like all the other boys whether you like it or not, so deal with it." Darry said.

Margot stood up and glared up at him, "No, I won't deal with it, I'd rather choke to death than deal with it." She spat and stomped up the stairs.

Darry looked at Isla, "You know anything about this?"

"Yeah, nothing you want to know, trust me." Isla said and rushed after Margot. Darry stood in the living room and sighed.

Why did his siblings have to make his life so much harder?

And the movie begins next chapter😝

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