Fourty three

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

A WEEK LATER Margot was walking back from her shift at the diner when she heard shouting coming from her house. She quickly rushed up the stairs and into the house to find Darry and Pony shouting at each other.

"Hey! What the hell is going on? The whole block can hear you for gods sake!" Margot shouted as she slammed the door shut.

"He's being a pain in my-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." Darry pointed a finger at his little brother. "Okay, stop shouting and someone tell me what's going on!" Margot placed her hands on her hips.

"Pony failed a test." Darry said. Margot gave him a look of disbelief, "That's it? You're yelling at him over a stupid grade are you kidding me?" Now it was Margot's turn to shout.

"It's not just a grade! It's his future!" Darry shouted. "And I can make it up its not a big deal! But you refuse to listen to me like always!" Pony shouted.

Soda walked into the house, "Hey what's all the shouting for? I can hear y'all halfway down the block." Soda shut the door behind him. "And where have you been?" Darry asked him.

"With Sandy, I told you."

"Oh my god, you know what? I can't deal with this, we can argue about this tomorrow, I'm tired and annoyed now everyone shut up and go to bed, please." Margot grabbed her purse that she had tossed onto the couch when she rushed in and stomped up the stairs.

"What are we even arguing about?" She heard Soda ask before she slammed her door shut. She leaned her head against the door and held her head in her hands and sighed.

Why did they always have to argue?

They could never have a moment of peace in this house. Never.

She heard her window slide open and Dallas crawled inside. He saw how upset she looked and his eyebrows furrowed, "What's up with you?"

Margot looked at him and sighed, "What are you doing here? It is so not a good time right now." She groaned.

"Well you could've just said so." Dallas turned to leave and Margot reached for him and grabbed his arm. "Wait, I'm sorry, it's just- my stupid brothers are fighting again and god I just can't take it anymore, lately they're always fighting about something and it's driving me crazy." Margot said.

"All of them?"

"Not Soda, he's not much of a fighter, but Pony and Darry have just been going at each other's throats and then Soda's the one breaking them apart and then I have to intervene and it's just a whole thing." Margot explained.

"Damn, sounds like you all need a vacation."

Margot scoffed and walked over to her bed, "Yeah maybe if we were rich."

Dallas sat next to her on the bed, "I know something that'll cheer you up." He said and Margot rolled her eyes.

"Not tonight, I am so not in the mood."

"I'm not talking about that, wow you're dirty." Dallas shoved her lightly with his shoulder and Margot smiled, "Shut up." She chuckled and shoved him back.

"Get dressed and meet me outside." Dallas stood up and Margot looked up at him, "For what?"

"You'll see, now hurry up, we don't got all night." Dallas crawled out the window and Margot got dressed into her sweats and one of Pony's sweatshirts.

She climbed down her window and Dallas gave her attire a once over, "Well you sure know how to dress for the occasion." He commented.

"Oh shut up, you didn't exactly clear up what we were doing so sweats and hoodie is what you're getting." Margot defended. Dallas smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her to his side, "Whatever, you still look cute anyway."

Margot blushed at his words and made sure not to let him see because if he did she'd never live it down.

They stopped in front of an abandoned building and Margot looked up at it wearily, "Um...where are we?" She asked. "Just a place I found." Dallas shrugged.

Margot cocked a brow, "It looks abandoned."

"That's because it is."

Margot let out a nervous laugh and Dallas rolled his eyes, "It's not haunted if that's what you're worried about." He reassured her.

"Yeah I'm more worried about crack heads and serial killers." Margot said. "There's none of those either, now close your eyes." He instructed.

Margot gave him a weary look and he rolled his eyes, "Do you trust me?" He held his hands out for her to grab.

Margot sighed and she placed her hands in his.

"Thank you, now let's go." He led her inside the building, up a few stairs, and through a door. Margot shivered as she felt the cold breeze sleeping through Pony's light sweater shirt.

"Are we on the roof? You're not going to throw me off are you?" Margot chuckled, when Dallas didn't respond her face dropped.


"You can open your eyes now!" She heard him shout, he sounded pretty far away. Margot slowly opened her eyes to total darkness, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. A few seconds later there was a flash of light and Margot's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. 

In front of her there was a roof patio, there were fairy lights hanging everywhere illuminating the roof, there was very comfortable looking couches, some beanbag chairs, and a hammock.

It was absolutely beautiful.

"Dallas this" Margot breathed out. Dallas appeared next to her and smiled, "I knew you'd like it, here come sit." He grabbed her hand and sat her down on one of the couches.

"How did you find this place?" Margot asked as he sat down next to her. "I was hiding out from a few guys that were after me and I decided to explore, I found this place and cleaned it up a little." Dallas explained.

"Impressive, how could anyone abandon this place? It's so beautiful." Margot looked around in awe. "Who knows I just found it." Dallas shrugged.

"Who knew you were such a romantic?" Margot smirked and shoved him lightly. Dallas rolled his eyes and bit back a smile, "I'm not.

"You know you can't lie to me Winston." Margot said and Dallas looked at her, pure joy in his eyes.

"No, I can't."

Is Dallas becoming soft😱 also if u don't know what a roof patio looks like search it up on google and take ur pic😉

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