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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

MARGOT AND ISLA walked into the school laughing about something Isla had said. They separated and went to their own lockers. Margot put in her combination and put her books in the locker.

She slammed the locker shut and she jumped when she saw Lucas leaning against the lockers next to hers. "Lucas? You scared me!" She smacked his shoulder.

"Sorry." He laughed.

He stood up straight, "I had fun last night, we should do it again sometime." Lucas smiled. Margot tried her hardest not to blush, "S-sure yeah, just let me know when." She said.

Lucas nodded, "Yeah, I'll let you know." He sent her a wink before he walked off. Margot stood there for a second processing what had just happened. Once she was done she rushed to Isla's locker.

"Guess what just happened."


"Lucas just asked me out again!"

Isla slammed her locker shut and looked at the girl in shock, "What?!" She shouted. "Yeah! I mean he said we should hang out again and that he'll let me know when." Margot explained.

"Margs that's great! That means he likes you!" Isla exclaimed. "I know!" Margot gushed and leaned against the lockers.

"What's up with you?" Ponyboy walked up to them, Johnny beside him. "Lucas wants to hang out again." Margot said.

Pony rolled his eyes, "You actually like him?"

"Yes, I do. So you better not mess it up for me or I will shave that ugly ferret off your head." Margot walked closer to him, pointing a finger at him threateningly.

Pony gulped, "Okay, fine, I won't say anything."


"And my hairs not ugly." He grumbled.

Margot glanced at Johnny, "Hey Johnnycakes." She flashed him a smile. Johnny, who was staring down at his shoes, looked up and gave her a weak smile, "Hey."

Margot's smile faded at the sight of Johnny's black eye, "What happened?" She grabbed his face to examine it. "Nothing, just my old man, it's not a big deal." He shrugged her off.

"No big deal? Johnny he gave you a black eye, that's a big deal." Isla said. "It's fine, it looks worse than it feels." Johnny mumbled.

"It doesn't matter, you're not going back there tonight, you'll sleep at our place." Margot said. "No I can't-"

"You can and you will, if I find you sleeping at the lot I will drag you by the ear all the way to our house." Margot threatened. Johnny sighed, "Fine."

The bell rang signaling that it was time for class, "Okay, let's go Isla, see you later boys." Margot linked her arm with Isla's and they walked off.

Once school was out Margot walked with Ponyboy and Johnny to their house. Isla had to go home so she could go to work.

She worked at the Dingo, which was a dirty diner where all the greasers hung out at. Her dad had forced her to get a job and it was the only place hiring at the time.

Margot was going over there later to ask for a job, if Soda and Darry were able to provide for the family then she could to.

When they got home Margot was surprised to see Darry home so early. "Darry, you're here early." She said as she walked into the kitchen.

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