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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

"HAS DARRY CAME to see Mr.Assface yet?" Isla asked as they walked out of school, it was the beginning of next week and Mr.Assface was still hounding her about the stupid project.

"No not yet, he better come soon because he won't get off my ass." Margot grumbled. Isla snickered, "He's like the older version of Dally, huh?"

Margot scoffed at that, "Not even, at least I can tolerate Dallas, one look at this man and I want to smash his head in."

Isla gasped, "Are you saying that you don't hate Dallas as much as you think you do?"

Margot rolled her eyes, "That's not what I'm saying, I'm saying that I finally found someone that I hate more than him." She shrugged. Isla smirked, "Yeah sure."

Margot stopped in her tracks when she saw Darry getting out of his truck, "Darry! You came to talk to Mr.Assface?" She walked up to him.

"Yes sadly, wish me luck." He said and Margot patted his back as he walked past them, "If you need to punch him at one point you go right ahead!" Margot shouted.

"Wait so he's actually talking to him? I thought that was code for beating his ass." Isla said. "I wish, I suggested it to him but he said something about how words work better than violence and all that shit, I don't know I stopped paying attention halfway through." Margot said.

"Of course you did."

When they got home Margot patiently waited for Darry to come back, she wanted to know what he said. "What is taking him so long?" Margot paced around the room impatiently.

"Maybe they became besties?" Isla said, Margot's eyes widened. "Don't even say that, that's like my worst nightmare."

The door opened and Margot turned by in excitement, her smile dropped once she saw that it was only Dallas. "Oh, it's just you." She turned back around in disappointment.

"Nice to see you too."

Margot ignored him and kept pacing back and forth, chewing on her nails. "If you keep doing that you're not gonna have any more nails to chew off." Isla said.

Margot ignored her and kept doing it anyway.

"What's with her?"

"She's waiting for Darry to come back from talking to her teacher." Isla filled him in. "What'd she do this time?" Dallas snickered.

"I didn't do anything! My teacher is just a huge asshole." Margot whipped around to face him to defend herself. "He's practically bullying her and Darry went to go have a chat with him." Isla made it clearer for him to understand.

Dallas cocked a brow, "Bullying? Why are you letting an old man bully you?" He questioned. "I'm not letting him I just have no choice, he can get me expelled and I can't do anything to him because he's the "adult" apparently." Margot rolled her eyes.

"Just get him fired, easy peasy." Dallas leaned back on the couch. A smile creeped up on Margot's face at his idea, "You know what? That's not a bad idea, but how do I get him fired?" She asked herself, placing a finger on her chin to think.

"Get some dirt on him." Isla suggested.

"Or create dirt, accuse him of touching you or something, schools eat that stuff up." Dallas said and Margot cocked a brow. "Seems a little extreme." She said.

Dallas shrugged, "If you hate the man so much then nothing is too extreme."

"Oh she hates him, she hates him more than she hates you and that's saying something." Isla said. "Wow, I'm flattered." Dallas placed a hand on his chest, a smug smile on his face.

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