Fourty one

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

MARGOT LAID IN Dallas' arms fast asleep. Dallas held her in his arms and stared off into space, thinking about Margot, about them, about his feelings for her. He traced circles on her arm and his breathing matched hers.

He was so deep in thought he almost didn't hear the front door opening from downstairs. He quickly sat up and Margot jumped up scared out of her mind, "Mm, what? What happened?" She squinted as she adjusted to the light.

"The boys are here." Dallas whispered and Margot's eyes widened. "Oh shit, get dressed and go out the window, hurry!" Margot whisper-shouted as she rushed out of bed to put her clothes on, as so did Dallas.

He slipped his underwear and jeans on and struggled to get his shoes on. Margot slipped her clothes on and she watched him struggle to get his clothes off the floor. He skipped the shirt and just shrugged his jacket on and rushed for the window.

Margot went over to him and tugged at his jacket and kissed him, "Be careful." She whispered. Dallas placed his forehead on hers and nodded, "I will." He whispered back and climbed out the window.

Margot heard footsteps nearing her door and she quickly slammed her window shut and jumped into bed and pretended to be asleep.

The door opened and Darry peaked his head in, "Are you sleeping?" He asked her. Margot opened her eyes and pretended to yawn, "Yep, I've been sleeping this whole time, nothing else." She said.

Darry eyed her suspiciously, "Okay...come down I brought dinner." He said and Margot sat up.

"Yeah, just give me a minute I need to...stretch." She said and Darry furrowed his eyebrows at her, "Are you okay?" He asked her.

"Yes, I'm fine, now go I'll be down in a minute." Margot waved him off and Darry rolled his eyes and left. Margot stood up and winced, she could barely walk. Dallas really did a number on her.

She wobbled down the stairs and tried her best to walk as normally as she could so the boys wouldn't notice. She sauntered into the kitchen and Two-Bit grinned when he saw her, "Margs! Where you been?" He exclaimed.

"Hey two, I was napping." Margot answered, "You left your homework here." Pony said as he sat down at the table. "Oh, right, I forgot about it." Margot went over to collect her stuff.

"You okay?" Soda asked, he leaned against the counter drinking a Coke. "I'm fine." Margot answered, not looking up so they wouldn't see how red her face was.

Two-Bit eyed her suspiciously, "You look different." He pointed out. Margot glanced up at him, "No I don't."

"You do, you have sex hair!" He shouted.

Margot's eyes widened, "What the hell are you talking about?" She reached to fix her hair. "You can't deny it either, I know sex hair when I see it, trust me." He winked.

Margot gave him a disgusted look, "You're gross, I do not have sex hair, I just woke up so it's just messy." Margot lied.

"She's lying." Two-Bit said to all the boys. "And you're delusional, now fuck off, I'll eat later." Margot grumbled as she rushed out of the kitchen and up the stairs, her school stuff in hand.

She slammed her door shut and sighed, damn two-bit and his big mouth. Margot cleaned her room up and also made a mental note to wash her sheets before she went to bed.

She changed into her pjs which was just a t-shirt with some matching shorts.

She went downstairs about an hour later to eat dinner, Darry had brought fried chicken from Kentucky Fried Chicken. She walked into the kitchen and served herself a plate, she took a seat and began eating.

A few minutes later Dallas sauntered in and Margot paused mid bite. They made eye contact and Dallas' lip quirked into a smirk and Margot looked away, her face red.

"Darry said I could grab a plate." He said and Margot nodded, "O-okay." She distracted herself by taking a bite of chicken.

He sat down next to her and started eating. Not even a few seconds later he put his hand under the table and placed it on Margot's knee. His touch sent chills down Margot's back.

He moved his hand up slowly and Margot's breath hitched in her throat as he neared wet private area.

"What are you doing? The boys are in the other room." She whispered.

"Relax doll, as long as you don't make a sound everything will be fine." Dallas whispered back as he slid his hands into her shorts, spreading her legs more open.

Margot let out a small gasp as his fingers met her underwear. Dallas sat their and ate his chicken like nothing, a small smirk playing on his lips.

Margot tried stuffing her mouth so she wouldn't make a sound but it didn't help. She was breathing heavily and she was trying not to scream from the pleasure. Darry walked into the kitchen and Margot's eyes widened and she met Dallas' eyes, he gave her a look that said "stay calm" and the bastard kept going.

"Wash the dishes when you're done." Darry said as he opened the fridge to grab a water. Margot bit her lip to hold back a moan and she hummed in response, "Mhmm."

Darry looked over his shoulder and Margot's expression quickly changed to make it look like everything was normal. "You okay?" He asked her, turning back to the fridge to close it.

Dallas' fingers slipped under her underwear and Margot let out a gasp and quickly covered it up, "Ha-yeah, I-I'm fine." She stuttered. Dallas bit back a smile.

Darry glanced at Dallas who shrugged and bit into his chicken. "You're so weird." Darry mumbled and walked out of the kitchen.

Margot let out a sigh of relief and she let out a very quiet whimper as she felt herself coming. She gripped onto the chair and leaned back, letting out a shaky breath. Dallas went harder and it only made it harder for Margot to keep quiet.

She smacked a hand over her mouth to keep herself from screaming and she squeezed her eyes shut as she hit her climax. She let out a muffled moan as she relaxed and Dallas pulled his hand out.

Margot sat up right and let out a shaky sigh, "Screw you." She breathed out and Dallas smirked, feeling accomplished.

"You already did sweetheart." He winked.

Guys it's my bday today so sorry for the late update. But I'm finally 18 guys🥳🎉

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