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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

THE WEEK WAS over and Margot was no longer grounded. Thank god because she was tired of making her own food, she never liked cooking, not even when her mom would try and teach her. She usually ended up burning everything anyway.

Her mom would always say, "You're a young woman, every woman should know how to cook, especially if you're going to marry a nice young man." Margot would roll her eyes at that, she didn't need a "nice young man" to cook for. If she wanted to cook it would be for herself and no one else.

Since she was the only girl she would be the one stuck helping her mother with dinner, setting the table, cleaning the house, while the boys sat around doing nothing. She would always get in trouble for yelling at her brothers for not helping, her mom would just say, "They work hard, honey, give them a break, that's what we're here for, to take care of them." Margot would scoff at her mothers words.

They didn't work hard, her brothers didn't even have jobs. The only one who worked hard was their dad, at least he had an excuse. But now that they were both gone they all had to pull their weight. And Margot made sure of it, growing up being the only one who had to do chores was the worst thing ever.

While her brothers sat around the TV she watched from afar as she cleaned the kitchen, or cleaned the bathroom. But not anymore, if one of her brothers weren't doing chores and just sitting around she would smack the back of their heads and put them to work.

Just because she was a woman didn't mean that she was going to do everything for them. She wasn't their mother.

"Margot go wake up your brothers." Darry demanded. "Why do I have to?"

"Because I'm cooking."

Margot sighed, "Fine." She walked into the boys room and watched as they slept peacefully. She smiled and grabbed one of their pillows and slammed it over their heads, "What the hell?" Pony sat up.

"Get up doofus, it's time for school." She tossed the pillow onto the bed. "And wake him up too, he's gonna be late for work." Margot gestured to Soda who hadn't moved a muscle.

He really was a heavy sleeper.

"They're awake." Margot said as she walked back into the living room. "Morning family." Isla grinned as she walked into the house, "There's my best friend that I love so so much!" Isla pulled Margot into a hug.

Margot's eyebrows furrowed, "Why are you so happy?" They pulled away. "My dad said he's buying me a car!" Isla grinned.

"Oh my god really? But you don't even have a license yet?" Margot said. "Yeah but he's taking me to go get it, and then he's buying me a car!" Isla gushed. "That's great! Now we can go wherever we want whenever we want!" Margot jumped excitedly.

"I know!"

"What's going on?" Soda asked, walking out of his room, he looked like a mess. "Isla's getting a car." Margot grinned. "Oh god, she's gonna kill us all." He said and Isla rolled her eyes.

"Shut up, I'm not a bad driver."

"No you're a horrible driver." He said as he walked into the bathroom. Isla rolled her eyes, "You're brothers an asshole."

"Yeah I know." Margot sighed.

"Girls breakfast!" Darry called out. The girls went into the kitchen and ate their breakfast. "So, is your grounding over?" Isla asked Margot. "Yeah, finally." Margot said.

"Yeah for now, I better not find out that you're still seeing that boy." Darry pointed his spatula at her. "I'm not, I haven't seen him all week." Margot lied.

She had seen him, but only at school. Since she was grounded she wasn't allowed to leave the house other than to go to school and for her new job. Which was going okay so far, she loved working with Isla, but she hated the customers.

They were all assholes, and none of them tipped good.

"Let's go, we're gonna be late." Isla stood up from the table and placed her plate in the sink, "Thanks Darry." Isla kissed Darry on the cheek and went into the living room.

Margot did the same, "See you tonight, I have to work." Margot said and Darry nodded, "Okay, be careful." He said.


"Pony let's go or you're walking alone!" Margot shouted. Pony rushed out of his room jumping to put his shoe on, "Coming!"

"So when's your next date with Lucas?" Isla whispered so Pony wouldn't hear them. "Hopefully soon, there's this party coming up at Bucks and I thought maybe I'd ask him, Darry wouldn't be there because he's lame so it's the perfect place, I mean I've barley seen him all week, I need some action." Margot explained.

"What about Soda? And the gang? They would all be there." Isla said. "Yeah and they'll all keep their mouths shut if they know what's good for them." Margot said and Isla smirked.

They got to school and Margot left Isla's side to go find Lucas. She found him at his locker talking with his friends, "Hey." She tapped him on the shoulder. Lucas turned around and smiled at the sight of her, "Hey." He leaned down and kissed her cheek.

Margot smiled at the action and she glanced behind his shoulder at his friends who were snickering and whispering. Lucas noticed her staring and turned around and shooed his friends away.

"Sorry about them."

"It's fine, but hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party Friday? It's at Bucks, if you even know who that is." Margot said. "I don't but I'm down, I won't get killed if I do go will I?" He laughed nervously.

"No of course not, not unless you lay low at least, I'll sneak you in don't worry, we can talk about the details later, I have to go!" Margot rushed off as the bell rang.

"So did you ask him?" Isla asked Margot as she sat next to her, "Yeah he said he'll go, I'll have to sneak him in though so no one beats him up." Margot said and Isla snickered.

"I'll beat him up don't worry."

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