Fourty eight

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
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"I can't believe he actually fell for that, men are so gullible." Isla laughed. "I know, show a little cleavage and there's nothing a man won't do." Margot laughed. They were coming back from hanging out, they had went into a small coffee shop and stumbled across a few horny men.

Margot bet that she could get them free coffee without even having to bat an eyelash. All she did was pull her tank top down to show more cleavage and fix her hair and wallah, free coffee.

They slowed down when they saw an angry Darry storming off into the house. The girls looked at each other, eyebrows furrowed. Margot walked up to Soda and Pony who were conversing and she shoved herself in between them and grabbed Pony's head.

"What happened to you?" She raised his head to see the small cut on his neck. "Just some socs, I'm okay though." Pony reassured her.

"Those damn socs again? I swear to god when I get ahold of them I'm gonna-"

"Calm down sparky, we already took care of em." Soda placed a hand on her shoulder and she calmed down. "And I missed the action? Couldn't wait to get beat up till I got here, huh?" Margot ruffled Pony's hair playfully and he smacked her hand away.

"How's the kid?"

Margot felt her whole body tense up at the familiar voice. One she hadn't heard in almost three months. She turned around and her eyes met his cold ones.

Dallas Winston.

She felt her blood run cold at the sight of him. He was leaning against a car smoking a cigarette. Her jaw clenched and she looked away, knowing that if she looked at him for too long she'd punch him.

While his dumbass was in jail she was left on the outside to deal with his fallout. She was left to deal with the pain he caused her. But instead of crying it out like anyone else would have, she turned that pain into anger. All that love she had for him, was now regret and hate, just like old times.

She thought it would be harder to hate him, but he had made it easy for her. He broke her heart, and that was all it took to fuel her hatred for him.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Isla whispered so only Margot could hear. "I have no idea." Margot whispered back.

"I'm fine, what are you doing out of the cooler Dal?" Pony asked as Dallas pushed himself off the car and sauntered up to them. Margot took a step back as he got closer, she didn't want to be anywhere near him.

"Yeah? And what are you doing walking by your lonesome on the street? Huh?" Steve questioned as he walked up to them, he was clearly pissed about his bloodied nose.

"None of your business smarty pants." Pony shot back. "What do you mean none of my business? It is my business look at my nose!" Steve shouted as Soda pushed him back lightly.

"It's huge." Pony retorted and the girls snickered. "He's right it is huge." Margot grinned as she poked Steve's nose and he swatted her hand away and gave her an annoyed look.

"Smartass, he is a smartass kid." Steve grumbled, "Back off Stevie, the kid just got attacked for godsakes." Margot said.

Two-Bit tried poking Steve's nose too and Steve pulled back and cursed him out. He turned to Dallas, "Hey Dally how you doin?" He asked him and pulled away when Two-Bit tried poking him again.

"Doin alright man." Dallas responded and they did their little man shake. "Thought you were in for about ninety days Dal?" Pony asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I got out early man, good behavior you know?" Dallas said and Margot scoffed. Dallas looked at her and cocked a brow, "What, you don't think I behaved myself in there?" He teased.

"You don't behave outside the cooler let alone inside." Margot retorted. Dallas smirked at her and Margot avoided any eye contact with him.

He averted his attention over to Johnny, "Hey Johnny man, how you doin bro?" He walked over to him, the rest of the gang following behind them as they walked.

"Things would be a lot better if those socs stayed on the south side of town." Johnny complained. "Now don't you worry about that Johnny, we're gonna have it out with them sooner or later." Steve spoke up.

"Sure as hell are if they keep coming over here our side of town." Soda said.

"Damn right."

They stopped walking, "Those the same guys that got you?" Dallas asked Johnny who glanced at Margot, asking her for help. She shook her head slightly and he looked back at Dallas, "No, no it was some other guys." Johnny shook his head.

Isla and Margot glanced at each other, good thing those guys would never bother them again now that Tony was gone.

"Now that I'm out, I'm gonna make it my business to get the guy that did that to your face." Dallas pointed at the scar on Johnny's cheek.

Little did Dallas know he already did take care of the guy that hurt Johnny.

"What do you think about me becoming your personal bodyguard, huh Ponyboy?" Two-Bit snickered. Pony scoffed, "I don't think it's too hot of an idea." He said.

Margot and Isla laughed, "You'd come out dead before Pony did." Isla said and Two-Bit rolled his eyes.

"Thinking how about you and Sylvia come on over to the game with us tomorrow night?" Steve suggested to Dallas. Margot's jaw clenched at the mention of Sylvia. Soda, Johnny, and Isla gave her a knowing look. Dallas hadn't even seen the greaser girl in months.

"I wanna go." Pony said.

"Oh, we're taking Evie and Sandy." Soda said, giving Pony a sympathetic look. "Which means no kids allowed." Steve said.

"Big deal."

"That mean you too Stevie?" Margot remarked and Steve glared at her. Over the past two months Steve had found himself a beautiful greaser girl named Evie, Isla and Margot loved her. She was nice, feisty, and knew how to dress.

"No, no, no, no, I'm gonna go hunt some action, little kids are allowed." Dallas said and turned to walk away. "We'll go with you, won't we Pony?" Johnny followed after him.

"I don't know Dal, I can't get in no trouble with the cops, Darry says the court will split us up for sure if I do." Pony said. "Hey who's looking for police trouble man? I just wanna go see a movie like the good ol' days, right Johnny?" Dallas patted Johnny on the back.

"Yeah man."

"You get my little brother in trouble and I'll throw your ass back in jail myself." Margot pointed a finger at Dallas who just smirked down at her. "Why don't you ladies join us? You look like you could use a little fun." Dallas suggested.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Margot took a step towards him and Isla held her back, "Okay, calm down, let's go before you jump on him." Isla led the girl away from the boys and into the house.

"Bastard should've stayed in jail." Margot grumbled as she kicked the side of the couch. "Why are you assaulting our couch?" Darry asked.

"It's been a bad couch."

Darry rolled his eyes and opened the screen door, "Pony you got homework." And he slammed it shut and went back to his room.

"Thank god it's the weekend." Pony mumbled as he walked into the house, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Hey Pony! You wanna do my homework too?" Margot called after him as he headed for his room. His door slammed shut and Margot awaited an answer that never came.


And the real drama begins😼

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