Fifty seven

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

MARGOT COLLECTED THE snacks off the floor and went over to Johnny's room instead. She knocked softly and walked over to his bed, "Hey Johnnycakes, I brought snacks." She gestured to the snacks and dumped them all over his table.

"Hey Margs, thanks."

"How you doing?" She sat down in the chair next to his bed, "I'm okay, everything hurts but other than that the doctor says I should be fine." Johnny answered. Margot smiled, "That's great Johnnycakes, after the church collapsed I thought I had lost you and Dallas, I'm just glad you guys are okay."

"Me too, thanks to Dallas I'm still here."

Margot smiled softly, "He's a hero." She said more to herself. "I don't know what happened between you two, but now that this is over and we all almost died, maybe it's time you guys get over this whole rivalry thing and finally get together." Johnny said and Margot chuckled.

"Don't worry kid, I forgave him and we're okay again, I can't promise no more arguing but I can promise that I won't let him go that easily this time, we talked it out and we're together again." Margot explained.

"Finally, took you guys long enough. Are you gonna tell the gang?" Johnny asked and Margot sighed. "Yeah, I think I will this time, Soda already knows and so do you, I'm not worried about the other boys it's Darry I'm worried about telling." Margot said.

"It'll probably take him some time to accept it but he will eventually." Johnny said and Margot nodded, "Yeah, I know. It's not like he can stop me anyway, I'll date who I want when I want." Margot shrugged and Johnny snickered.

"Where are the boys anyway?"

"At the rumble, they're probably punching the shit out of each other right about now. Dallas is there too, I told him not to go but you know Dallas, he never listens." Margot said.

"Yeah, and he was looking forward to this rumble, he doesn't just want to beat them for me, he wants to beat them for you too. After what Tony did to you, he couldn't take it, he got drunk, got into fights, did all sorts of illegal things until he got hauled into jail for two months." Johnny explained.

Margot's eyebrows furrowed, "You're telling me he got himself arrested on purpose? Because of me?" Margot questioned. "Yeah, after he broke things off he couldn't bare seeing you everyday knowing he couldn't have you, so he went to jail instead." Johnny said.

"How do you know all this?"

"He told me."

Margot smiled, "You're probably the only person in the whole world that Dally truly cares about, he doesn't act the way he does with the other boys the way he does with you, he really loves you Johnny. I mean he ran into a burning church for you, who knows what he would've done if he had lost you."

"He really loves you too, ya know? If it were you in that church he would've done everything to get to you. He may not be able to say the words but anyone could tell just by the way he looks at you that he loves you." Johnny said.

Margot looked down at the floor, a small smile on her face. "I love him too. I never expected to fall in love with him, but I did, and I don't regret it."

"And you shouldn't. You're good for him, he's different around you, gentle, sweet, two words that I'd never thought I'd use to describe Dallas." Johnny said and Margot chuckled.

"Yeah, he is different. But I don't want to change him, I like who he is, it's why I fell in love with him. We may fight all the time but that doesn't mean we stop loving each other, we fight and makeup, or in our case fight and make out." Margot smirked and Johnny's face twisted in disgust.

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now