Twenty four

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

MARGOT WAS HOME alone for the first time in forever. Her brothers were working and Pony was hanging out with Johnny, and the gang was out and about doing who knows what. She had decided to take a long shower and she was just now stepping out.

She dried her hair with the towel and then she wrapped the towel around her body and sauntered out of the bathroom and up to her room. Once she opened the door she let out a scream, "Dallas! What the hell are you doing in here?!" She screamed.

Dallas smirked, "Hey doll, just hangin out."

Margot glared at him and her grip tightened on the towel, she saw him eyeing her and her face turned red with embarrassment. "Get out!" She pointed out the door.

Dallas stood up with a smug smirk and it quickly dropped once there was a knock on the front door. He slammed her door shut, "What are you doing?" She asked him.

"It's Tim, he's looking for me, get dressed and tell him I'm not here." He whispered. Margot rubbed her forehead, "Jesus Christ, what did you do now?"

"I stole his car."

"Again? Last time you ran it into a tree."

"Yeah, this time it got towed."

Margot let out a frustrated sigh, "Fine! Just, get out so I can change." She opened her door and gestured for him to get out.

He left and waited out in the hall.

Tim and Dallas had a complicated relationship, they didn't consider each other friends, more like allies. They would hang out like friends and do favors for each other, they were greasers so they had each others backs no matter what. But they also fought and messed with the other, Dallas wasn't afraid of double crossing Tim, he wasn't afraid of anything.

Tim was a tough guy, he had his own gang and knew how to hold his own. Which was probably why Dallas seeked him out so much, for a challenge. One day they were cool with each other, the next they would be hunting the other down for doing something like stealing a car.

Margot got dressed and walked out of the room, past Dallas who was peeking his head down the stairs, and opened the front door.

"Hey Tim, what can I do for ya?" She greeted him with a fake grin. "Dallas here?" He asked, looking behind her to see if he could spot him.

"No, I'm the only one home, why? What'd he do now?" She asked. "Asshole stole my car." Tim spat and Margot tried her best to contain her smile.

"O-oh, well he's not here, but I'll let you know if I find him so you can beat his ass." Margot said and Tim nodded slowly, eyeing her suspiciously.

"Right...I forgot that you don't like him, no surprise there." Tim murmured the last part. "Yeah, well I have chores to get back to, nice seeing you Tim." Margot slammed the door on him before he could get another word out.

She leaned against the door and she let out a sigh of relief. Dallas walked down the stairs with a smirk on his face, "Don't you make me lie to him again, if he finds out I lied to him he'll gut me." She glared at him.

"Relax doll, I'll protect ya." Dallas flopped onto the couch. Margot could feel her face heating up at his words, she quickly shook off the butterflies in her stomach and walked into the kitchen.

She grabbed two cokes and she handed one to Dallas who gladly took it. "Why were you in my room? You ever go in there again and I'll throw you down those stairs." She pointed at him.

"I was exploring, never been in there before, very cute." He commented. Margot rolled her eyes, "Shut up, you're not just supposed to go into a girls room without permission, especially when I'm naked." She spat.

"Even better."

Margot kicked his leg and he just smirked in return. God did he ever do anything other than smirk?

Margot switched on the tv trying to distract herself from...well him.

She could feel his eyes on her and she glanced at him, "What?" She asked him. "I got back together with Sylvia." He said and Margot felt her heart drop. She glanced down to his neck to see that his Christopher was gone.

"Didn't she cheat on you?"

"Yeah, I'm over it." He shrugged.

"What's it gotta do with me?" She asked him. "It means you don't gotta pretend to be my girlfriend when she's around." He said. Margot had forgotten about that.


An awkward silence filled the air and Margot was suddenly uncomfortable. Was she jealous?

She was jealous. She wished she were Sylvia, she wished she was the one wearing his Christopher. But she wasn't. And she probably never would.

She felt like she was suffocating from all these thoughts running through her head. She needed to get out, she needed to be away from him.

"I have to go." She rushed up and out the door. She walked to the Dingo where Isla was working. She walked in, face flushed, hair still wet and tangled, and out of breath.

"Geez, what happened to you?" Isla asked her as Margot sat down at the bar. "Dallas and Sylvia are back together." She said and Isla's eyes widened.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry." She placed her hand over hers to comfort her. "It's okay, I'm fine, I mean it's not like I'm dating him, good for her." Margot lied straight through her teeth.

Isla gave her a look and Margot sighed, "No, you know what? Screw her, she's cheated on him hundreds of times and he goes back every time, so really he's the stupid one here." Margot said.

"And you're the jealous one."

"Yeah-what? No! I-I'm not jealous." Margot laughed nervously. Isla gave her a look and Margot frowned, "Okay maybe I'm a little jealous, but can you blame me?"

"I really can't, if I liked Dallas I'd be jealous too, he's hot." Isla shrugged. Margot nodded in agreement and she started chewing her nails.

Isla smacked her hand away, "Stop doing that."

"You don't have to smack me." Margot grumbled. "Look, Buck's having a party tonight, we should go, the gang would most likely be there too, so you can get your mind off him." Isla suggested.

Margot smiled, "That sounds good, actually, getting drunk is exactly what I need right now."

"Now I didn't say that-"

"Thanks Isla! I'll see you tonight!" Margot rushed out of the diner. Isla stood behind the bar and she shook her head.

"She's lucky I love her."

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