Fourty two

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

MARGOT AND DALLAS weren't ignoring each other anymore but whenever they were around other people they'd pretend like they hated each other and throw insults at each other.

Margot hadn't even told Isla that they were okay again, she wanted to keep it a secret for a little longer, just until she made sure that they were a sure thing.

"Table two!" Marco shouted and Margot ran over to grab the food, "Thanks Marco you're the best!" Margot shouted as she ran off with the tray of food. She gave her table their food, she set the tray down at the bar, and ran over to her new table.

"Hi, what can I get for you?" She breathed out. "How about a nice time?" Margot looked up and she couldn't help the smile that formed on her face when she saw him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Just stopping by, and I wanted to try one of those milkshakes you claim are so good." Dallas answered. "They are good, I should know, I make them." Margot answered proudly and Dallas smiled, a genuine smile.

"Well then, I'll take a chocolate milkshake." He said and Margot nodded, "Coming right up." She turned and she felt Dallas' eyes on her as she walked away.

She came back a few minutes later with the shake and she set it in front of him. He took a sip and his eyebrows raised in surprise, "Wow, it is good." He said and Margot grinned.

"I told you."

Isla walked past them and Margot's face dropped, "Anything else?" She said coldly, putting up an act. "Nope, all good." Dallas said, playing along.

"Good, I'd rather not come back here." She said. Once Isla was far away Dallas smirked, "My place later?"

Margot smiled, "I'll be there." She winked and sauntered off. Margot's shift was now over and she was shrugging her jacket on when Isla appeared behind the counter, "You going home?" She asked her.

"Uh, yeah, it's been a long day." Margot lied. She felt horrible lying to her best friend but she couldn't tell her, not yet.

"I saw Dallas in here earlier, what'd you say to him?" Isla asked. "I told him to fuck off, you know the usual." Margot shrugged.

"Hm, well goodnight then, I will not be seeing you tomorrow because my dad is taking me to get my license." Isla said and Margot turned to her and grinned.

"Ae you serious? That's great! You better pass it so you can drive me everywhere!" Margot pulled her friend into a hug.

"Oh don't worry, I'm gonna nail that test, now get outta here." Isla shooed her off and Margot chuckled.

"Love you, bye!" Margot waved as she left the diner and went straight to Bucks. She didn't even bother knocking since it was Friday and she knew Buck would be busy making sure all the drunks wouldn't start a fight on his watch.

She headed up the stairs and straight to Dallas' room, she stopped in front of the door and unbuttoned her shirt a bit to reveal some cleavage, and she knocked on the door. They had made a specific knock so they both would recognize who was behind the door.

The door swung open and Margot was pulled inside. Dallas immediately pinned her against the door and placed his lips on hers. Margot let out a small shriek and kissed him back.

Her hands met his hair and he kept his hands on her face. "You don't know how long I've wanted this." Dallas mumbled into her neck.

Margot let out a breathy laugh, "It's only been a week."

"That's not what I mean."

Margot's eyebrows furrowed and she pulled his face away so he would look at her, "Then what do you mean?" She asked.

"I mean I've wanted this, you, for much longer than you think." Dallas answered. Margot's eyes softened and she looked at him with pure love and happiness, the way she looked at him almost scared Dallas. But instead of running away he only held her closer.

They began making out again and his hands trailed down to her shirt where he began unbuttoning her shirt one by one as he kissed her. He kissed down her neck, definitely leaving a few hickeys behind, and down to her breasts, then her stomach. He kneed down and he casually threw her leg over his shoulder and placed small kisses on her inner thigh.

Margot leaned her head against the door letting out small moans. He groaned against her thigh as he realized that she was going commando. Margot let out a loud gasp as his tongue met her clit.

She moaned loudly and grasped onto his hair as he pleasured her. Her grip tightened and her knees buckled as she felt herself coming and Dallas kept going until she was done. Dallas pulled his head out from under her skirt and Margot let out a shaky sigh. He stood up and grabbed the back of her head and placed a wet kiss on her lips.

Margot pulled away and pushed him onto the bed, she climbed on top of him and pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the side.

"My turn." She smirked as her hands reached for his belt. Dallas let out a grunt and laid his head onto the bed.

"Well it's only fair."

After Margot was finished she flopped down besides Dallas who was breathing heavily. "You sure you've never done this before Doll?" Dallas breathed out. Margot rolled over on her side to look at him and smirked, "Nope, first time."

Dallas' eyes circled her face, "First everything?"

Margot shyly looked away and nodded.

Dallas cocked a brow, "Wow, I'm honored, really." He said and Margot smiled and smacked his shoulder playfully.

She laid back down, "You know what, I'm lying, I actually did it once with Lucas." Margot said and Dallas' smile dropped.

Margot looked at him and burst out into laughter and Dallas rolled his eyes, "That's not funny."

"Come on it's a little funny, you should've seen your face." Margot laughed as she poked his face. Dallas swatted her hand away and sat up so his back was facing hers.

She sat up and crawled over to him and hugged him from behind, running her hands down his bare chest. "You know you're cute when you're jealous." She whispered into his ear.

Dallas turned his head slightly to look at her, "I'm not jealous." He said and Margot smirked.

"Sure you're not."

Dallas turned around and tackled her onto the bed and Margot burst out into a fit of giggles. "You know, it's not fair that I'm the only naked one." He pinned her arms into the bed.

"You're not completely naked, you still have your underwear." Margot smiled innocently. "And they can easily come off." Dallas leaned down to kiss her neck.

Margot hummed, "Well I'm still fully clothed, what are you going to do about that?"

Dallas pulled back and smirked, "Why don't I show you?" He practically ripped her skirt off and Margot was quick to toss her shirt to the side along with her bra.

Dallas stared down at her, "Much better."

Margot smirked and Dallas reached behind him for a condom and he ripped it open with his teeth and slipped it on.

"Whenever you're ready sweetheart." Dallas said and Margot grabbed the back of his head and pulled him close.

"Don't go easy." She whispered into his ear and with that he slipped right in.

Okay last steamy chapter for now! I wanted to feed y'all before everything goes to shit🤭 There will probs be a few more cute chapters but enjoy those while u can😉

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