Twenty six

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

IT WAS THE last week of school and Margot was beyond excited to have two weeks off, to be able to sleep in, and have no homework and be stress free. It was currently two a.m. and Margot was at her desk doing her homework.

She only had a few days left and she was determined to get all her work finished, even if it wasn't good, it was better than nothing.

There was a knock at her window and she let out a gasp and she whipped around in her chair to face the window, her eyes wide in fear. She stood up slowly and creeped over to her window, she opened the curtains and her eyebrows furrowed when she saw Dallas staring right back at her.

She opened the window, "Dallas? What the hell are you doing here?" She whisper-shouted. "Oh good, you're awake." He climbed inside and shut the window behind him.

"How did you even get up here?" She asked him, "I climbed up the gutters." He said it like it was the easiest thing in the world.

Margot grabbed his face, "What happened to you?" She asked, referring to the cuts and bruises that littered his face.

"Got into it with a few greasers, no big deal." He pulled away from her and walked over to her desk. "No big deal? You show up in the middle of the night at my window all cut up and bruised and you say it's no big deal?" Margot practically shouted. She made sure to shut herself up before she woke the whole house up.

"You worried about me doll?" He smirked, he looked down at the desk and eyed her work. "No, I just...shut up." Margot grumbled and started grabbing all her paperwork that was scattered all over her desk.

"Didn't know you were so smart."

"It's just homework." She stuffed all her papers into her backpack. Once she was done she glanced at Dallas who was walking around her room, inspecting every inch of her personal belongings. "Sit down, I'm gonna get the first aid kit." She said.

"First aid for what?"

"For your face, you look like you got attacked by a coyote or something." Margot said and Dallas rolled his eyes. "Yeah whatever."

Margot left the room and sneaked downstairs to grab the first aid from the bathroom. After successfully grabbing it without waking anyone up she ran back upstairs and shut her door quietly once she was in her room.

She turned around to see Dallas at her bookshelf scanning through her photo albums. "I thought I told you to sit down." Margot placed the first aid on the bed.

"You know I don't listen."

Margot stood next to him and glanced over his shoulder to look at the pictures, she hadn't looked at them in ages. "Is that you?" Dallas pointed at the picture.

It was her as a kid, she wore a fairy costume and she was smiling ear to ear. She smiled at the memory, "Yeah, it was Halloween and I practically had to beg my parents to buy me that costume, totally worth it though, I was only six." She explained.

Margot let out a small laugh as she remembered something, "I remember I went as a fairy and Soda went as an elf, he looked so funny in his little elf ears."

"I'm gonna use that against him now."

Dallas flipped the page to a naked baby, his lips curled into a smirk and he glanced at her.

"Nice tush."

Margot snickered and she snatched the book from him, "That's Soda."

His smirk dropped and Margot laughed at his expression, "Come on, sit down so I can clean you up." She put the book back on the shelf and Dallas sat down on the edge of the bed.

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