Thirty three

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

ONE WEEK PASSED by and there was only one week left till winter break. Time always seemed to pass by so fast when you were on a break, why couldn't it go this fast throughout a normal school week?

Margot was dragged out of bed by Ponyboy who wanted to go see Soda at the DX. "Why do we have to go so early." Margot groaned into her pillow.

"It's noon."

Margot sat up, "Oh."

"You slept in, now get up so we can see Soda." Pony ripped the blanket off her and Margot groaned. "Fine, now get out." Margot pointed to the door and Pony rolled his eyes and left.

Margot sighed and eventually got out of bed and got ready. She ate some cereal and then they left to go to the DX. "Hello brother." Margot greeted as she reached over the counter to grab a lighter, Soda smacked her hand and glared at her.

"Hands off."

"Well look at you being responsible." Margot mocked and went to go get some candy. "What are you guys doing here?" She heard Soda ask Pony. She came back with a chocolate bar in her hand, "We came to see you." Pony answered.

Soda smiled, "That's nice Pone." He ruffled his hair. "Not really, he woke me up just to come here." Margot unwrapped the chocolate and stuck it in her mouth.

"You just woke up? It's noon." Soda said and Margot rolled her eyes, "Yes, I'm aware, thank you."

Steve walked in and grinned, "You guys bring food?" He asked. "No, why would we have food?" Pony responded.

"Because we're starving here."

"You're in a gas station full of food." Margot gestured to the aisles of snacks and drinks. "We're not allowed to take anything smartass." Steve shot back. Margot rolled her eyes, "Whatever, if I worked here I'd be stealing food everyday."

"You already do that and you don't even work here." Soda said and Margot shrugged. "Where's Isla? I'm surprised she's not here since you two are basically attached to the hip." Soda said.

"She's at work, she got the morning shift."

"When do you work?"

"Tonight, I go in at four till closing." Margot answered. "What times closing?" Soda asked. "Like around nine, tenish depending on how slow my coworkers decide to be." Margot shrugged.

"Hm, well have fun." Soda said, "When do you get off? I want to play football again." Pony asked soda. "At four, but we lost the football remember?" Soda said and Pony frowned.


"Okay, I'm bored, let's go I want to go back to sleep." Margot said. Pony rolled his eyes, "What? Twelve hours wasn't enough?" He remarked.


They went back home and Margot sat on the couch until it was time to get ready for work. She got ready, said goodbye to Pony, and walked to work. The whole shift went by pretty fast since they had a decent amount of business. Margot kept herself occupied the whole night and finished her closing work early and left at nine.

Margot reached the front door and she opened it, "Hey boys I'm-" Margot set her purse down and she looked up to see the whole gang gathered around the couch, the boys all looked at her and the look in their eyes made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

Soda, who was kneeled in front of the couch, stood up and that's when she saw him. Her eyes widened, her heart dropped, and she let out a gasp.

"Johnny." He lay on the couch, unconscious and nearly beat to death. She rushed over to him and kneeled in front of him, inspecting his beat up face. His face was bruised and cut up and swollen, and he had a wide gash that went from his temple to his cheekbone. His white shirt was covered in blood. The sight made Margot want to throw up.

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