Thirty eight

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

MARGOT FOUND ISLA at her locker the next day, "Hey." She sighed. Isla looked over at her, "Hey, how's jail?" She asked.

"Annoying, you?"

"Same, they had me washing dishes last night, my brothers were grabbing random food just so they could toss me their dirty plates." Isla grumbled. Margot snickered, "Thank god I worked yesterday so Darry didn't get the chance to order me around."

"How's the Dally situation?" Isla slammed her locker shut and they interlocked arms and began walking. "I don't even know, Two-Bit was talking about the fight and he was demanding to know about it but I wouldn't tell him." Margot explained.

"Why does he act like he doesn't care about you and then he goes acting like your protector or something?" Isla said. "That's what I'm saying, he's so confusing, I just don't get it." Margot stressed.

"Are you going to ignore him or talk to him, I say play his little game and ignore him." Isla said. "I think I'm gonna talk to him, how am I supposed to make this work without communication?" Margot said.

"Aww look at you being responsible, I like it." Isla grinned.

Tony spotted Margot from across the hall and he smirked, "Watch this." He said to his friends and stalked towards the girls. He walked past them and bumped his shoulder against Margot's.

Margot whipped around, "What the hell is your problem? Wasn't a black eye enough for you?" Margot shouted at him.

"No actually, beating up your little friend as payback was more than enough for me." Tony said and Margot's face dropped.

"W-what friend?"

"Which do you think?" He smirked. Margot looked over at Isla who's eyes were as wide as hers. Margot's jaw clenched and she dug her nails into her palm, trying her best not to prance on him and break his face.

"I was going to just torture you but then we saw your little friend all alone and he just seemed more fun, he didn't put up much of a fight either, guess he is as weak as he looks." Tony spat.

And that was the last straw.

Margot swung her fist at him and she felt his nose crack on impact. "You bitch! You broke my nose!" Tony shouted.

"And you broke my friends face, and this isn't even close to even," Margot grabbed his face, "You better watch your back soc, we're coming for your ass." Margot spat and shoved his face away.

She turned around and right when Tony took a step toward her Isla stepped in. "You're lucky she swung first because I would've broken more than your big nose, I also have six brothers who would be more than happy to bury your corpse, so you better watch it asshole." Isla spat.

The girls walked away from him and Margot stormed into the bathroom. "God I hate that son of a bitch! Did you hear him? He hurt Johnny!" Margot shouted as she paced around the bathroom.

"Yes, I heard him, and trust me that motherfucker is going to pay." Isla said. "Hell yeah he is." Margot said. "We can tell the boys and-"

"No, no, they can't know yet, because once they know they're not gonna let us do anything and I want to make that son of a bitch pay, but my own way." Margot said. "You're right, stupid men and their stupid egos, acting like we can't throw a punch too, I mean look at us, we just defended ourselves and our friend and we came out perfectly fine." Isla said.

"Exactly, we'll just handle this ourselves, the boys can't know, at least not yet, they can rumble it out later." Margot said.

"Are you going to tell Dallas?" Isla leaned against the sink. "Hell no, he's not even talking to me so why should I tell him?" Margot shrugged.


"I'm going to try to talk to him later but I doubt he'll listen." Margot said. "Well make him listen, he doesn't get to act all cute with you and then ignore you the next." Isla said.

"You're right, I deserve better than that."

"Hell yeah you do!"

Later that night Margot went to Bucks to find Dallas. She walked in and there were people dancing and drinking everywhere, she decided to get a drink because why not?

She ordered a shot and she drank it down and walked away from the bar into the other room. She couldn't see Dallas anywhere so she assumed that he was hauled up in his room so that's where she headed.

On her way there she felt someone wrap an arm around her shoulder, she quickly whipped around and pushed the random guy off.

"Get off me!"

"Oh come on, have a little fun!" He grinned and tried grabbing her hands to dance with her but she pushed his hands away.

"I'm good thanks!" She shouted and turned to walk the other way but he grabbed her wrist and she crashed into his chest.

The second she crashed into him he was being shoved off of her. Margot looked up to see Dallas gripping the guys shirt and yelling cuss words at him.

He shoved the guy away and the guy ran off, Dallas turned to her and grabbed her arm. "What the hell are you doing here?" He shouted.

"What do you think?" Margot glared at him. Dallas' jaw clenched and he tugged her towards the stairs, "Upstairs, now." He demanded.

They stormed into his room and Dallas slammed the door shut behind him, "What the hell are you thinking? Coming here alone where anyone can get to you?!" Dallas shouted.

"Oh yeah? Didn't seem much of a problem when I came here alone to make out with you did it?" Margot remarked and Dallas ran a hand down his face.

"That's not fair."

"You know what's not fair? Me telling you I love you and you ignoring me in return! I put myself out there and what do you do? You go and push me to the side like nothing! Like I meant nothing to you!" Margot shouted.

"What do you want me to do? Say it back? Because I can't and you know it!" Dallas shouted. "Yes, I do know! I don't care about that! I want you to try, I want you to do something that at least shows me that you care, all I want to know is that you care about me and if you don't then...I can't keep doing this, it's not fair to me." Margot said.

Dallas looked away, not daring to look at her pleading eyes. Because if he did, then he'd give in, and he just couldn't do it.

Once he didn't say anything that gave Margot her answer, she scoffed and shook her head. "Fine, thanks for wasting my time, asshole." She shoved him away from the door and stormed out, slamming the door behind her.

She blinked away the tears, not daring to cry over him, not when he wasn't worth it. Once she was outside she took a deep breath and calmed herself down, trying her best to keep herself together.

She knew he wasn't worth the tears, but here she was blinking them away. She couldn't help it. She couldn't help loving him.

No matter how much it hurt, she loved him, and she wished she didn't.


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