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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

IT WAS ONLY Wednesday and Margot was already sick and tired of this week. The rumors had died down but that didn't stop the stares she got every time she stepped foot in the hallway.

She ignored them like she always did but it was still annoying, she hated being watched, it was just plain uncomfortable. It didn't help that her least favorite class of the day was coming up, chemistry.

The teacher, who's name she had forgotten from calling him Mr.Assface all the time, was such an asshole. Hence his name.

He was always nice and sweet with his other students but when it came to her he was such a bitch. She didn't know what his problem was with her but it was like he had it out for her. He was always singling her out in class, threatening to fail her over every little inconvenience, if she so much as blinked he'd be all over her, scolding her for not paying attention.

Which she never did but he didn't actually know that. He made the class 10x harder than it already was and she just hated the class and him overall, she would drop it if she could but unfortunately it was a required class.

She sat all the way in the back hoping that maybe he couldn't see her or it would take his attention away from her but it never worked. He would purposefully look for her and yell at her about anything.

Margot plopped down in her seat and slammed her head onto the table, she could be anywhere but in that classroom, but no, there she was.

"Margot head up!"

And there he goes, torturing her.

Margot raised her head slowly and rolled her eyes at him once he wasn't looking. Surprisingly, he didn't yell at her once throughout the whole class, she was practically ready to skip out of the classroom out of joy because for once, she wasn't getting yelled at.

"Margot, can you hold back a second? I have to talk to you about something." He called out to her. Margot stopped in her tracks and sighed, spoke too soon.

"Sure." She walked over to his desk and stood in front of him. "Have you started that project I gave you?" He asked her.

Margot frowned, "No, not yet."

He looked at her, dumbfounded. "Not yet? I assigned that to you weeks ago." He said. "Yeah well, I haven't had time to work on it-"

"Are you giving me excuses right now?" He interrupted her. Yes. "No, I just-" "I don't want to hear your petty excuses, I want that project done." He interrupted her once again.

"And I'll get it done." Margot said. "Really? Okay then, I want it on my desk by next Friday, if not then I'll have no choice but to fail you." He leaned back in his chair, a smug smirk on his face. He was trying to rile her up, and it was working.

Margot snapped her mouth shut, trying her best not to tell him to "fuck off" right then and there. Instead, she gave him a tight lipped smile, she wasn't going to argue with him, because that's what he wanted, and she wasn't going to give him that satisfaction.

"Okay, it'll be right here, next Friday." Margot tapped his desk. "I'll be waiting." He smiled. She smiled back and once her back was turned to him that fake smile instantly dropped.


Isla caught up to Margot in the hallway and she noticed the girls annoyed demeanor, "What's up with you?" She asked her. Margot glanced at her, "Nothing." She answered.

"Liar, tell me." Isla nudged her.

Margot sighed, "You know Mr.Assface?"


"He gave me a project a few weeks ago and he's being all pissy because I haven't started it, he threatened to fail me if I didn't have it done by next Friday, and it's not fair because no one else has to do the project but me." Margot ranted.

"I swear that old man has it out for you." Isla shook her head. "Yeah and I don't even know why, I swear I've never done anything to him." Margot said.

"Maybe he's jealous, or maybe he's in loveee." Isla playfully poked her. "Ugh, don't make me barf." Margot fake gagged.

"Will you have it done by next Friday though?" Isla asked her. "Yeah, I'll just pay Pony to do it." Margot shrugged.

"Cool can I pay him too?"

Later at home Margot walked into the living room to ask Pony if he could do her homework, "Hey pone, want twenty bucks to do my homework?" She plopped down next to him on the couch.

"Is it hard?"

"Not for you."

"Sure why not." Pony shrugged, Margot handed him the twenty bucks and grinned, "Thanks, my teachers' being an asshole and is only giving me till next Friday." Margot grumbled.

"Which teacher?" Soda walked out of the bathroom, slicking his hair back. "Mr.Assface." Margot answered.

"Oh, I remember him, I hated him he was such an ass, thank god I dropped out." Soda shook his head. "Yeah he makes me want to drop out." Margot pointed at herself in frustration.

"You better not." Pony murmured low enough for only Margot to hear. Pony took it hard when Soda dropped out, mostly because Soda was the one sibling he really looked up to and he was pretty disappointed to hear that Soda dropped out because he thought he was stupid.

Soda was like a role model for Pony so hearing his role model say he was stupid was like a shot to the heart for him. Kind of messed up his own confidence a little but he recovered.

"Mr.Assface is still there?" Darry popped out of the kitchen, "You knew him Darry?" Pony asked. "Yeah, he was my chemistry teacher when I was still in high school, didn't think people still called him that, not surprised though." Darry snickered.

"Did he hate you too? Because surely he hates my guts, the guy has it out for me." Margot scoffed. "What'd you do to him?"

"Nothing! He's just a freak." Margot grumbled. "Is he bothering you at school?" Darry asked. "Only in class, he's always singling me out, yelling at me, I'm the only one he gave this stupid project to and he threatened to fail me today if I didn't have it in by next week." Margot rambled.

"He can't do that can he?" Soda asked.

"He shouldn't be able to." Darry said, "Yeah well he's the teacher, what am I supposed to do?" Margot asked. "I can go talk to him, set him straight." Darry suggested.

"Can you beat him to a pulp instead?"

Darry gave her a look and she sighed, "Yeah, sure go talk to him, as long as it gets him off my ass." Margot mumbled.

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