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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

FRIDAY CAME AROUND and Margot was in her room getting ready with Isla. "It's a party Margs, and your crush will be there, you have to wear a skirt." Isla rummaged through her closet.

Margot rolled her eyes from the bed, "I don't have to you're just making me wear one."

"It doesn't even matter because you don't even own any skirts." Isla slammed the closet doors shut. Margot sat up and shrugged, "We're you actually expecting to find any?"

"No I guess not." Isla sighed. "But, I brought backups, so you're wearing one whether you like it or not." Isla grinned and headed for her backpack. Margot groaned, "I hate you."

"Oh shut up you love me."


Isla tossed Margot a mini black skirt, "Now put it on with these tights, and wear one of your sweaters with it." Isla said.

"Fine." Margot pouted and got changed into the clothes. Isla got changed as well, she wore a mini skirt as well with tights and a white lace tank top. "We look so hot." Isla grinned as she looked in the mirror.

Margot frowned, "I guess."

"No you don't guess, you know. Your little boyfriend is going to go crazy when he's sees you tonight." Isla smirked.

Margot blushed and grabbed her converse and slipped them on, "Okay let's go." They walked downstairs and all the boys' jaw dropped.

"Holy shit you have legs." Steve gasped. Margot rolled her eyes, "Shut up Isla made me wear it." She crossed her arms.

"And you're welcome, your legs are too beautiful not to show off." Isla smiled. "Damn right they are." Two-Bit wrapped his arm around her shoulders as his eyes scanned over her legs. Soda stood up from the couch and shoved him off and took his place, "You look good sis." He kissed her head.

Margot smiled and leaned into him, "Thanks."

They all left and walked to the party, except for Pony who they left behind. He wanted to go but Darry wouldn't let him, said he was too young.

They got to the party and knocked on the door, Buck had gotten more strict with his parties. Getting pissed that socs kept sneaking in so now everyone has to knock to make sure they belong there.

Dallas opened the door, "Look who made it." He grinned and let them in. He stepped in front of the door once it was Margot's turn, "Sorry, no princesses allowed." He smirked.

Margot glared at him and shoved him with all her might, "Move." She walked past him and he rolled his eyes.


Margot scanned the room for any doors or windows she could sneak Lucas in through. She walked around pushing past people to see if she could find anything. She found a window in an empty room where she could sneak him in through.

Margot found Isla, "Hey, I need you to make sure no one looks for me, I'm going to sneak Lucas in." She said and Isla nodded.

"I got it."

Margot smiled and left the house to get some "air" but really she was waiting for Lucas.

He showed up a few minutes later, he was wearing old clothes of his so he could fit in. She saw some of his friends behind him and her eyebrows furrowed, "You brought your friends?" She whispered.

"Is that okay?"

Margot glanced at them and sighed, "I guess, it's gonna be harder to sneak them in though, so they better be quiet and blend in." Margot said and Lucas nodded.

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now