Fifty nine

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

"I DON'T WANT to be here. My burns aren't that bad anymore so I can't use them as an excuse to stay home." Margot pouted as she leaned against the locker next to Isla's.

Isla chuckled, "But you're happy to be alive, right?"

"Yeah whatever." Margot grumbled and Isla shook her head at the girl, a smile on her face. "How are things with Dallas?" Isla asked as she closed her locker and linked her arm with Margot's.

"They're good, we've been hanging out a lot and surprisingly we haven't argued yet, there's also been a lot of making out." Margot answered and Isla's face twisted in disgust.

"Gross, TMI."

"What about you? I don't think I've ever seen you date anyone." Margot said. "I'm not the dating type, I'd rather make out or sleep with someone with no strings attached, I just don't see myself settling down any time soon." Isla shrugged.

"But do you want to? You know, settle down?" Margot questioned. "I don't know, maybe? I'm still young, I'll just see where my love life takes me." Isla said and Margot smiled.

"Well there's no rush, like you said, you're still young, which means sleep with whoever you want." Margot said and Isla laughed.

"And you're stuck sleeping with Dallas."

"Hey I don't mind, he's really good in-"

"Nuh-uh, no, shut up, please. I don't need or want to know any details about Dallas in bed." Isla cut her off and Margot chuckled.

"Okay fine, I won't say anything."

The girls were stopped in the middle of the hallway by a bunch of girls, they looked way too young to even be there. Isla and Margot glanced at each other and back at the girls, "Can we help you?" Margot asked them harshly.

"You're that girl right? The one who saved all those kids?" One of the girls asked. Margot cocked a brow, "Yeah, so what?"

"You're friends with that greaser who killed Bob?" Another girl asked, her voice laced with disgust.

"That greaser has a name." Isla glared at the young girl. "Whatever, just because he saved some kids doesn't make him any less of a murderer. Your brother too, they're both murderers." The girl spat.

Isla reached out and grabbed a handful of the girls hair and pulled, "What the fuck did you just say?"

"Ow! Let go of me!" The girl screamed. Her screams only encouraged Isla to pull harder, "Take it back you little bitch." Isla spat.

Her friends stood on the side watching the scene unfold with wide eyes. "Isla come on, you're gonna get in trouble." Margot looked around to make sure no teachers were around.

"I don't care. I don't know who you think you are but you don't get to talk shit about our friends. So either fuck off and keep your irrelevant opinions to yourself, or get your ass beat, you choose." Isla threatened the girl.

"Ow! Ow! Okay, I'm sorry!"

Isla gave the girls hair one more tug before she let go and shoved her away, the girls scurried off in the opposite direction. "Maybe instead of gossiping you should go back to playing with your stupid Barbies! Stupid freshman." Isla muttered the last part.

She turned back to Margot who was smirking, "What? Someone had to put them in their place." She shrugged and Margot chuckled.

"And this is why I love you, now let's go before we're late." They linked their arms together again and walked off to class.

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now