Fourty five

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

MARGOT WALKED UP to her room and once she stepped inside she was startled by Soda sitting on the bed, "Jesus- Soda! What the hell are you doing?" She shouted and closed her door.

"Waiting for you to explain." He said and Margot sighed. "Can I get changed first?"


Margot rolled her eyes and plopped down beside him, "We've been dating for almost two months." Margot began.

"Two months? And no one knows?"

"Just Isla, and now you."

"How come Isla knew before I did?" Soda asked, offended. "Because she's my best friend, and I kind of had to tell her because she found out like you did, we weren't ready to tell anyone, so please don't tell." Margot pleaded.

Soda sighed, "Is he at least treating you right?"

"He is." Margot nodded.


"I love him, Soda, this isn't just a hook up or something, it's serious." Margot said. Soda smiled softly, "That's good Margs, does he feel the same way?" He asked.

"I don't know, I think he does, but you know Dallas, he isn't exactly good with the whole expressing feelings thing." Margot said and Soda chuckled.

"Yeah, definitely."

Soda looked at her and smiled, "I'm happy for you, I really am, although I'm a little concerned about you dating Dallas knowing how he is and stuff, but I can tell he makes you happy." Soda said.

Margot smiled, "Thank you, that means a lot." She hugged him and he hugged back.

They pulled away, "Shouldn't you be at work?" She asked him. Sodas eyes widened and he rushed up. "Oh shit! I'm supposed to be on my break I'm late!" Soda ran out the door and down the stairs.

"Bye!" Soda shouted as he slammed the door shut leaving Margot alone.

A few days later Margot was walking out of the diner after her shift and she felt something watching her. She kept looking over her shoulder as she walked, having a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. She reached down into her shoe and pulled out her pocket knife just in case.

She heard a noise behind her and she jumped and whipped around ready to use her pocket knife if needed. There was nobody. She let out a sigh of relief, "I need to calm down." She whispered to herself and went to put her knife back into her shoe when someone grabbed her arm and dragged her into the alleyway she didn't notice she was standing in front of.

She dropped her knife as she was pulled into the alleyway and she was slammed against the wall. She let out a pained groan and she opened her eyes to see Tony staring back at her. Her eyes widened and she immediately began to squirm under his grip.

"Let go of me!" She shouted.

"I told you you'd pay." He spat.

"Help!" Margot shouted, Tony slammed his hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. "No one's coming for you." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pocketknife. Margot's eyes widened and she squirmed under his hold.

"No- get off me you psycho!" She tried kneeing him in the crotch but he caught her knee and slashed it with his knife. Margot winced and he placed the knife on her cheek and she froze in fear.

"No, please, stop." She begged. "You took everything from me, because of you I no longer have football, I can no longer go to college because of you!" He shouted in her face.

"It's not my fault you're so stupid." Margot spat.

He ran the knife down her cheek and Margot screamed in pain. She could feel the blood trickling down her neck.

He moved over to her arm and rolled her jacket sleeve up and dragged the knife down her skin. Margot let out another scream. He moved on to the other arm.

Once the knife neared her neck she used all her strength to get her leg free and knee him in the crotch with her bad knee. It hurt like a bitch but it got him off of her.

While he was down she kicked him in the face and made a run for it. But not before she grabbed her purse and knife off the ground.

She ran all the way home and she burst through the front door. Darry, who was in his chair reading an old newspaper stood up from his chair and gave her a horrified look.

"Holy shit- what the hell happened?!" Darry shouted. He rushed up to her and gently led her to the couch.

"Some asshole happened." Margot grumbled and winced as she sat down. "What's with all noise? We're trying to sleep in here." Soda walked out of the room rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

His eyes widened when he saw Margot all cut up and bloodied, she had blood running down all over her body. "What the fuck happened?" He shouted and rushed over to her.

"I was attacked." Margot said and she shrugged her jacket off, she winced when the material of her jacket rubbed against her open wounds.

"Someone get me the first aid, I'm bleeding out here." Margot said and Soda rushed to get the first aid. Pony waddled out of his room, "What's going on?" He asked.

"Get back in your room Pony." Darry demanded. Pony ignored him and he rushed up to Margot, "What happened?" He asked.

"Okay can everyone stop asking me that? Let me stop the bleeding and then you ask me questions later." Margot said and grabbed the first aid from Soda's hands.

Darry snatched it back from her, "Sit back and let me clean you up." He sat down next to her. "But- I can do it myself." Margot reached for the box and Darry held it out of reach.

"I don't care, you're hurt and I'm helping you now sit back." He demanded and Margot sighed and complied. While he cleaned her up Soda sneaked over to the phone.

"Ow! If you're going to help me then do it gently, I'm already hurt enough." He heard Margot grumble. He dialed the number and was growing impatient the longer the phone rang.

Someone picked up from the other end, "Hello?" An unknown voice spoke. "Hi, I'm looking for Dallas Winston, is he there?" Soda asked.

"I don't know."

Soda rolled his eyes and tried to keep his cool, "Can you go find him?" He asked, more harshly. He heard the guy sigh from the other end, "Yeah, hold up." The guy put him on hold.

Soda tapped the wall impatiently as he waited.

Dallas laid in bed smoking a cigarette when there was a knock on the door, he sighed and stood up and opened the door.


"Someone's on the phone for you." The guy said and walked off. Dallas ran a hand down his face and put the cigarette out and went downstairs and to the phone.

"Yeah?" He said into the phone.

"Dallas, it's Soda."

"Oh, hey man, I can't talk right now I'm-"

"It's about Margot, something happened, it's pretty bad man." Soda said. Dallas felt his heart drop, "What?" His mouth went dry and his eyebrows scrunched with worry. "Just get to the house." Soda said.

"On my way."

Dallas to the rescue🥰

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now