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"OW! STEVE GET off my ass!" Margot shoved him back after he had stepped on shoe and almost made her trip and fall. "I'm not on your ass! Maybe walk a little faster." Steve shot back.

"Evie you better get your boyfriend before I push him into that bush." Margot pointed at a nearby bush and Evie laughed. "I'd actually like to see that."

Steve glared at her and she gave him a grin, "I'm just kidding, now leave her alone, yeah? Im afraid she'll actually push you into that bush." Evie said and Margot snickered.

"Oh he knows I will."

They were walking to Bucks since he was having a party and Dallas had invited them. Isla wrapped an arm around the girls shoulder, "So, what's the deal tonight? Dallas gonna pretend like he doesn't know you or is he gonna show you off?" She asked.

Margot looked at her best friend, "Don't know, guess we'll just have to see won't we?"

They knocked on the door and Buck let them in. "Hey welcome to the party, drinks on me tonight guys." Buck patted the boys on the back and they did their little man handshake.

"Sweet!" Margot heard Pony fist bump and she turned to him, "I see you even pick up a beer and I'll shove it up your ass." She pointed a finger at him and he pouted.

"If I can't drink then why am I here?"

"Because Darry finally let you come to your first party and his only rule was to not let you drink, so you're not drinking."

"Since when do you listen to Darry?"

"Quit being a smartass and go find Johnny." Margot shoved him off. She turned to Soda and stuck her finger in his ear and he swatted her hand away, "What about you? Getting drunk tonight?" She asked him.

"No, you know I don't get drunk."

"Well yeah but you're depressed, depressed people get drunk to ease the pain." Margot said and Soda rolled his eyes. "I'm not depressed just sad, there's a difference."

"Hm, guess it's just me then."

Soda smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "Let's get you a drink then you depressed little shit." He led her to the bar and got her a drink.

"So you're not drinking tonight?" Margot asked him as she downed her own drink. "No, unlike some people I don't need beer to drown my feelings." Soda said.

Margot scoffed, "Okay show off."

"Where's your boyfriend? He's the one who invited us here." Soda looked around the room. "Don't know, probably around here somewhere, I sent Pony to find Johnny and told him he couldn't drink so you make sure he doesn't." Margot said.

"Got it, I'll go find him." Soda stood up and walked off to find Pony. Margot ordered another drink and scanned the room and saw Steve and Evie dancing and she smiled to herself.

They looked so cute together, and Steve looked genuinely happy around her. She looked by the stairs to see Isla making out with some dude and she snickered and shook her head.

"That better be your first drink."

Margot smirked at the sound of the very familiar New York accent, "It's my second one, actually, but you know, close." Margot shrugged and Dallas smiled and grabbed the drink from her hand and drank it himself.

"Hey, that was mine asshole."

"Hey, chill out with the name calling will ya? I'm your boyfriend now, maybe it's time you start calling me that." Dallas said and Margot looked at him.

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now