Twenty two

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

MARGOT WAS TIRED, she was sick and tired of school, of Darry always breathing down her neck about her grades, of her stupid job and all the stupid customers, she was tired of life in general.

All she wanted was a break, why couldn't she just have one?

Christmas was around the corner which meant it was time for Christmas break, and that meant finals. Margot had spent the last few weeks working her ass off in getting all her work turned in and studying for each class.

She was grateful to have Pony there to help her study, thank god he was born smart.

Her and Pony sat on the living room floor, their books and papers laid out all over the floor around them. Johnny sat on the couch watching them study, Margot knew he didn't want to study for finals because in his own words he had said, "I'm going to fail anyway, what's the point?"

In which she responded, "I don't care, you either study or you can watch us study." She thought it was better to at least make him watch, maybe if he watched them he'd remember some of what they were studying and he wouldn't fail.

"Shouldn't Steve and Two-Bit be here? Why am I the only one watching?" Johnny asked, Margot could tell he was bored. "Steve's working and Two-Bit's never taken a final in his life." Margot answered.

"Why do you think he's still in high school?" Pony scoffed. The door opened and Margot looked up to see Dallas saunter in, she felt her face heating up and she quickly looked back down at her books.

Pony looked up, "Oh, hey Dal."

Johnny nodded his head in greeting, "Sup Johnny." Dallas sat next to him.

The past month Margot had tried her best to avoid him, she thought that these feelings, if that's what you would even call them, would go away after a week or two, but they didn't.

She had found herself actually looking for him, seeking him out. Every time the gang came over she would silently hope that he would be there too. It baffled her how quickly her feelings for him had changed, one day she went from hating his guts to actually wanting him around.

No matter how many times Isla told her that she liked him and had a "crush" on him, she refused to admit that she liked him. She didn't want to like him, she didn't want to be one of the many girls that fell for his charm and looks, only to end up a one night stand and tossed to the side.

She wouldn't be that girl.

She felt someone lightly kick her back and she turned her head to glare at the person. Dallas smirked and Margot wanted nothing more than to smack that look off his face. She hated how cocky he was, like he could get away with about anything, well not on her watch.

"Get your dirty feet off me." She smacked his leg away, "Who you calling dirty?" He leaned forward, staring into her eyes, he was challenging her, she could tell.

"Who do you think?"

Dallas smirked and leaned even closer so that their faces were merely inches apart, "You wish I'd do dirty things to you." He whispered so only she could hear him.

His words sent chills down her spine and caused her face to heat up. She looked away not knowing how to respond to that and Dallas' smirk only grew when he noticed the affect he had on her.

She knew he was teasing her, but deep down she wished he wasn't.

"Get a room." Pony commented, not looking up from his book. Margot smacked his head and he looked up to glare at her.

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