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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

AFTER A LOT of begging the manager finally let Margot have the job, she was now a waitress. He told her that she would start Monday right after school and to not be late. She promised him she wouldn't be and skipped back home.

"You get the job?" Soda asked her, "Yeah, it took a lot of begging but he finally gave it to me." Margot said. "About time you start pulling your weight." Soda said and Margot smacked his shoulder.

They were up in her room hanging out.

"Shut up, I'm just glad that Darry even let me get a job." Margot said. "Yeah I don't know why he's so worried about you having one, I have one and I'm perfectly fine." Soda shrugged.

"That's what I said! But he said that because you didn't go to school it was easier, like okay so? I can do both." Margot said.

"I think you can, you've always been good at the school thing, unlike me, which is why I dropped out." Soda shrugged. "You're not stupid Soda, sure you act like it but." Margot shrugged and it was Soda's turn to smack her shoulder.

Margot laughed, "I'm serious though, you're not stupid, school just wasn't your thing and that's understandable."

"Tell Pony that, he hates that I dropped out." Soda said. "He just looks up to you, he won't ever admit it to me but we all know you're his favorite." Margot whispered.

Soda smirked, "Can you blame him?"

Margot rolled her eyes and stood up, "Your ego is as big as your head." She commented. "My head is not big." He defended.

"Besides, we're twins, which means you have a big head too." Soda said. "That's not how it works." Margot grabbed a pillow, "I guess you are stupid after all." She smacked him in the head with the pillow.

Soda grabbed the pillow from her after she successfully hit him in the face with it and chased her down the stairs.

"Hey knock it off! One of you is going to fall again and break an arm!" Darry shouted. It wasn't the first time they had chased each other down the stairs, last time Soda had pushed Margot and she fell and cracked her head open.

Of course this was when their parents were still alive so they both had gotten grounded and Margot was the only one stuck with stitches in her head, she still had a scar from it too.

She got him back by cutting half his hair off in the middle of the night with scissors. He walked around for weeks with an uneven hairdo, he wore hats everyday until their dad took him to the barbershop and got his head evened out.

She had gotten a good scolding from it but it was totally worth it. Growing up with three brothers taught her that payback was a bitch, and how to fight of course.

Before their parents died and before Darry had to act parent he used to chase her down the stairs too. Him and Soda would always tag team her whenever they fought and she always ended up on the floor with a bunch of bruises. It was easier to beat Soda up since they were the same age but Darry was bigger, she could never win against him.

Not even now when they argued.

Soda smacked the back of Margot's head and ran off into the kitchen where he knew she couldn't get him. "Screw you Soda! You better sleep with a hat on!" She shouted.

Pony snickered at the memory of a young Sodapop walking around with a bad haircut. Pony would join in on their fights when they were younger but since he was smaller they would take it more easy on him. Margot though, treated him like a servant.

She would always tell him what to do, she would make him fetch stuff for her, get her food, all kinds of things. Since he was younger and didn't know any better he did what he was told. She would always get in trouble for doing it but that didn't stop her.

Of course now that he was older and had some common sense she couldn't tell him what to do anymore, thanks to stupid puberty all he did now was try fighting with her.

She would always win because unlike Pony, she had years of experience of always fighting with Soda and Darry.

The next day at school Lucas caught up with Margot walking alone to class. "Hey, are you free tonight?" He asked her. "I should be, yeah, why?" She asked. "I was wondering if you wanted to come watch a movie with me, without my friends this time of course." Lucas said.

Margot smiled, "I'd love to."

"Great, meet again at the park then? Say six-thirty?" Lucas asked and Margot nodded, "Yep, sounds good, see you tonight Lucas." She waved him goodbye and walked into her class.

"Guess what, I have another date tonight." Margot grinned, "Oh my god! That's my girl, maybe this time he'll kiss you." Isla nudged her shoulder with Margot's.

Margot hid her blush and the boys looked at them with a disgusted look. "I can't believe your dating that tool." Two-Bit shook his head.

"Yeah it's gross, I mean he's a soc, you can't even trust him." Pony said. "No, you can't trust him, you won't even give him a chance because he's a soc." Margot defended him.

"Even if it doesn't work out between them she can always just take his money, he is rich after all." Isla shrugged. Margot smiled, "Now that I can get on board with, don't think of it as dating the enemy, think of it as dating a rich man who can get you whatever you want." Margot said.

The boys all leaned, "Like what?"

"Whatever I ask him for, if he really likes me then he'll get me what I want without a second thought." Margot smirked.

The boys all gave each other looks, "Now that sounds like a man you can date." Steve grinned.

"Tell him to give me a car, mines on the verge of breaking down." Two-Bit said. "Okay maybe he can't give me a car but little things like jewelry." Margot said.

"Then what's he good for?"

"Hey, I'm dating him, not you so back off." She pointed her fork at them.

"When are you telling Soda?" Pony asked. "Yeah, you two tell each other everything." Steve added. Margot looked down and played with her food.


I love writing Soda and Margot's relationship. It's a big change from just writing romantic scenes about him to now writing him as a sibling which is weird but it's cute🤷🏻‍♀️

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